CIAC holds Virtual Hill Day on chemistry and plastics’ essential role in achieving net zero emissions
On May 10, CIAC held an exceptionally successful series of meetings with high-ranking parliamentarians on chemistry and plastics’ essential role in Canada’s net-zero emissions and circular economy future.

CIAC speaks to the Standing Senate Committee on CEPA
Bob Masterson, President and CEO of CIAC and Danielle Morrison, Policy Manager, Chemicals and Health and Data Management, appeared before the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources, speaking to Bill S-5 a Strengthening Environmental Protection for a Healthier Canada Act and how it represents a comprehensive and appropriate update to CEPA.

“This bill has followed years of study by parliamentary committees and years of involvement and engagement from the best experts in departments and other stakeholders, like ourselves and representatives from civil society. What you see is a comprehensive set of proposed amendments that are broadly in agreement are necessary to improve CEPA,” Mr. Masterson told the Committee.

New CIAC fact sheets now available
Want to learning more about how the circular economy can benefit Canada? Check out CIAC’s new fact sheets on Advanced Recycling, Extended Producer Responsibility and the Circular Economy.
Alberta Chemistry and Plastics Day 2022 
Join us for Alberta Chemistry and Plastics Day May 25 in Edmonton. Alberta Chemistry and Plastics Day is an annual event designed to build dialogue on common issues, better understand industry and government positions, and get to know new participants from both industry and government.

An introduction to the RCMS/ RC14001 audit process 
Interested in learning more about the Responsible Care® Management System (RCMS) or becoming a CIAC Responsible Care member? Join CIAC and our ACC colleagues, Dan Roczniak, Senior Director of Responsible Care and Greg Rhodes, Senior Consultant, on June 2 for an overview of the RCMS and RC14001 Responsible Care audit process.

Banning Plastic Products Will Not Protect the...

This MEI publication found that the federal government's "zero plastic waste" policy puts it in opposition to current and potential innovations that are coming out of the plastics industry. The policy will hurt the economy without any guarantee...

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GIGUERE: The harmful ban on single-use plastic products

All signs point to the federal government going ahead with a ban on certain single-use plastic products, which would be a mistake. This restrictive measure will likely not have the effects that are hoped for, and even if it does, you can be sure...

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Little green lies: We fill our blue boxes with plastic,...

There are certain collective delusions all societies rely on to survive - little lies we all quietly agree to look past to make it through our everyday. In Ontario, for decades, one of those lies was this: that most of the plastic packaging you...

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