Election Results
Holy Trinity’s Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 30, at 1:00 pm. The input that we received last year about the experience of having the Annual Meeting on the Zoom platform was overwhelmingly positive, so we will return to that format this year. A link will be provided in the Sunday email. The business of the Parish will include installation of the 2022 Vestry, brief reports from the Wardens, Rector, and Treasurer, and approval of the 2022 Statement of Mission. We will also consider an expansion of the Episcopal Day School Board.

Our parish election was uncontested this year, and we had an excellent slate of candidates.
Sr. Warden: Ellen Haase
Jr. Warden: Clem Watson
Vestry: Mel Harris, Betty Snowden, Mark Stokes, and Jean Ellen Zvertnik
Episcopal Day School Board: Lura Forcum, Katherine Brooks
Delegate to Diocesan Convention: Beth Kunkel
Alternate Delegates: Nanine Hartzenbusch, Tom Witmer

Many thanks to each of our new and continuing leaders for their willingness to serve the parish. Thanks also to Jen Ellison, who joins the Vestry by appointment to fill an unexpired term of two years. We are truly blessed with dedicated and faithful leadership at Holy Trinity! 
Mark Your Calendar
Don't forget that tonight is the Feast of the Epiphany! We will celebrate this important holy day with Holy Eucharist at 6:30pm. Join us in person or via livestream. Click here for the bulletin.

Schedule January 9th and following:
8am – Holy Eucharist, spoken (in the Nave)
9:30am – Children’s Sunday School (Drop-off begins at 9:15 in the Canterbury Center)
9:30am – Adult Bible Study (in the Parish Hall)
10:30am – Holy Eucharist, with music (In the Nave)
5pm – Holy Eucharist, spoken (First Sundays at St. Paul’s, third Sundays at Holy Trinity)

To provide a worship opportunity for those with medical and personal concerns, the third-Sunday service at Holy Trinity at 5:00 pm will be a “protected service”. Attendees will be required to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test from the previous 48 hours. Masks will be required.
Children, Youth and Families
New for 2022! We will hold a youth event every third Sunday of the month. Beginning January 16, our youth will gather for fellowship and dinner in the parish hall beginning at 5pm. We will end the evening with a movie in Canterbury Center, ending at 7pm. Please mark your calendars for this monthly event. We will practice social distancing during dinner. Masks will be required while indoors when not eating or drinking. 

Sunday School resumes this Sunday, January 9, drop off beginning at 9:15 in Canterbury Center.We are asking that everyone remain masked and distanced while indoors. We will serve a light breakfast, we ask that you distance while eating and unmasked. 

We need Sunday School teachers and nursery workers!! Please reach out to Jerae Wallace, jwallace@holytrinityclemson.org if you have an interest or any questions. 
Around the Parish
Ministry Leaders, please remember that annual reports are due on Friday, January 14. Email them to Sheryl at htchurch@holytrinityclemson.org.

Cooking for our Canterbury Students Thank you to all who provided Wednesday night dinners for our Canterbury students during the fall semester. Your generosity is certainly appreciated by these hungry college students! Canterbury dinners will resume for the Spring semester on January 12.  Dinners are every Wednesday at 6:15 in the Parish Hall. You can sign up here: https://bit.ly/3G1faOc Please call or email Sue Smink with any questions: 864-557-4500; ssmink55@gmail.com

Holy Trinity Women’s Book Group will begin its spring schedule on January 19 at 2:00 pm via Zoom. Our book for this spring is Kitchen Table Wisdom by Rachel Naomi Remen. From Goodreads: “Rachel Remen has a unique perspective on healing rooted in her background as a prominent physician, a professor of medicine, a therapist, and a long-term survivor of chronic illness. In the form of a deeply moving and down-to-earth collection of true stories, this prominent physician shows us life in all its power and mystery and reminds us that the things we cannot measure may be the things that ultimately sustain and enrich our lives. Kitchen Table Wisdom addresses spiritual issues: suffering, meaning, love, faith, courage and miracles in the language and absolute authority of our own life experience.” Questions? Contact Anna McKenna at amckenna@me.com or at 320-761-0678. We would love to have you join us!

Adult formation returns to Sunday mornings. Beginning this Sunday, January 9, join us each week in the parish hall at 9:30am for coffee and conversation. During the season of Epiphany we will be reading through the Gospel of Luke, which we will be hearing in worship throughout the entire year. No preparation or expertise required, just an open heart and a curious mind. We look forward to seeing you there!

Join us for Christian Basics and the Episcopal Church, a course that will look at the foundations of Christian spiritual practices in the Episcopal/Anglican tradition. Are you new to Holy Trinity? Have you been here a long time but want to refresh or deepen your understanding? Would you like to be a conversation partner with people preparing to join the Episcopal Church? This class is for you! We will meet every other week, January through April (dates and times TBD). To learn more, join Fr. Noah for a brief information session at 9:30am on January 9 in the parish hall, or be in touch with him directly.
Singing Rooster Coffee
Help support our ministry partners in Haiti with perhaps the best quality and certainly best tasting fresh coffee available anywhere in the Upstate is Singing Rooster fair-trade Haitian Mountain Blue, grown on the volcanic mountainsides in rural Haiti and currently being harvested in the villages of Bois Joli and Morne Michel. High quality and exceptional taste are their hallmark. Seventy percent of the proceeds go directly back to Haiti: of every $10 of coffee sold, $4 goes directly back to the farmers and $3 goes to support university students from Cange, while only $3 goes toward processing, shipping and handling. Order gourmet French or Vienna roast, caffeinated or decaf, ground or whole bean. To purchase, contact Harry Morse at 864-314-9996 (phone or text) or hgmorse@gmail.com.
Charitable Giving
As we begin the new year and you contemplate your charitable giving, keep in mind that if you are taking distributions from an IRA or 401K plan, you can donate part (or all) of your distribution to a qualified charitable organization such as Holy Trinity on a tax-free basis. Importantly, you do not need to itemize your taxes to take advantage of this benefit. If you are taking distributions but haven't made a Qualified Charitable Distribution before, consult with your tax advisor or financial institution to find out how to do so. Many institutions allow you to do this easily online.
Ongoing Items
Weekly Wednesday Bible Study If your schedule allows, join us for an informal discussion of the lessons appointed for the following Sunday. We meet by Zoom at 11:00 on Wednesday mornings. Click here for the link.

If you would like to honor the memory of a loved one or celebrate a milestone with a dedication of altar flowers for the church, contact Sheryl in the church office (864-654-5071).

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 193 Old Greenville Highway, Clemson, SC 2963
(864) 654-5071

Worship Schedule
8:00am in the nave, Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:30am at Trinity Place, Holy Eucharist, Rite II
10:30am in the Nave and Livestreamed Holy Eucharist, Rite II
5:00pm Holy Eucharist, Rite I at St. Paul's (first Sunday of the month)