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Beautiful Beloveds,

Here we are at the week of the Christ’s Passion. And with it may come, for some of us, all the shoulds and coulds of what this week would look like if our lives were perfectly holy, and our lived faith was all that we thought it should be, when compared to some sainted life of the past or something in our imaginations. But I think the invitation we’re given in this week isn’t so much to add so much more that it’s impossible, but to instead, slow it down, quiet our hearts, and walk/pray as we can and not as we can’t. If we’re to keep company with Christ in Christ’s sufferings so that we can rise with Him on Easter, we’ll be better equipped to do so (I believe) with even five minutes more to be conscious of and feel into our bodies during the passion story on Palm Sunday. Five minutes of peace in which to hear in the silent darkness, the crash and finality of the empty chalice on the bare altar on Maundy Thursday. Five minutes of rest to allow our heart holy comfort as we see into the ice cold and very real eyes of evil on Good Friday. Five minutes of speechless excitement at the triumph and endless possibilities given us in Easter Vigil or at the Easter Morning service of worship. This is a week where maybe there can be five minutes less of doing, and five minutes more of BE-ING, present with God as God’s love for us in the person of Jesus is actively on display in the holy theatre of Palm Sunday and the Triduum. Come…in person or online, that’s the invitation…come and BE, with the One Who Loves you THIS much.

Much love,

Mo. Nikki +

Nikki's Sabatical

Get ready for summer fun, April 30th - July 31st with amazing guest priests, the Rev. Bob Dentler, (y’all remember him?) and our very own phenomenal Rev. Ellen Richardson and Rev. Carol Schwenke. They will be covering for me while I am on my first EVER sabbatical. Yippee!! Priests are supposed to have those every 7 years, yet I’m on year 15 of ordination, with this being my first. I’m not going out of the country, but there will be travel and independent study. I’ll return fresh and ready to roll Tuesday, August 1st! And I know you, my Beloved church family will do what you always do, no matter who is the face and voice of God in our services of worship, because you’re awesome! You’ll continue to have church and be church, because that’s just who you are. That’s I’m so blessed to walk this journey of faith in your company. So much love to you!! I thank God for you!

5K to Benefit Parkinson's Research

Jane and Jack Armistead have scheduled the 8th annual 5K run/walk to benefit Parkinson’s research for tomorrow, April 1st. Runners can choose either on-site or virtual participation. The on-site event starts at 8 am in Sandy Creek Park, Pavilion 1. Register by clicking here or at the pavilion on race-day from 7 to 8 am. There will be a full slate of awards and plenty of refreshments and opportunities to socialize. More details here.

Adult Spiritual Formation

The Adult Spiritual Formation Sunday morning Bible Study group meets at 9:15AM and is currently on a journey through The Book of Acts of the Apostles. Please join us!

**We will not meet on

April 2 (attend The Right Rev. Porter Taylor's class),

April 9 (Easter), or

April 16 (one service that Sunday)!**

Adult Discussion Class

Palm Sunday, April 2

The Right Rev. Porter Taylor (retired) will be here at the 9:15AM adult discussion group in the parish hall on Palm Sunday to do a reading and book signing for his new book, Are You Persuaded? In and Out of Being a Bishop

The cloth labyrinth will be out in Parish Hall from Sunday, April 2 (after church) through Good Friday, April 7. Please come and walk the labyrinth at your leisure, when other events are not going on in Parish Hall, during Holy Week.

It is a time-worn tradition of the Triduum (the one service containing three liturgies which include Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter) to hold vigil in prayer from Thursday evening (April 6) at 8PM through Friday morning (April 7) at 9AM, keeping company with the suffering Christ.

Sign up for the vigil is here. Click the "Sign Up" button for each slot and then click "Save and Continue" to enter your name and email. Please sign up for as many slots as you like. You may also send an email to Ron Balthazor to sign up!

Resurrection of Parish Life!

