Breslov Bridge
Beshalach/Shabbos Shira 5782
Today's Live Likutey Moharan Shiur - Sunday, the 7th of Shevat (Jan. 9th) - begins at 4:30 pm ISRAEL, 9:30 am EST. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
DAILY LIKUTEY HALAKHOS SHIUR this week at 8:05 am Israel, 1:05 am EST. Speaker: R' Nasan Maimon. To register, contact (Note: shiur begins at 8:15 am on Rosh Chodesh.)
Beshalach - Manna - Then and Now (Video, 2:57)
Hashem regulates income today the same way He has for generations. Based on the sefer Oneg Shabbos. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Breslov Basics 18 - Sometimes a Prayer is Worth More Than What We're Praying For (Video, 2:40)
Hashem doesn't need anything from anyone, so the main way to serve Him is through desire for holiness. Text: Likutey Halakhos, Birkhas HaMazon 4, Para. 20a. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
NaCH: The Book of Remedies - Why Was It Hidden Away? (Captions, 3:02)
Shlomo HaMelech knew the cure to every illness and recorded them in a "Book of Remedies". When his descendant, Chezkiyahu HaMelech, hid this book away, it forced people to turn to Hashem instead of relying only on medicine. Based on 2 Melakhim 20:3, Berakhot 10a-b, and Berkahot 60a. Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld z"l.
Beshalach/Shabbos Shira - Believing is Seeing.
"And they had faith in Hashem and in Moshe, His servant – then Israel sang..." (Parshas Beshalach). In Likutey Halakhos, Orach Chaim 1, Tefillin 6:12, Reb Noson of Nemirov z"l describes how the song in this week's parsha does much more than praise Hashem for His miraculous rescue. It expresses the tremendous joy that results when everyone in Am Yisrael, together, achieves and celebrates emunah.
Breslov Bridge is edited by S. Y. Wurtzel, Jerusalem