FBC Raleigh News • April 11, 2023

Prior to returning to Raleigh, I was a member of two different Episcopal churches (we moved a few times over the last 15 years). Although I had wonderful experiences at both churches, every time I attended a CBFNC Annual Gathering, I felt the pull of being a Cooperative Baptist. This year was no different. For me the Annual Gathering is rejuvenating and educational. It is a chance to reconnect with friends, make new friends, interact with the exhibitors, attend workshops, meet some of our field personnel, and experience worship. 

This year started with a wonderful Leadership Forum led by Dr Kristen Du Mez, a historian and author, on Which Jesus Do We Follow? This was an insightful and meaningful program. The Annual Gathering began at 3:30pm with a worship service with music from the Wake Forest University Gospel Choir and Dr Paul Baxley, CBF Executive Director, as our worship proclaimer. At this service we had the chance to have an interactive prayer experience. We were asked to pray for our fellowship by weaving our prayers with those of others into a prayer web. It was a meaningful experience. We also had an update from Mina and Gennady Podgaisky about the situation in Ukraine.

The next day began with coffee fellowship and a short morning gathering. We then had a chance to attend two workshops before the annual business meeting and final worship service. There were so many good workshops planned that it was hard to select which session to attend. They covered topics from reclaiming religious freedom, housing and hospitality, caring for our creation, together for hope — transforming rural America, disaster response, and children and youth ministry think-tank for a total of 17 workshops.

The Gathering ended with a business session and our final worship experience. For this service, we had a worship band and Jayne Davis, Assoc. Pastor Discipleship from FBC Wilmington as our worship proclaimer. We again had the chance to add our personal and corporate prayers to the prayer web. 

I always come away reinvigorated and excited to do and learn more. The dates for the CBF Annual Meeting are June 2830 in Atlanta, GA. I have already registered and made my airfare and hotel arrangements (along with Nancy Phillips). Hope to see you there. - Sheila Jordan


I have good news and better news. Not only did we meet our goal of $20,000 for our Global Mission Offering, but we also exceeded our goal and reached $23,004. Reaching our monetary goal is just numbers, but the best news is that this offering ensures our CBF field personnel can continue to reach out to those in need both spiritually and economically. We have heard the stories from many of them right here from our own pulpit. We have worked alongside them when opportunities arose. Our GAs, RAs, and Mission Friends learn about them on Wednesday nights. Just ask them. Better yet, come to our Mission Celebration Night on Wednesday, May 17, and hear our children as they present what they learned this year about CBF Missions. Thank you for your prayers, support, and generous gifts for this year’s Global Mission Offering. - Nancy Moore Phillips, WMU Director 

In April, we are collecting women’s personal hygiene items. These items are not covered by Medicaid and are always needed at both our clothing ministry as well as Oak City Cares. You may put your donations in the marker drawer in the Lewis Lobby cabinet anytime before the end of the month. If you have questions, please contact Cara Lynn Vogel.


“This is the day that the Lord has made: Rejoice and be glad in it,” the children sang, “Jesus, our Lord, is risen today: Alleluia!”

Thanks to the children, parents, and families who shared the gift of song with us this Easter in worship. Indeed!

If you're a resident of Wake County, you know that the affordable housing crisis in our city has reached an all-time high. As a church, we are doing what we can to make a difference with Housing All, our emergency assistance fund that helps members of our community with rental and utility assistance. But what can we do to make a broader impact in our community? How might our church be a part of the solution that creates a more sustainable housing network for all of our neighbors? When the Dream Team polled community leaders during one of our listening sessions last year, affordable housing was one of the biggest needs they addressed for our city. One Wake is a non-partisan, multi-racial, multi-issue group of religious congregations, associations, and other non-profits in Wake County trying to make a difference with this growing issue. In partnership with One Wake and Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, we will be hosting a listening session in our Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, May 2 from 78:30pm. In addition to other downtown churches, you're invited to come and discuss ways that we might partner together to make a difference with housing in our city. Please help us spread the word and save the date! For questions or further information, email Leah.
FBC will be providing volunteers to participate in a Habitat for Humanity project off Poole Road here in Raleigh. The dates we are scheduled for are: Saturday, April 22, and Saturday, May 20. If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please contact John Baldwin by email or phone (919-600-9124).

If you are looking for ways to connect or reconnect with fellow members of the FBC family, the Nominating Committee would like to suggest that being a part of one of our many church committees is a great way to get engaged! We have many different types of committees—from Hospitality to Community Outreach to Finance and so much more—that guide the work of our church as a whole. And being a part of a committee is a great way to make new connections with familiar faces at FBC. If you are interested in a particular committee, or would just like more information about how you can be involved, please email Lynn Loomis or Dolores Bailey.


If you are replacing a 50” or larger flat-screen smart TV that is still in working order, we would be happy to receive it at FBC as a donation. Most of our classrooms are not equipped with monitors for use with PowerPoint or to stream content from the internet. If your TV is 50” (diagonally) or larger, has full working inputs, and a remote, we will find a home for it in a classroom. We even have a dedicated volunteer TV-hanging crew (Charles Petty and Jerry Dudeck) that will mount it. If you have extra HDMI cords and/or you are removing the old wall mount, we would be happy to receive those as well. Please contact Wayne Hager, Church Administrator, before you bring your donation to the church. Thank you!

