2022 | February Issue
Your Quarterly News & Updates
MCACHE provides a local forum for the open exchange of information and viewpoints. In doing so, we help enhance the decision-making expertise and professional development with major responsibility for healthcare management in Southeast Michigan and Northwest Ohio – all while promoting the mission and vision of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE).

Vision: To dramatically improve the health and wellness of our communities in Southeast Michigan and Northwest Ohio by being a premier society of healthcare leaders.
President's Message
David T. Brooks, FACHE, MHSA

On behalf of our entire Board of Directors, welcome to the Midwest Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives (MCAHCE)! The chapter is almost 900 members strong and a distinguished chapter of the national ACHE. We are a community of professionals at all levels in their careers. We are a developing force for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice. Also, we are a network of colleagues, friends, partners, and neighbors. 
MCACHE is committed to enhancing the health care profession for all the communities we serve, along with developing your healthcare leadership skills and career.

MCACHE offers diverse continuing education and learning opportunities – both virtually and as safely as we can provide, in-person. There are many opportunities for networking, social connection, collegial fun, and energizing activities.  We give back and make our communities a better place through organized community service projects. Support is given to those entering the health care profession both through our Emerging Leaders group and with a strong network of six health administration college and graduate programs in southeast Michigan and northern Ohio.  
I encourage you to get involved. Attend educational programs and enhance and develop your skills. Join in on a networking event and meet your peers in the profession. Serve in community service activities supporting important local nonprofits. Engage with students and emerging professionals. Advance your ACHE status to Fellow, the pinnacle of our profession’s distinction.
You will find much support within the chapter. Please reach out to me or any of our Board members in regards to answering any questions or to help support YOUR connection to MCACHE. We would love to get to know you and it would be our pleasure to help serve our fellow leaders and our vital profession.
Regent's Message
Thomas B. Lanni, Jr., FACHE, MBA
Regent for Michigan and Northwest Ohio

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday season. With the start of a new year, I would have thought we might have been in a different place from a year ago. Unfortunately, the pandemic has continued to test our resiliency and ability to lead in the face of adversity.   As servant leaders, we must continue to bring out the best in our teams and guide them through this challenge. Our teams and community are counting on us to lead the way beyond the pandemic. However, there is one thing that must be kept front and center: your own personal health and wellness. I am hoping that each of you has found ways to break away and recharge your batteries. We are unable to lead others if we don’t take care of ourselves. We will get through this together, one step at a time.

2022 Congress on Healthcare Leadership - ADVANCE

Congress this year is being held in-person from March 28 - 31 (earn up to 12 face-to-face credits.) There will be a leadership forum virtual symposium from April 11 - 12 (earn up to 6 face-to-face credits). This year’s Congress agenda has more than 150 education and networking sessions. Some of the featured faculty for 2022 Congress includes:

  • Jon Meacham—Opening Session – Parker B. Francis Distinguished Lecture: Hope Through History on Monday, March 28.
  • Ashish K. Jha, MD—Arthur C. Bachmeyer Memorial Address and Luncheon: The Future of the U.S. Healthcare System on Monday, March 28.
  • Nancy Snyderman, MD—Malcolm T. MacEachern Memorial Address and Luncheon: Workforce Solutions for the Modern World of Healthcare on Tuesday, March 29.
  • Hakeem M. Oluseyi, Ph.D.—Leon I. Gintzig Commemorative Address: A Quantum Life: My Unlikely Journey from the Street to the Stars on Wednesday, March 30.

Some new additions to Congress this year:
  • Joint Federal Sector Day—Thursday, March 31.
  • Ignite Stage in the Solutions Center.
  • CEO-Exclusive sessions.
  • Expanded networking reception options.

I highly encourage everyone to take the time to review the information. If you have any questions related to registration or Congress, you can find more information on the ACHE website https://congress.ache.org/.

