In this Email...

*Stewardship 2022*
*Trunk of Treats*
*Thanksgiving Food Drive*
*Thank You!*
*RSVP for Sunday Services*
*Charge Conference*
Dear Church Family,

We once again find ourselves together, planning the next year in the middle of ongoing uncertainty and change. It is a testament to the strength of this congregation how we have continued to thrive and evolve over the last nearly two years. I know I speak for most of us when I say it gives me great pride to be a member of this church. The joy we have felt being able to worship in person again is another small win as we move forward together with God towards our future. 

As we near 2022, we embark on our next journey of Stewardship, continuing our common goal of serving this church through our gifts. It is not lost on me that Stewardship means different things to each of us, so I ask that you spend the next few weeks in thought and prayer for the direction of the church. We still do not know what our new normal will look like and when we will settle in, but through the support of your prayers, presence, gifts, and witness I know we will move forward to a great future together.

Thank you again for your support and commitment to the church. If you have questions at any time, please feel free to email me at or call me at 770-241-8566.

God bless,

Chip Zint
2022 Stewardship Campaign Chair
Trunk of Treats 2021

Trunk of Treats returns to Chamblee! We will have four 30-minute “waves” to best accommodate as many families as we can, safely. Registration is required…sign up below!
Thanksgiving Food Drive

For the last 38 years, Chamblee First UMC has sponsored a food drive that provides families in our community with a Thanksgiving Food Basket including fruit, vegetables, and a wide variety of canned and dried food items. These families are identified with the assistance of our local school counselors and social workers. Our goal this year is to help 200 families in need within our schools and surrounding community! 
Thank You!

We are thankful for your generosity and the generosity of our community partners, Ace Hardware - Chamblee, Ace Hardware - Dunwoody, and Home Depot - Tilly Mill Rd! Through combined efforts 42 Cleaning Kits have been delivered to the UMCOR depot to be dispatched to communities recovering from recent natural disasters. 
If you still have a bucket to return, please bring it by October 14. 
Cluster Charge Conference

Our Charge Conference will take place November 1 on Zoom.
RSVP for Sunday Services

Join us for our regular schedule of services this Sunday: 9am Modern and 11am Traditional!

And mark your calendars for October 17 and 24: our 9am Modern Service will be outdoors on the lawn! October 31 we will have our 5th Sunday Celebration outdoors...a combined service at 10am.
Thank you for your continued giving and generous hearts!