Your Newsletter for September 2021

Great Literacy Instruction is happening in the

Bend - La Pine School District!

There have been many changes in public school education for literacy instruction since the passage of dyslexia legislation through SB 612 and SB 1003 which require the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) to designate a Dyslexia Specialist to provide schools with support and resources to assist student with dyslexia and their families. The bills also require each school district to ensure that at least one K-5 teacher receives training related to Dyslexia from an Approved Vendor List in all three focus areas:

  • Understanding and recognizing dyslexia
  • Using evidence-based practices to systematically and explicitly teach the foundational skills in reading
  • Intensifying instruction to meet the needs of students with severe reading difficulties

Additional requirements involve using the approved screeners to screen children for risk factors in reading when entering school for the first time in kindergarten or first grade.

The Oregon Dyslexia Institute, an approved vendor on the ODE list of Approved Dyslexia-Related Training Opportunities, has been involved in the training of teachers in the Bend-La Pine School District to meet the state requirements of the dyslexia legislation passed in Oregon. However, the Bend-La Pine School District has surpassed these state requirements and has gone “above and beyond” in order to improve the reading skills of all their students. 

Under the leadership of Julie Walker and Lindsley Gehrig, the Bend-La Pine School District has been very busy training additional teachers and providing the needed support to help struggling readers, including students with dyslexia, gain literacy skills required to become a proficient reader. Their own current initiative with the science of reading integrated with their learned Orton-Gillingham Approach principles ensure the following:

  • All K-1 teachers in Bend-La Pine SD will receive 3 half-days to work alongside an instructional coach on best practices and the science of reading.

  • Follow up coaching cycles will be provided between each 1/2 day to support implementation of key practices.

  • Resources are available to these teachers that have been developed by Julie Walker & Lindsley Gehrig’s team. These resources include systematic, explicit phonics slides for every week and every grade level to support teachers through a unique & successful coaching style to help them understand the “why” of each instructional routine and become “comfortable” using these resources with students that struggle with literacy.

  • The developed instructional slides incorporate the science of reading research and the Orton-Gillingham Approach Principles. The resource templates that the Walker and Gehrig Team have developed include a multi-sensory approach to explicitly teach students the foundational skills of our English language. They really do make it “fun” to learn about the structure of our English language. The resources include (but are not limited to) techniques to increase quick orthographic mapping of frequent words and also irregular words, chants and motions to learn the sound/symbol relationship, multi-sensory dictation to increase accuracy and automaticity of various patterns in our language and a huge focus on multisyllabic word study for grades 3-5 to guide students in breaking down words to their syllable type for accurate decoding, but the concepts of learning syllable types begin as early as Kindergarten.


After completing another round of training this summer, the Bend-La Pine School District is ready to receive their incoming 2021 students. They have a plan to help struggling readers! After the latest round of dyslexia training in August 2021, Lindsley Gehrig said, "I am incredibly excited about all the work we have done in the past 4 years alongside Lynn to create resources and coaching support for teachers around the importance of the science of reading. The instructional routines developed from this ongoing learning is making a difference for all our students! Additionally, this year we are going from 2.5 literacy coaches for our whole district to 6 instructional coaches. I’m looking forward to getting these coaches out in the trenches with us to continue this important work." 


Literacy is quite possibly the single most important skill our students need to acquire; before they graduate from high school, to be successful throughout their lives. We can all be thankful for the work and dedication Julie Walker and Lindsley Gehrig have done over several years to improve the literacy skills of all their students in the Bend-La Pine School District.

By: Lynn Lamping, Director/Trainer

Oregon Dyslexia Institute

Professional Dyslexia Network

Did you know that IDA-Oregon hosts a free, virtual Professional Dyslexia Network meeting every month?

If you're 18 and older, and regardless of whether you're a student, in the workforce, military, or somewhere in-between, we invite you to join us on the first Tuesday of every month at 7 pm. All you have to do is sign up. We hope to see you there!

Sign up here

Instagram Live Summer Series!

Our Summer Series continues on Instagram Live, as Jared follows up with people whom he has interviewed in the past. Check out the live weekly chats on Mondays at 7 pm PDT on Instagram Live, or click on the pictures to view past episodes.

Betsy Ramsey

Orton Oak


Krista Weltner




Back to School Membership Drive!

By becoming a member of IDA, you will be equipped with the latest information to teach students with reading difficulties, and support the people in your life with dyslexia.

Your membership includes exclusive access to our extraordinary community of researchers, teachers, professionals, and parents, and will support the Structured Literacy teacher preparation and training which will help thousands of children in the years to come. 

By joining today, you'll become part of a global community of individuals and organizations committed to supporting individuals with dyslexia and related reading differences. 

Benefits of membership include:

  • Affiliation with your local IDA Branch
  • Discounts on IDA's annual DyslexiaCon and Branch events
  • Access to renowned publications
  • Member rates for IDA TV and ShopIDA

Join IDA

IDA National Conference

Scholarships Available

Each year, the International Dyslexia Association hosts an annual conference that attracts the best minds in the world in the field of dyslexia. Designed for teachers, families, administrators, psychologists, physicians, and researchers, the IDA National Conference is, quite simply, the best conference in the world to learn more about dyslexia and other learning-based challenges. If you're interested in multiple dyslexia perspectives, including identification, remediation, legal issues, brain imaging, neurology, and many, many success stories, this is the event for you!

With a generous donation from Ms. Cherida Collins Smith, the IDA Oregon branch is pleased to offer scholarships to Educators and Pre-Service Teaching Students who live in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Click below to apply! Deadline is September 24th.

Apply for Scholarship

Join Us in The Dyslexia Dash

Join Team IDA-Oregon as we run and walk for dyslexia!

Pick the date and time you want to run or walk your 5K, then post your best time between October 2 - 16.

Proceeds from this event will support IDA-Oregon's initiatives, so consider becoming a fundraiser too.

Your friends and family can help you make a difference supporting literacy in Oregon and SW Washington!

Register for Dyslexia Dash

Thank you for everything that you do, and have a safe and enjoyable September!

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