ACHE 2022 – 2024 Strategic Plan

The Board of Governors approved the 2022–2024 Strategic Plan in December 2021. We appreciate all the input that was shared and gathered as we went through this process.  If you have not had a chance to see the new plan, you can now find a strategic plan graphic and narrative with the following link. 2022-2024-Strategic-Plan-Narrative-FINAL (ache.org)

Recertification Extensions

ACHE recently received an increased volume of inquiries regarding FACHE recertification. ACHE has recognized our leaders are balancing numerous priorities and want to ensure we keep Fellow benefits available during this critical time. Therefore, ACHE is extending the recertification deadline for the 2020 and 2021 classes to April 30, 2022.
Online Education Events

ACHE offers virtual face-to-face education credits if you are unable to participate at Congress this year. There are several sessions currently listed on the Education website; however, capacity is limited. If you are interested in any of these sessions, you can find more information on the following link https://www.ache.org/learning-center/education-and-events/virtual-face-to-face-courses.
Previous Programs and Events
MCACHE Emerging Leaders Recap of the December 7, 2021 - "State of the State"
On Tuesday, December 7, more than 35 emerging leaders tuned in for our annual State of the State address from our leading experts from the Michigan Health & Hospital Association. Adam Carlson, Senior Vice President, Advocacy of the MHA graciously provided the group with an update on important topics affecting healthcare such as next year’s mid-term election, redistricting, and both state and federal policy. A big thanks to Adam for spending the evening with us all virtually! A group of emerging leaders also stuck around after the presentation to participate in a fun round of virtual Pictionary where the winners got to select a MCACHE endorsed charity to donate to. MCACHE will be making a $150 donation on behalf of the Emerging Leaders to All Things Women, Inc – a group providing supportive services for homeless women, families, and veterans in Michigan.
C-Suite Conversation with Linda Larin, COO, Michigan Medicine - January 18, 2022
Kenneth Rates, MHSA, MBA, Administrative Manager Intermediate, Michigan Medicine
Co-Chair, MCACHE Membership Committee

American business executive and previous Chief Executive Officer of General Electric, Jack Welch, said it first and best, “before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” This quote adequately sums up MCACHE’s Virtual Conversation with a C-Suite Executive, Linda Larin, Chief Operating Officer for Michigan Medicine on January 18, 2022. The event was perfect for those looking to grow themselves and served as a platform for Linda, a well-established executive in the healthcare space, to assist in growing others. Three notable themes were touched on during the event; work/life balance, resources needed to succeed in your career and the qualities that C-Suite people look for when hiring people to work for them.

The Covid-19 pandemic has raised awareness of work/life balance and burnout to all-new levels. Linda Larin shared some insightful knowledge on how to maintain a safe work/life balance. First and foremost, the higher up you climb in an organization the more balanced you need to be in your life. Her main tips are to eat well and sleep well to ensure you have strong physical, mental, and spiritual health. Linda offers two pieces of advice; work is work and it is just a job and to take the time to do what you need to do for yourself. This could be maternity leave, paid time off, bereavement leave, and more. Your career will span 40-50 years, the time you take for yourself are mere blips in the entire span of your career. She advises that you must manage what is really and truly important to have a good foundation for success.

As one advance in their career, external information becomes more and more relevant. As a mid-level manager, Linda notes, she would read most anything; books, articles, journals. As a C-Level executive, she needs to be stronger in what is going on outside of her institution. To accomplish this, she advises seeking individuals who are content experts in certain areas to help guide your decisions. These could be experts in engineering, facilities, quality, finance, and more. It is also important to not just connect with these individuals but to surround yourself with them. As an early careerist, she felt it was important to have all the answers. As a C-Level executive, it is more important to have all the questions. One final piece of advice she offers for early careerists and mid-level managers is not to be such a perfectionist. Perfection can, at times, delay your product. You want the product to be good enough that it is intelligent but if you work for perfection you could end up holding yourself back. A critical solution to overcoming this is to build real, authentic relationships.

What qualities are sought after to succeed for individuals who report to and aspire to be a C-Level executive? There are many, as Linda points out. She looks for individuals who are team players and who can effectively facilitate what is needed. Linda also points out that kindness, humility, and listening skills are crucial for future success. It is also important, as a report to a C-Level executive, to be mindful that executives cannot always disclose every piece of information they have. C-Level executives are tasked with decision-making that requires information that is oftentimes confidential and sensitive. One final piece of advice she offers for C-Level executives is succession planning. The minute she got into her current position she immediately began looking to groom someone to replace her. Successful succession planning is required for any organization to be successful in the future.