Maggie Reinberger and Shelby Welch are vestry liaisons for Parish Life, and now we are looking to form a committee! After 3 years of inactivity we are ready to start celebrating our life together. The Parish Life Committee is responsible for receptions; for special occasions, including baptisms, funerals, and parish celebrations. Committee members organize, set up and clean up after events. Not every member will have to participate in every event, or in every aspect of the events. Our first event will be a reception after the Easter Sunday service on April 9.  If you are interested in supporting this committee, please contact one of us, Maggie Reinberger, 706-338-1471 or via email or Shelby Welch, 706-224-2835, or via email.

If you wish to dedicate an Easter lily in honor/thanksgiving of someone living or in remembrance of someone deceased, please complete the yellow form found in your bulletin or in the narthex and leave the form and your donation in the offering plate or in Kendall’s office. The suggested donation is $15/lily. The deadline is Tuesday, April 4.


Please note the additional question we ask on the form (or let Kendall know in an email):

Would you like to keep your lily after Easter or have it given to Pastoral Care to take to one of our shut-ins?


The Parish Life Committee will host a festive reception in the Parish Hall after the 10AM service on Easter Day. 

The committee will furnish a cake, but we would welcome food offerings from the congregation! Suggestions include cookies, small sandwiches, veggies, fruit, cheese and crackers, etc.

Please note that we will use disposable items at this event because no one wants to spend their Easter Sunday afternoon doing dishes; however, we are committed to being as environmentally responsible as possible in the future.


Wednesdays March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, & April 5 @ 5:30PM in the Sanctuary

The stations mark Jesus’ journey through the streets of Jerusalem from his arrest and trial to his crucifixion and burial. At each station, we pause for a brief reading and prayer.

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

The Children’s Ministry of St. Gregory’s will be preparing our annual egg hunt for children (preschool - through 5th grade) immediately following worship on Resurrection Sunday (April 9).  We are grateful for any donations to contribute to the event.  This year, we would gratefully receive these donations:

  • Candy!  You are welcome to drop off any candy at the church. You can leave candy in the workroom across the hall from Kendall’s office, or, if you bring it on Sunday, you can give it to Doug Adkins, Jenifer Borg, or Jenifer Marquardt.

  • Baskets!   We are trying to collect a number of Easter baskets that can be used over the years for any children who may want to hunt eggs but forgot to bring a basket.  If you have any baskets that are no longer used, we would gladly receive them and keep them stored in our supply closet.  You can leave any donated basket in the copy room near the candy, or give it to Doug. 

Remember to invite friends who may have children who would like to participate.  This would be a great opportunity to introduce neighbors and community members to the St. Greg’s spirit!

Dismantling Racism Training

The 2023 Dismantling Racism Training schedule is available. This class is required for all parish clergy and all lay leaders, including vestry members. We also recommend taking the class every three years. Click here for the training schedule.

palm sunday


penance relief

processing then

to silent grief


we sing and wave


who came to save

the ending play’s

passion story

moves us closer

to the glory

when at easter

we will rejoice

in songs of praise

with happy voice

alice mohor

Join us for Gospel Music Sunday with the Trey Clegg Singers!

On April 16, 2023, join us for a gospel music celebration with guest choir, the Trey Clegg Singers. There will be ONE service this day at 10AM only. You may remember Trey Clegg and some of his choristers from Bishop Wright's Consecration in the Diocese of Atlanta in 2012, and some of the glorious music heard there. Some others of you may have heard of the excellent music from St. Paul's Episcopal Church and its choirs, when Mr. Clegg served as Minister of Music there. And whether you have or haven't heard this choir before, know that here at St. Gregory the Great, as we give our own excellent choir and musical staff a well-deserved break after the phenomenal music performances given to us for Lent and Easter, you are in for a treat. They will be with us at the 10AM service, and joining us for coffee hour afterward. Please come and worship with us.

For music sample and news click here and here.


