April 2023



1 Mark Stabile

4 Michelle Bish

4 Michelle Johnson

5 Steve Matas

18 Patty Patterson

20 Ann LoDico

20 Wendy Stabile

26 Russel Martin


1 Joe & Lori Markiewicz

16 John & Theresa Carr

23 Mark & Ann LoDico

24 Tom & Melinda Ristvey

Spring Work Party

The Spring Work Party will be held on April 29th at 9am. The club will provide a continental breakfast and lunch for everyone. Contributions of soup or a dessert for lunch will be very appreciated. Please let Sue Porter know at 330-307-6769 or 

Mark Your Calendars

Wednesday, June 21st Steak Fry

Saturday, July 1st Family Picnic/ 4th of July Celebration

Saturday, July 29th Summer Party - Luau

Saturday, September 9th Fall Party - Low Country Boil

May Hors D'oevres Party

May 1st at 5pm

The May Hors D'Oevres party will feature a Kentucky Derby Theme. We will have a Blind Bourbon Tasting and a Derby Hat competition.

So get your taste buds ready! Fire up the glue guns and get creative with those hats!

Dock Help Needed

April is planned to be Permanent Dock Restoration Month. During the month of April we will be looking for volunteers to help with dock maintenance activities. We need to remove all of the support poles, straighten them, and reinstall. While we have these poles out we are moving the docks 10 ft further into the lake to make navigation to the inside slips easier. We also need to repair any damage to the docks and apply a fresh coat of stain/sealant. We will be sending more details as the time gets closer, but we'll be looking for help on most weekends for various projects so keep some days open for volunteering at the club. Much of this will be weather permitting so plans may change based on Mother Nature. We'd like to have all of this work done prior to the spring work party when members start to put their boats in the water.

Roof Repair

This will likely be the season we need to replace the aging club house roof. We have started the process of getting quotes. If you are a roofer or know a good roofer please let Dale Lewis, building and grounds chair, know so he can get some additional quotes. We are looking to keep the price down as much as possible so that we can limit the impact to our club funds, primarily funding this through our Maintenance Account.

Youth Sail Camp 2023

New in 2023, the Youth Sail Camp will be a 2-day (Saturday & Sunday, June 24 & 25) Sail Camp for kids ages 10-17. This class will be taught on club owned Sunfish, Topper and American 14.6. Participants will learn to handle a small boat independently or as a crew on the American. We will discuss basic sailing terminology, parts of the boat and their functions, helm commands, sail trim, points of sail, basic seamanship and rules of the road. Camp will be taught by our US Sailing certified volunteer instructors. This class will be limited to 12 participants, and will be only offered to PCC Members, Family and Friends. Please visit our website for more information and to download an application! Email Lidia (or txt 724-967-1910) with any questions. We hope to see you there!

Life Saving Device Donated to the Club!

A "LifeVac" Home Kit has been donated to the club. This device is an alternative method to the Heimlich maneuver to save someone that's chocking on something. The kit comes with 1 adult and 1 child mask.

Please take a few minutes to visit the LifeVac website to learn more about it, especially how to use it!

The device will be stored near the AED. If it's ever used, please contact Ron Gallagher so the mask used can be replaced.

Boat for sale!

1985 Shark 24 in excellent condition

Price: $3500

LOA: 24'

Beam: 6'10"

Draft: 3'2"

Displacement 2100 lbs.

Includes: main, storm jib, 150% genoa, asymmetrical spinnaker, battery, motor (4-stroke, 9.8hp), trailer, cushions, anchor, radio, life jackets, dock lines, bumpers and more. It has been well maintained and has been kept at the Century Club for 36 years.

Please contact Kathylynn Feld: cell 724-234-7580 home 724-667-8943

NEW: PCC Blog!

We have talked about this long enough, it's finally time to make it happen. We have created a new section on our website, a PCC Blog! Topics for our posts will include recipes from our members that we all enjoy during our parties and get togethers, as well as any boat projects you'd like to share. Check out our Blog page here!

To submit a recipe or a boat project you'd like published, please email Lidia. Please include at least one photo of your recipe/project!

Input to our monthly newsletter is encouraged and greatly appreciated! Please email articles and photos to Heather at or text photos to 814-795-7135 by the 25th of each month.

Board of Directors

Bill Gray

Sue Porter

VP/Social Chair


Michelle Bish



Menno Jager



Ron Gallagher

Harbor Master


Dale Lewis

Buildings & Grounds


Ross Cummings

Racing Liaison


Ex-Officio Board Members

Kathy Soriano



Ron Gallagher
Assistant Caretaker

Lidia Gray

PR/Sailing School


Visit our website!