In closing, Linda shares that it is important to know what you want out of your career, to stick to a solid leadership plan, to remain nimble in times of crisis, and that to change a culture you must make it a team-based approach. A special thank you goes out to MCACHE from Linda Larin, for hosting these events as they represent an opportunity few individuals have, which is to connect on an intimate level with a C-Level executive. 
Upcoming Programing

Noon - 1:30 p.m. (EST) - Virtual Zoom
$25 - MCACHE Member
$35 - Non-Member
$10 - Student
{1.5 ACHE Face-to-Face credits}
*You must attend the entire time to earn the credits. 

Mittens for Detroit "Big Sort" with MCACHE

Spots are limited for this event and fill quickly so please use the link below to register for the shift you will be attending as follows:
Shift #1 8:30am - 10:30am - https://conta.cc/3KC9tcl
Shift #2 11:00am - 1:00pm - https://conta.cc/33K3Rfz
Where: Basement Level 1 First National Building - 660 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48226 Deadline for registration is February 21st, 2022

The next MCACHE Emerging Leaders Community Engagement event will be on Saturday, February 26, 2022, and will be conducted within two shifts (Shift #1 8:30 am - 10:30 am / Shift #2 11:00 am - 1:00 pm) with Mittens for Detroit. Since its founding in 2010, Mittens for Detroit’s mission is to collect, purchase, and distribute new mittens and gloves to children, teens, and adults in need in Detroit and underserved surrounding areas. Our group will be assisting with sorting, counting, and packaging mittens and gloves to be distributed to the various agencies including schools, shelters, veterans groups, food pantries, and other locations that serve people in need.
Due to current COVID-19 surges, this event will be held in two shifts of 10 participants. When registering, be sure to select the specific time slot (8:30 am - 10:30 am or 11:00 am - 1:00 pm) that you plan to attend. Please also note that this event will be hosted in the First National Building near Campus Martius in Downtown Detroit. Lastly, this event requires participants to be vaccinated for COVID-19 and to wear masks during the entirety of the shift. 

Please feel free to reach out to Tyler Vogt (tvogt11@gmail.com), Shamole Ahmed (sahmed22@hfhs.org), and David Cicala (dcicala2@hfhs.org) if you have any questions. 
Hope to see you all there! 
Save the Date - Networking at the Toledo Zoo Aquarium
Registration 6 - 6:30 pm
Introductions 6:30 pm
Food & Networking 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Meeting Location at Zoo: Aquarium - upon arrival let the attendant know you are with MCACHE and you will be directed to the event venue.
Appetizers and a cash bar.

Registration will open soon.
ACHE Student Scholarships - The Deadline to Apply is Approaching
Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarship (Applications will be accepted until March 31, 2022) For racially and/or ethnically diverse, as well as LGBTQ students only.

The Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives established this scholarship in honor of Albert W. Dent, the first African-American Fellow of ACHE. This scholarship is offered to provide financial aid to racially/ethnically students in healthcare management graduate programs to help offset tuition costs, student loans, and expenses.

Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship (Applications will be accepted until March 31, 2022.)

The Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives established this scholarship in honor of Foster G. McGaw, the founder of the American Hospital Supply Corporation. This scholarship is offered to provide financial aid to students in healthcare management graduate programs to help offset tuition costs, student loans, and expenses.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer and Get Involved
The word volunteer is defined as “a person who undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service or to do something” -- a similar definition could be used for leadership.
Enhance your membership experience by being actively engaged in YOUR MCACHE Chapter. Your strengths, skills, and competencies are invaluable in helping to elevate the Healthcare Executive profession, and volunteering is a great leadership development tool and way to connect with others.

Complete the Willingness to Serve Form if you'd like to volunteer! MCACHE is especially looking for volunteers for the MCACHE Communication Committee.

Not quite sure yet how you’d like to help? Send a note to mcache@achemail.net. — we will work with you to find the perfect fit.
Welcome! New MCACHE Members
Erik Arlen
Lalit Arora, MBA
Rory Baker
Bradley Bescoe
Joseph C. Brown, DHA
Wassim Chehouri, DO
Danielle Crawford
John Crawford, MBA
Delicia Dimberg
Jody Drewry, MSW
Darren Evans
Rev. Gerald I. Fisher-Curley, DSW
Michael Fritsch, PhD
Emily Gotowicki
Kymberlyn James-Brown
Michael Mannina
Abigail Mathias, MBA
Ayub Mohiuddin
Santosh Mudiraj
Michael Saleh, MPH, MBA, MA
Kevin Shul
Tina L. Stroich
Alejandra A. Villanueva Gallegos, MHA
Congratulations to those that became a Fellow of MCACHE in November & December of 2021!
Don W. Beery, FACHE
Angela Brandt, FACHE
Tara L. Hearn, FACHE
Brandan G. Snyder, FACHE
Therese Tamer, FACHE
Thank you to our MCACHE 2022 Sponsors
In Michigan, Ascension operates 16 hospitals and hundreds of related healthcare facilities that together employ over 23,000 associates. Across the state, Ascension provided over $311 million in community benefit and care of persons living in poverty in FY2020. Serving Michigan for over 140 years, Ascension is a faith-based healthcare organization dedicated to transformation through innovation across the continuum of care.

