Newsletter | November 2022
Learn more about what South Dakota Afterschool Network is doing across the state. Find resources for training, grants, activities and more as you explore our monthly newsletter.
Program Evaluations for Positive Outcomes
Pulse checks in the form of program evaluations are an important part of continuing to grow and improve. SDAN takes supporting programs to heart and offers evaluations to help. Our program evaluations include an on-site visit with staff and youth, survey links for you to send out to your families, schools and/or partners that asks for suggestions and input. After discussing feedback, programs are provided with a pdf report with information to learn from and share out with key stakeholders.

If you're interested in learning more about SDAN program evaluations emails us today at

Creating Impact Across the State

South Dakota Afterschool Network has seen a great deal of change over the last year.
With change has come growth, opportunity and success.

Take a moment to celebrate with us the success we have found throughout the year and
let us share with you our goals for the future. Each day is a new opportunity for a successful outcome for the youth of our state. We’re committed to continue supporting the hundreds of quality programs across the state who share that mission.

Learn more by visiting our Impact Report flip book here.
Madelyn Hinkelman Named National Youth Ambassador by Afterschool Alliance
Each year, the Afterschool Alliance recruits a cohort of youth to serve as Youth Ambassadors. The cohort is trained as afterschool advocates—receiving training on how to talk about their afterschool experience in the context of the national afterschool field and guidance on how to advocate to policymakers using their afterschool story.

We are proud to announce that Summit High School junior and SDAN Youth Advocate Coordinator has been named a National Afterschool Ambassador with Afterschool Alliance.
Explore Culture Through Stories

Stories are a wonderful way to explore the heritage, culture, and experience of Indigenous peoples historically and in American life. Here are books suggested by SDAN's Director of Leadership & Culture, Dawn Marie Johnson. Expand your understanding during November’s National Native American Heritage Month.
Growing Skills With Teachwell Partnership
Meet Sawyer, a student at Dakota State University and SDAN's Marketing Intern!

Thanks to a partnership with Teachwell Solutions, a non-profit education coop who specialize in alternative education, special education, therapy services and supported transition programming, SDAN has been able to provide an internship experience where Sawyer has had the opportunity to grow his
skills in: graphic design, social media planning, survey building and animation creation.

Sawyer has a bright future ahead of him and SDAN has benefitted from his growth! Learn more about Sawyer and check out a couple animations he's created for SDAN here.
TMC Mobile Lab Visits Aberdeen, Introduces To-Go Activities
The Boys & Girls Club of the Aberdeen Area welcomed one of the TMC Mobile Labs recently and they wasted no time digging into STEM activities. The TMC Mobile Labs are filled with countless STEAM-based activities complete with the supplies necessary to serve children of all ages.

During the holidays and through the coldest of our winter months the TMC Mobile Labs are winterized. Safely storing away the supplies that would otherwise freeze and spoil in the bitter temps of winter, the Mobile Labs are all augmented with new curriculum and resources for the next season. We don't want the STEM fun to stop though! That's why you can look forward to seeing TMC To-Go activities from SDAN coming soon! While you will need to supply the materials, SDAN will be providing themed mini-STEM units complete with instructions, links to additional resources and the educational standards to support age appropriate learning objectives.
Community Engagement and Education
On November 3rd, Dawn Marie, SDAN Director of Leadership & Culture, spoke about the importance of self-care and self-investment at the Community Engagement Conference in Sioux Falls.
Dawn Marie spoke with Sanford Pathology Residents for Native American Heritage month about bridging the gap to help improve the experiences of Native Americans and those at-risk.
Save the Date
SAVE THE DATES for upcoming Day at the Capitol events supported by SDAN.

January 11th, 2023

February 1st, 2023
(SDAN sponsored reception
evening of January 31st)

Stay tuned for more information coming soon!
SDAN Resources to Support Programs
Program Evaluation Available Now

Is your program in need of an evaluation? Reach out via email to learn more.
TMC Mobile Labs

Immersive, hands-on learning delivered to your doorstep. Reserve a Mobile Lab now!
Need activity ideas? Training opportunities for staff? Resources to expand further on topics that interest kids? Click the links below and find fresh content each month to support your program, kids and staff.
v v v v NEW Grant Opportunity v v v v
Time is running out! The Million Girls Moonshot is looking for girls age 13-18 passionate about STEM in afterschool to join their flight crew! Learn more here.