8am and 10:30am * Liturgy of the Palms & Holy Eucharist

(8am begins in sanctuary; 10:30am begins in the courtyard)


5:30 pm Stations of the Cross

6pm Holy Eucharist & Healing Service


7pm * Maundy Thursday Liturgy & Stripping of Altar


Thurs. 9pm - Good Fri. 11am

Jesus said,”Could you not stay awake with me one hour?”

Sign-up sheet is in the narthex for 1-hr time slots


12pm Good Friday Liturgy

7pm * Good Friday Liturgy


8:30pm * Festival Eucharist & Choir 

starts outside with the lighting of the Paschal Candle

Please bring noisemakers, pots, pans, cowbells, airhorns, drums for the 

Great Noise to ring in Easter!


10am * Festival Eucharist, Baptism, & Choir

followed by an Easter Reception 

(please bring a finger food if you’re able!)

& Easter Egg Hunt for children

**(please note only 1 service on Easter morning)

* these services will be live streamed

Committal Service for Eric Groff Agner

Eric Groff Agner, 56, of Washington, DC, died January 30, 2023 after complications from cancer. Formerly of Athens, Georgia, he graduated from the University of Georgia School of Journalism and worked at The Observer and Graphic Composition. He received his Master’s Degree in Publication Design from the University of Baltimore in 1995. Most recently, he worked in graphic design with the Justice Department supporting community-oriented policing.

A life-long musician, he was in bands starting in high school in Athens—including Banned 37 and The Woggles. In Baltimore and DC, he played with The Dilettantes, Dames Rocket, Lawn Chair, The Racket, The Paper Tapes, The Sugar Biscuits and The Judith Hour. Eric was an avid participant in February Album Writing Month—an online challenge that had him composing, arranging, singing, playing the bass and other string instruments, in the recording studio in his basement every February. 

He is survived by his wife Patti Fetz, sister Suzanne Coffman, mother Margaret, daughter Robin, 2 grandchildren, 5 aunts, an uncle, and many grieving friends, relatives and musicians. 

Committal of the ashes will be Saturday, April 15 at 4PM at St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church Memorial Garden. A memorial gathering will follow from 5-8PM at Lyndon House Art Center, 211 Hoyt St, downtown Athens. Bands are welcome to play. Refreshments, anecdotes and photos will be shared.


Family Promise, a coalition of local churches who volunteer to help temporarily homeless families housed at Milledge Avenue Baptist (MAB), is holding orientation and training for all new volunteers at 5:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at MAB. The next session is Tuesday, April 4. Our church helps out four weeks a year. Our next week is coming up April 30-May 7. Volunteers help by preparing meals or serving as on-site hosts at MAB. As our week gets closer, a signup genius link will be put in the Friday email. This is satisfying work helping those who are trying to get their lives back and get into permanent housing. For questions, please contact Annette Bates via email or 706-255-5839.

The food bank is in need of dried pasta, canned pork & beans, and canned sweet peas!

Let's help fill the Little Red Wagon!

Blindspot Group Chat

If you're in your 20s or 30s and would like to stay up to date on events for your age group please reach out to Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837, to join our group chat. 

Instructions for Live Streaming

  • Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:

  • If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it.  

  • When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it. 

Welcome to worship!

Meeting Opportunities

Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:

* Spring yoga meets on Monday evenings in Parish Hall from 5:30-6:30PM. All classes are donation-based. Donations this spring will go toward buying more yoga supplies for the class! Zoom link here for those at home.

Hebrew Reading is back on! They will be meeting via Zoom on Wednesdays from 1-3PM. If you're interested, email Joel Hunt for more info!

Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!

* St. Gregory's Book Club meets the first Friday of the month in Parish Hall @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future (exception: in April they will meet on April 14!).  Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.

*Threads of Prayer meets on the 1st Tuesdays of the month @1PM! We'll meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!

*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays. 1st & 3rd Saturdays at St. Gregory's library and 2nd & 4th & 5th Saturdays at the Somerville's house ! Email Peter Rice

* group(s) meeting in person

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St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church |
706.546.7553 |