As one of the leading non-profit and Catholic health systems in the U.S., Ascension is committed to delivering compassionate, personalized care to all, with special attention to persons living in poverty and those most vulnerable. In FY2020, Ascension provided $2.4 billion in care of persons living in poverty and other community benefit programs. Ascension includes more than 160,000 associates and 40,000 aligned providers. The national health system operates more than 2,600 sites of care – including 146 hospitals and more than 40 senior living facilities – in 19 states and the District of Columbia while providing a variety of services including clinical and network services, venture capital investing, investment management, biomedical engineering, facilities management, risk management, and contracting through Ascension’s own group purchasing organization. Visit www.ascension.org.
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of AstraZeneca, is an American pharmaceutical company headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts that specializes in orphan drugs to treat rare diseases. Its products include eculizumab (Soliris) with $4.064 billion in 2020 revenues and ravulizumab (Ultomiris) with $1.076 billion in 2020 revenues, both used to treat the rare disorders of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH); asfotase alfa (Strensiq) with $731 million in 2020 revenues, used to treat hypophosphatasia; sebelipase alfa (Kanuma) with $117 million in 2020 revenues, used to treat lysosomal acid lipase deficiency, and andexanet alfa (Andexxa) with $78 million in 2020 revenues, used to stop life-threatening or uncontrollable bleeding in people who are taking rivaroxaban or apixaban. With costs that can reach as much as $2 million per year, the drugs manufactured by Alexion are some of the most expensive drugs worldwide. https://alexion.com/ 
Select Medical is one of the largest operators of critical illness recovery hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, outpatient rehabilitation clinics, and occupational health centers in the United States based on the number of facilities. As of June 30, 2020, Select Medical operated 101 critical illness recovery hospitals in 28 states, 29 rehabilitation hospitals in 12 states, and 1,757 outpatient rehabilitation clinics in 37 states and the District of Columbia. Select Medical’s joint venture subsidiary Concentra operated 522 occupational health centers in 41 states. Concentra also provides contract services at employer worksites. On June 30, 2020, Select Medical had operations in 47 states and the District of Columbia. Information about Select Medical is available at www.selectmedical.com.
Founded in 1915 by auto pioneer Henry Ford and now one of the nation's leading health care providers, Henry Ford Health System is committed to improving the health and well-being of our diverse Michigan community.

It is comprised of Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, Henry Ford Hospital Wyandotte, Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals, Henry Ford Kingswood Hospital, Henry Ford Hospital West Bloomfield, Henry Ford Allegiance Health, and numerous medical centers. Henry Ford Health System also includes one of the nation's largest group practices, the Henry Ford Medical Group, which includes more than 1,200 physicians practicing in over 40 specialties. In 1986, Health Alliance Plan (HAP) joined the Henry Ford Health System family.

With more than 30,000 employees, Henry Ford Health System is the fifth-largest employer in metro Detroit, and among the most diverse.  For more information, please visit https://www.henryford.com/
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit mutual insurance company, is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. BCBSM provides health benefits to more than 4.7 million members residing in Michigan in addition to employees of Michigan-headquartered companies residing outside the state. The company has been committed to delivering affordable health care products through a broad variety of plans for businesses, individuals, and seniors for 82 years. Beyond health care coverage, BCBSM supports impactful community initiatives and provides leadership in improving health care. For more information, visit bcbsm.com and MiBluesPerspectives.com.
As the nation's largest health care-focused law firm, Hall Render is distinguished by our attorneys' extensive knowledge and experience. Health law attorneys across the country provide organizations in the highly regulated health care industry with full-service legal representation. Commitment and experience complement the firm's understanding of the evolving landscape of today's health care industry, distinguishing Hall Render as one of the nation's preeminent health care law firms. www.hallrender.com
The HCS Group is Michigan’s premier provider of mobile imaging services. Based in Plymouth, Michigan, and established in 2005, The HCS Group offers clients comprehensive management solutions along with unparalleled value in the delivery of high-quality imaging services. Our turnkey resource management team handles everything from recruiting top-notch technical staff to comprehensive marketing and sales services to patient scheduling. Under The HCS Group umbrella we have also established IntelliAuth360 which provides insurance pre-authorization, Ultra-X Imaging which provides mobile x-ray and ultrasound services, and Options Staffing 360 which provides supplemental staffing services for the healthcare industry.