We are so excited to offer a new Sunday School class for young couples at FBC. If this sounds interesting to you, please join us on Sundays at 9:45am in room 224. Our weekly gatherings will offer food, fellowship, and exciting conversation about fostering strong community and building new connections as we grow together in our faith.

As we continue to spruce up our new classroom, we are looking for a couch and upholstered chairs! If you have some items you'd like to donate, please contact Tonya and Lin Carter and/or Lou Anne and John Liverman

On April 12, Centerpoint will feature a program by Habitat for Humanity of Wake County. Habitat Wake is launching a major new housing community on Poole Road in East Raleigh. We will also hear about their program to train volunteers, including members of faith communities, to advocate for affordable housing in Raleigh and Wake County.  

Centerpoint on April 19 and 26 will feature a presentation on the spiritual applications of the Enneagram, an ancient tool for self-awareness and personal growth. The program will be led by Sam and Melody Harrell. The Harrells were CBF field personnel in Kenya and now live in Hillsborough, where Sam is the executive director of Africa Exchange.  
We invite you to join us for a mid-week fellowship meal Wednesdays at 5:15pm. Reserve your spot at this link to the page on the church website or by calling the church office.

The menus for upcoming Wednesday night suppers are as follows (all meals come with salad and bread):
April 12: hamburger steak and gravy with rice, fried apples, and mixed veggies; non-meat option: non-meat patty; kids: hamburgers.
April 19: chicken fried rice with egg drop soup and Asian vegetables; non-meat option: mock chicken fried rice; kids: spring rolls.
April 26: shrimp and grits with veggie medley; non-meat option: mock shrimp and grits; kids: pizza rolls.
May 3: breakfast for dinner.

Mark your calendar for the following 2023 dates for church conference:
May 24, August 30, September 27,
October 25, November 15, and December 13

  • Wednesday, April 12: Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; Joshua 3:1-17; Matthew 28:1-10
  • Thursday, April 13: Psalm 16; Song of Solomon 2:8-15; Colossians 4:2-5
  • Friday, April 14: Psalm 16; Song of Solomon 5:9-6:3; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
  • Saturday, April 15: Psalm 16; Song of Solomon 8:6-7; John 20:11-20
  • Sunday, April 16: Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31
  • Monday, April 17: Psalm 114; Judges 6:36-40; 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
  • Tuesday, April 18: Psalm 114; Jonah 1:1-17; 1 Corinthians 15:19-28
April 9–15 Suzanne Sanford (919-810-0600 M or 919-779-3174 H)
WEEK AT A GLANCE • April 4–12
Wednesday, April 12
5:15pm Meal served (FH)
5:45pm Children's music (301,307,311)
6:15pm Centerpoint (FH/Zoom)
6:30pm Children's missions (PS/CS)
6:30pm Handbell rehearsal (302)

Thursday, April 13
7am Band of Brothers (Zoom)
10:30am Thirty-Niners (FH)

Friday, April 14–Sunday, April 16
Churchwide retreat (Blue Ridge Assembly, Black Mountain, NC)

Sunday, April 16
9:45am Sunday School
11am Worship (S/YouTube)
11am JBC Worship (226)
6pm Youth supper (301)
6:30pm Youth program (Blue Room)
Monday, April 17
10am Clothing ministry open
6:30pm High School Bible study (Wade home)
6:30pm Music Made in Heaven rehearsal (302)

Tuesday, April 18
10am Staff meeting (CR)
10:45am WMU Group 2 (Springmoor)
1pm WMU Group 2 (Independence Village)

Wednesday, April 19
5:15pm Meal served (FH)
5:45pm Children's music (301,307,311)
6:15pm Centerpoint (FH/Zoom)
6:30pm Children's missions (PS/CS)
6:30pm Handbell rehearsal (302)
7:30pm Adult choir rehearsal (310/S)

Each week, we post And Also With 'Cue's weekly schedule here in Rose Window Weekly as well as on our Facebook page to let you know our lunch schedule and if there will be outside events on the weekend for you to attend.

Come eat with us this week,
April 12–14!

Wednesday–Friday at church, 11am–1:15pm

A link to the entire prayer list may be found below.
Please use your church directory for mailing addresses.

As of April 6, 2023:
Current Week Revenue: $7,544.75
Month-to-Date Revenue: $7,544.75
Year-to-Date Revenue: $447,799.64
Month-to-Date Expenses: $16,686.01
Year-to-Date Expenses: $394,032.73
Global Missions: $23,004.00

To facilitate your giving to FBC, use the QR codes below to link to the website
for our main electronic giving, VANCO Faith, and the page that lists
all our e-giving options and instructions.        
Use this QR code to e-give
to FBC on line.

Use this QR code to e-give through
Paypal and other options.


Do you have an announcement that you would like to include in the Rose Window Weekly? All information must be submitted by Thursday at noon, to be included in the following Tuesday's edition. Just fill out the Google form in the link below, and we'll make sure to include it in next week's publication. For any questions concerning the Rose Window Weekly, contact Jennie Herrick. Email Jennie here.