January 2023

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What we have been up to:

  • I2D2 is honored to be featured in Iowa State University's Strategic Plan. See our highlight and some of the other incredible work going on HERE.

  • Last month, Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy hosted a webinar on "Finding A Way Forward" with data sharing agreements". This month, Director Rouse will be joining them for part 2! Register HERE.

Children in Head Start programs with strong partnerships in their school district were 48 times more likely to also be enrolled in the Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program. Previous work demonstrated that children enrolled full-time scored significantly better on academic and social-emotional skills at the end of their preschool year.

See the new data brief HERE.

A recent child care survey showed that, for every four infants and toddlers enrolled in child care, there are three more in the waitlist. This is leaving many families without reliable child care options and costing Iowa families, taxpayers, and businesses.

See the full brief on Themes in Iowa's Child Care conversation HERE.

Using data linkage to monitor COVID-19 vaccination - This paper from the International Journal of Population Data Science discusses how the COVID-19 Vaccination Linked Data Repository in Australia used linked data from the immunization register, hospital admissions, emergency department attendance, and lab data to increase public health utility in their immunization program for vaccine safety, effectiveness, and coverage.

What now? States must act to meet people's data access needs - This article from the Data Quality Campaign discusses the necessary steps States must take in order to make data more accessible. Recommendations include supporting data culture, setting goals for state data systems, and understanding what has happened in the past to inform future work.


As we look forward to 2023, it has been exciting to reflect on our progress since we began I2D2 a few years ago. Our last two years have been our most productive yet, with advancements in our technology solutions, increasing engagement from stakeholders statewide and nationwide, and more incorporation of evidence into discussions and decisions across our early childhood system - from advancing child care to supporting prenatal care. Our plans for next year are to continue this momentum, accelerating Early Childhood Iowa’s Strategic Plan by focusing on areas of our state systems that we know can benefit from better, more relevant, more comprehensive information capable of driving change. We thank you for all your support and fresh ideas. Stay tuned and we will see you soon in the New Year.

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