Woodlawn logo 2010
A good home must be made, not bought.

Joyce Maynard, American novelist
From the Black House desk...
December, 2021
December, for me, is the wind down month that feels initially like a wind-up toy roaring around in circles on the bar and everyone is laughing....and while the party has its charms, it is that lovely last week of December that I look forward to; a quiet Christmas day and then languid days until New Year's eve. This year the time will be spent with my puppy on Woodlawn trails or in front of the fire or in my sweet office eyrie from where I can see who comes and goes while in the stillness of the shut museum, I attempt to get a jump on all those grants to be written for a successful 2022!

The appeal envelopes have been steadily coming in (thank you!) and we had a surge of big spenders at the Black Friday sale. Not every shelf was cleared however so we will have a few more sale opportunities before month end - see below and watch our Facebook page for details!

With the first 1/2 inch of snow, sledding has begun at Woodlawn! Festive lights have been put up around the Black House by Mr. Richard "Christmas" Tuppers who has done an amazing job decorating. I am sorry for those who are missing the trees and teas inside but we are doing up the outside and will come back strong next year. And might have some magic up our sleeve for Easter.....

Meanwhile, don't get distracted and forget about the barn. If you are not yet part of the Campaign for Woodlawn, I encourage you to make a gift before year end. December 31 is our challenge match deadline. I will provide an invitation to the ground breaking for those who contribute as a Christmas stocking stuffer for their family or co-worker. No gift is too small. I know everyone says that, but it is true. Just like many hands make light work, every dollar counts. This will be a present that will be unwrapped in 2023 and will continue to bring joy and fun programs to Ellsworth long into the future!

Stay well and safe this holiday season! Thanks for caring about Woodlawn.

~ Kathy Young
That festive look

We are doing our best to present the trappings of Christmas on the outside of Woodlawn this year - come and see the Caretaker's Cottage with its tree & candles and check out the doghouse!

The front yard tree and the traditional window candles for the Black House are enhanced by wreathes hanging on the Ell and the Sleigh barn.

Even the office got a taste of the holiday with its charming Charlie Brown display. I am sure this was a nod to my expressed Grinchy approach to the holiday but my heart grew at least a size when I saw that sweet thing!
Winter driving at Woodlawn

With the arrival of snow and ice, we have closed half the driveway access road and now you need to be mindful of two way traffic coming and going to the parking lot.

This is because the exit side of the drive gets more shade and is harder to maintain. Also, children and families who enjoy sledding gather on the level drive below the Christmas tree. It is safer for everyone if we keep it closed.

Please go slow and drive safe! We will do our best to keep it clear and well sanded.
Gift Shop 50% Sale Continues ~ until the shelves are empty!

Quite a crowd came out on Black Friday at the Black House and while we were able to sell quite a bit, we have more! The store will be open again (but no tours)

Wednesdays Dec 8, 15 & 22 from
3:00 - 6:30 pm

We may offer Saturday Dec 18th so watch our FB page to confirm.

The raffle continues for the beautiful Woodlawn wooden bowl by Mike Hangge and other treasures and treats will be offered at amazing discounts! Stocking stuffers and tree ornaments are here for the picking. Tea baskets! Candles! Soap!

Come along for an evening of shopping and sipping; we will have some special treats as we clean out the kitchen as well!
Dogs off Leash - Loving it!

Sundays 7:30 - 8:30 am

If your dog is properly socialized with other dogs and wants to play, we have been enjoying regular Sunday morning dogs-off-leash time in the field near the Community Garden. Not the big field near the croquet court and not the trails, but in the mowed field behind the Sleigh and Carriage Barns. Until the snow gets too deep, I will be there with my puppy. We missed last week because she got spayed.

Let's keep it to about 5-10 dogs to see how we get along. Please RSVP to tell me you are coming! Thanks,
A Rare Piece of Winter Fashion

When cold weather arrives we pull on the long underwear and add layers until we are comfortable. But what did 18th century New England ladies don as their base layer under fancy dresses?

Woodlawn’s extremely limited clothing collection may provide an answer. Mary Black’s quilted satin, cotton and wool petticoat, now over 250 years old, is insulated and shaped to accompany a formal split-skirt gown worn with it.

This Marseilles-style petticoat was produced in England and likely came to Maine by way of Boston. An identical example is found in the Historic Deerfield collection (HD F.495A) along with detailed information that states, “Quilted in the loom petticoats began to be advertised in London newspapers in 1770, and soon became popular exports to America.” The petticoat with Neoclassical baskets of flowers and ribbon swags embellishing the bottom portion of an otherwise diamond patterned skirt would have been the height of fashion in Maine when Mary Cobb was a young woman. It is not too much of a stretch to speculate that this petticoat has survived because of its importance. Perhaps Mary Cobb wore it on the day she married the promising young Englishman John Black. Regretfully, the accompanying gown did not survive.

Although this garment is too fragile for public display, it is available for study by decorative arts historians. We look forward to discovering more about this 18th century textile and sharing it periodically with the public when our new exhibition space is built.
Wish List
  • Wood chipper
  • Rototiller and other gardening tools - we are getting serious!
  • Tulip bulbs and other perennials
Your support of Woodlawn maintains a unique historic home, trails, and programs for the Ellsworth community.

Please support us: Click here

Thank you!
Woodlawn Museum, Gardens & Park
19 Black House Drive, P.O. Box 1478
Ellsworth, Maine 04605
(207) 667-8671

For general questions, click here