
Hello! Happy New Year! Can you believe that it's 2022?! In the midst of the pandemic's craziness, I hope you were able to enjoy the holidays to the fullest.

It felt like the end of the year was gone before we knew it! We definitely did not lack things to do around here with our End-of-year Campaign, gift assistance programs, and community partnerships.

We are so grateful for all the support we have received this year. It never ceases to amaze me how compassionate and caring this community is. MCUM's work is possible because of YOU!

Please stay on the lookout for end-of-year numbers, and check out the rest of the newsletter for an update on our EOY campaign and MCUM's first-ever Merry Market!
As always, if you're ever interested in talking more about all the things going on at MCUM, please reach out to Mary Jean or myself!

Happy New Year!

Madison Silvers
Outreach Director