LWV OPRF November 13 Week in Preview

Second Tuesday

Last Call! Tomorrow, November 14, 9;30am, is the Second Tuesday monthly meeting, where The National Popular Vote for Presidential Elections will be discussed. Barbara Paterick, OPRF Board Director, will present the LWV US five-phase “moonshot” plan to abolish the Electoral College, specifically focusing on the first phase, the passing and implementation of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Many do not know that in two of our last six elections, the person who won the most votes did not become president. The NPV will fix this. It doesn’t eliminate the Electoral College. Rather, it changes the current “winner take all” system in which all each state's Electoral College votes go to the candidate winning the most popular votes in that state. 

The meeting is at the Oak Park Main Library and is free and open to the public. Bring a friend!

FLW Home Tour

On Thursday, November 30, from 4:00-6:00pm, our League will sponsor a tour of the FLW Bagley House in Hinsdale, rediscover the life of an early reformer through an exhibit, and socialize over small bites and refreshments. Tickets are $20. This event is open to League members and their family and friends. The Bagley House, 121 S. County Line Road, Hinsdale, is located on the east side of County Line Road. There is no parking in front of the house but on side streets to the north and south of the house. There is a sidewalk on the east side of County Line Road to access the house. You are encouraged to carpool to this event and possibly bring a flashlight for walking down the sidewalk. Go here to purchase

tickets.Contact Peggy Kell with questions.

Centennial Celebration

Volunteers Needed! A big thank you to members Joan Petertil and Carlotta Lucchesi for volunteering to co-chair the committee organizing our League’s 100th birthday celebration, scheduled for October 20, 2024. The gala committee has the momentous task of organizing the event, including the program, speakers, entertainment, invitations, and decorations, all of which will require considerable volunteer hours to accomplish. Please consider what talent and time you have to contribute! Graphic designer? Amazing organizational skills? Artistic flair? Audio-visual whiz? Watch this space for volunteer opportunities or if you’re ready to sign up now, send an e-mail to Joan or Carlotta .

Great Decisions is Coming! 

Great Decisions Book discussions begin in February.  Group discussions with new 2024 topics will begin in February at Maze Branch Library and Brookdale Senior Living. Meetings will then run twice a month through May. If books are purchased early, we will receive a 20% discount. Please please contact chair Alex Matthews if you have questions or are interested in purchasing a book. This promises to be an exciting series of discussions about international issues exploring 8 subjects over 8 sessions. You can see the topics here.

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LWV US October 19 Update

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