Worship Service - In-person and on Zoom!
Sunday, November 21, 2021 at 11AM
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 4794 6230
Passcode: 201166
Guest Preachers for November
Nov 21 -- Nancy Troy
Nov 28 -- Bill Williamson
Annual Stewardship Letter
Pledge cards were mailed out this week. Please look for yours and, after you've read the accompanying letter, prayerfully consider what you can financially contribute to Crescent Hill for the coming year. (If your pledge card doesn't arrive by the end of the week, let the acting treasurer know so he can send you a replacement: treasurer@crescenthill.church.)  
Advent Begins November 28th
Advent will be here soon, and the Worship Committee is making plans! Watch for a SPECIAL EDITION newsletter next week with all the upcoming activities and worship services. If you would like to participate in worship during the Advent and Christmas season by lighting Advent candles or reading in a service, please email Erin Denny at erin.lloyd.denny@gmail.com.
Sharing Nativity Sets -- in person and virtually
Do you have one or more nativity sets (creche) that you would like to see displayed in the sanctuary and/or during on-line worship during Advent? If so, here’s how to share them:

  • Send a photograph of your nativity set electronically to office@crescenthill.church along with your name and a brief note about it (where it is from why it is special to you, etc.)

  • Starting this Sunday, you may leave your nativity set at church, in the room off the narthex, in a box or bag. Be sure to enclose a note with your name and a brief note about the nativity/creche.

  • If more convenient, you may also leave nativities on the Lloyd-Sidle’s screened-in porch at 109 Oxford Place.

Questions? Contact Tricia Lloyd-Sidle, revtjls@gmail.com or 502-681-4059.
Something New for Zoom Worship
Our Zoom worship service is currently set up so that the tech operator can run the soundboard and the slides during the service. However, this makes it harder to switch between the cameras that are focused on different parts of the sanctuary

Starting on Sunday, November 21, we will try eliminating the slides during the service. The order of worship will continue to be sent out with the link to the service on Saturday. Zoom participants will be able to give their feedback in the chat.
The Sights of the Season
Our chancel area has looked a little dull since we returned to in-person worship this summer.  As we move into Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas, the Worship Committee is looking for artistically inclined folks who would like to enhance the sanctuary with flowers, candles, fabric and other visuals. Please contact Jeanne-Marie Rogers at jeannemar@bellsouth.com if you can help!
Tech Help Needed!
Continuing to have a Zoom! service helps us reach our CHPC family that are homebound, unable to attend on a Sunday morning, waiting out COVID, etc. We plan to continue this outreach for the foreseeable future.

Your CHPC Tech Team has gotten the Zoom! worship job down to a few basic steps that anyone with a little tech knowledge can take on with a bit of training. Now we need willing hands to help this vital ministry of CHPC.

If you are willing and able to attend in person services and run the show from the sound board, please contact Todd Rogers at btoddr@gmail.com.
Build-A-Bed Building Community While Caring for Community Sunday, November 21
Please consider coming to help build beds for 20 children.

Theme: Building Community While Caring for Community

Build A Bed Event Scheduled for Sunday, November 21 immediately after church

Box Lunch will be provided

Let us know if you have dietary needs like veg, gluten free, etc..

Up to 40 volunteers are needed.

Sign up: By emailing Faith or by signing up on Sundays in the Narthex

Volunteers will be as follows:

Family Teams or if signing up by yourself you will be paired with another person but socially distranced.

Please let us know what job you/family would like to do

Options are:   

Wherever I am/ we are needed

2 Headboard Build Teams (of 2 people or family team)

2 Footboard Build Teams (of 2 people or family team)

2 Side Rail Build Teams (of 2 people or family team)

2 Connection Build Teams (Drilling side rails to head/foot boards) 3 people or family team

2 Wrap Teams (of 2 people or family team)

Hospitality Team

Slat Decorations: tables will be set up in the basement of the church for slat decorations. Tables would be by families or 2 people per table and no more than 20 people.

Bedtime Bag Assembly Station in the Adult SS Classroom

Nurse Station with First Aid Supplies (both are needed)

Donations needed are:

20 sets of new standard twin sheets

20 new pillows

20 new blankets

20 new teddy bears

20 new toothbrushes and toothpaste


Event tents to be set up outside for overflow

Ben will deliver supplies the week prior to the event to CHPC

Ben will need help unloading on delivery day
United Crescent Hill Ministries
Our church has actively supported United Crescent Hill Ministries since it’s formation in 1974. With the help of partner churches like ours, UCHM serves approximately 3,500 of our neighbors with varied programs, including a food pantry, meals for Seniors, youth activities, preventive health services, and emergency support.  A highlight of the year at UCHM is the annual Christmas Connection program, which helps families provide gifts and holiday meals for their children.  This year’s program will look a lot like last year, which helped 183 families have a happier holiday. Instead of asking sponsors to shop for gifts, UCHM is asking for $125 donations to sponsor a child. The donations will be used to purchase retail and grocery gift cards to provide a child's gifts and food for the holidays. Gift cards allow families to prioritize their needs, as well as give them the dignity of providing for their family as they see fit.

 If you are unable to donate the full $125 to sponsor a child, you are still invited to support Christmas Connection. Any amount is meaningful. Donations can be made online through PayPal at https://www.uchmlouky.org/christmas-connection-sponsorship-sign-up/ or by sending checks to United Crescent Hill Ministries, 150 State St., Louisville KY 40206.  Questions about Christmas Connection can be directed to Katie Litanga at klitanga@uchmlouky.org .

Another way we can support UCHM is by providing a snack for the participants in UCHM’s Seniors’ activities. Our congregation is being asked to provide 25-30 packaged breakfast pastries or muffins once a month. If you can help with this, please contact Gail DeMarsh: 502-472-3557 or godemarsh@gmail.com.
Newsletter Submissions Deadline
Please have all newsletter submissions turned in every Wednesday by noon. Use this link for submissions and follow the prompts. Thank you!
Please continue to visit the CHPC website to stay connected with our faith community!
**Be sure to scroll down on the website's homepage to access all the available links**

**To access the site menu, click the 3 horizontal lines on the right side of the homepage**
Deacon of the Month
Nelly Ngandu is our Deacon of the Month for November. If you or someone you know is in need of a kind gesture, please reach out to Nelly at ngandumwamutombonelly@gmail.com or call 502-881-1729.
Elder of the Week
Erin Denny is our Elder of the Week. She can be contacted by phone at 502-439-0021or via email at erin.lloyd.denny@gmail.com. Doug Yeager will begin Elder of the Week duties on November 21.