At The HCS Group, our culture drives our strategy. We are committed to creating a culture that focuses on people, passion, partnership, and performance. Selected as a Detroit Free Press Top Workplaces, for the past four years, we are grateful for our employees and the commitment they have made to providing exceptional service. To find out more, please visit us at The HCS Group.com or check us out on social media at The HCS Group Facebook and The HCS Group Linkedin.
HED is an architecture and engineering firm with offices in eight cities. We have a reputation for design excellence, believing that all the facets of design must create a positive impact. Nowhere is this more relevant than in the delivery of world-class healthcare environments, which demand continuous learning, adaptation, and experience—along with constantly navigating the complex healthcare landscape. From evolving treatment modalities and changing healthcare laws, to strict building codes and funding uncertainties, we guide our clients to deliver exceptional patient care through excellent design. To learn more, visit hed.design
Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems Inc. (JJHCS) provides contracting supply chain, and business services to customers of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson including hospital systems and group purchasing organizations, health plans, physicians, specialty pharmacy providers, distributors, and wholesalers, pharmacy benefits managers, long-term care providers, employers, government payer programs and government health care institutions. jnj.com
Patina Solutions Group is a non-traditional consultancy specializing in outcome-driven solutions for complex issues in Healthcare across Operations, Revenue Cycle, Technology, Interim Leadership, and Executive Placement. Patina is delivering compelling engagements across its 11 offices in the U.S. patinasolutions.com
Established in 2015 under The HCS Group umbrella of companies, Ultra-X Imaging is Michigan and northern Ohio’s comprehensive solution for mobile diagnostic imaging services. With its office in Southfield, Michigan, Ultra-X Imaging can perform diagnostic imaging health services for skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and in the comfort of the patient’s own home.

Recognized as the most efficient and reputable 24/7 mobile x-ray and ultrasound service, Ultra-X Imaging has achieved “Triple Aim” (enhanced patient satisfaction, improved quality through better coordination of care, and reduced cost) by working with local health systems. Our UlltraLynk® systems improve quality by comparing images throughout the continuum—eliminating ER visits and readmission as a result. Since its development, Ultra-X Imaging’s culture which is founded on people, passion, partnership, and performance has landed it on the Detroit Free Press Top Work Places for the past four years. To learn more please visit us at Ultra-X Imaging or visit our social media at Ultra-X Imaging Facebook and Ultra-X Imaging Linkedin
The Department of Health Management and Policy (HMP) at the University of Michigan School of Public Health offers innovative and challenging degree programs that provide the knowledge and skills needed for leadership in health services management and health policy.

Courses in our top-ranked program are taught by world-renowned faculty members with active research programs. The department’s dedicated and talented alumni network has made important and lasting contributions to the nation's public health and healthcare systems.

Our alumni hold key leadership positions in local, state, federal and international government agencies; health insurance plans; community-based programs for disadvantaged groups; health policy research and advocacy organizations; and hospitals, clinics, HMOs, and health centers in the U.S. and abroad.
Contact Us

We want to hear from you… If you have suggestions or story ideas for the newsletter, please contact:

Medija Shaska, FACHE, PMP, Communications Committee Chairperson Medija.Shaska@coniferhealth.com
Joseph Colombo, MHSA, Communication Committee Co-Chairperson


Social Media Coordinator:
Caitlyn N. Hakim caitlynhakim@gmail.com

Contact MCACHE: mcache@achemail.net

Stay Connected
Are any of your colleagues not receiving MCACHE Chapter emails? Please advise them to add mcache@achemail.net to their safe senders or safe recipients list. 
Please Note: Internal corporate systems may still cause our emails to be caught in spam filters, in which case they need to have mcache@achemail.net added to their "good list".