Weekly e-Epistle
St. James' Mill Creek
Wilmington, Delaware

April 2nd, 2023

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We would be pleased if you joined us in person or online from the comfort of your home for church services via Facebook Live at 9:30am.

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Sunday Bulletin (April 2nd)

This Sunday is the Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday, and it’s one of the most emotionally complicated Sundays in the life of the Church. We begin as we cheer at Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and then we jeer at him while he’s on trial. We weep while he is tortured on the cross, and we are silent at the moment of his death. More than any other Sunday, this day puts us in a time and place where we can feel and experience the Gospel in a different kind of way.


And as we hear this story on Sunday morning, we might realize that we're hearing it in a different way that we've heard it in the past. We may find ourselves as different characters in the drama because we are different now than we were this time last year or the year before that. Pay careful attention as the story unfolds, and you may just get something new out of it, something that will help you get through Holy Week in a new way.


Come and be with us on Sunday as we prepare to walk the way of the Cross, beginning our observance of Holy Week. Make time during Holy Week for the other observances, as well. Know that an investment of time into these moments, these holy and unique liturgies, helps to prepare us for the hope and the promise of the Resurrection.

Holy Week at St. James’ Episcopal Church

Palm Sunday: The Sunday of the Passion

April 2 at 9:30 AM

Maundy Thursday

April 6 at 7 PM

Good Friday Ecumenical Service

with Meditations on the Last Seven Words

and Choral Offering from a combined choir

April 7 at 12 PM

Easter Sunday

April 9 at 9:30 AM

Fun, Fellowship, and an opportunity to help others!

This Thursday, 3/30, 9 a.m. to about 11 a.m.

Join us in making Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches for our guests at Emmanuel Dining Room. It’s a nice time to get together and as they say, “Many hands make light work!” Hope to see you there. 

Thank you, Cindy Fauerbach and Pat Minor

Request for washable worsted weight yarn 

We have a knitter who is happy to knit hats and gloves for those in need. She is requesting donations for washable worsted weight yarn. If you have some or would like to purchase some, please drop off your donations at the parish house in a bag marked “for knit work”. Many thanks! 

An Evening of Fun and Fellowship

You are invited to

The 2023 Claudia White Memorial Bingo Night

Monday, April 24, 2023, 7:00 p.m.

St. James’ Episcopal Church Parish Hall

2106 St. James Church Road, Wilmington, DE 19808

A $10.00 donation is requested to go toward the

Claudia White Memorial Fund

There will be

Winner Prizes, Door Prizes, 50/50 Drawing, & Refreshments

In addition to the $10.00 donation, we request that you bring nonperishable food items to be donated to a local food bank. 

R.S.V.P. Nancy Patterson, (302) 239-7649 by Monday, April 17th


It is important that you R.S.V.P. There is limited seating.

If you will be bringing quests, please let us know how many will be in your group.   

We will reserve space for your group, to ensure you all sit together.


Claudia White was Co-Chair of the St. James’ Bazaar for several years. She also organized the first Bingo Night. Claudia loved organizing and attending social events, especially if it was a fundraiser. After Claudia passed away in 2008, the Bazaar Ladies decided to continue Bingo Night in her memory. 

All proceeds are donated to the St. James’ Claudia White Memorial Fund. Repairs and renovations to the Parish House were very close to Claudia’s heart. All money raised is used to maintain the Parish House. 


The St. James Bazaar Ladies

Note from Liz Lichtenstein:

A couple of year's ago I made a mini website with fun stuff people can do from home with their family. If you would like to check it out here's the link! It's all kinds of games, crafts and recipes for Easter.


Link to Easter Mini Website

St. James' Mission and Outreach updates


Sharing God’s gifts with others

Reaching out to those in need

And serving them with dignity and respect…

New Castle County HOPE Center-for Individuals and Families in need of temporary housing and support services.

What started as temporary housing during the cold weather of 2020-2021 has grown into a permanent center that provides housing and support services for individuals and families who are without adequate housing in New Castle County.  New Castle County (NCC) purchased the former Sheraton Hotel on Airport Rd (now named the New Castle County HOPE Center) and kept the hotel management staff to keep the facility running.  Working together, many non-profit organizations including Family Promise provide various services and support for individuals and families to obtain emergency and more significant housing and medical, psychological, and job skills opportunities as well. The hotel can accommodate 400 and suites and adjoining rooms are given to families and enable households to stay together. Housing is coordinated through the Delaware Housing Alliance. 

If you know of anyone who needs this housing, please ask them to call 1-833-FIND-BED (1-833-3463-233) and leave a message.

How can you help?

Review the list below and see where you might be able to help.

 Current items needed:

  • Hygiene items such as deodorant, shampoo, and soap (regular and travel size)
  • Individual sized peanut butter crackers, tuna, microwavable meals (pastas, soups, etc.)
  • Non-alcohol hand sanitizer
  • Tide pods or other laundry pods
  • NEW Underwear, and socks - all sizes, children through adult
  • New or gently used t-shirts and light jacket
  • New books for adults and children

Please drop the items off:

     ·        Monday-Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the parish hall porch 

Please place your donations in the bin labeled Donations for HOPE Center on the porch of the parish hall. Liz will bring in the bin and any donated items at 12:30 p.m.

    ·        On Sunday, there is a container in the foyer of the church.

 We take the donations to the distribution center about every two weeks.

Thank you,

St. James' Mission/Outreach Ministry

Prayer Team Updates

The prayer team continues to lift up prayer requests shared by parishioners through emails or calls to the church office at 302-994-1584, to individual members of the prayer team, or requests left in the prayer basket in the church foyer. We collect the prayer requests and other concerns of the parish, community, and world. They are compiled weekly and then these requests are lifted up in the daily prayers of the team members. All are welcome and encouraged to share their prayers.

For those who have an immediate prayer need, we invite you to email your prayer needs and request to Carolyn Mack at or call 302-565-8675

St. James' Pastoral Care Team

St. James' Pastoral Care Team continues to support our parish family and our community.

If you or someone you know is in need, we: 

·        send cards, make phone calls, and pray with you and/or for you.

·        Make home, hospital, and Eucharistic visits.

Please call the office (302-994-1584) and leave a message. Someone will get back to you. Messages are retrieved daily, seven days a week.

Please let us know if you need us or someone you know needs us. We will not know if you do not tell us.

“Blessful” Meditations

We all know that life can be a little stressful and hectic sometimes. We hope that by reading this short bible passage and watching a relaxing video will help you take a moment and reflect on God’s gifts.  

1 Corinthians 15:21:

"For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man."

Prayer for Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday

Almighty and everliving God, in your tender love for the human race you sent your Son our Savior Jesus Christ to take upon him our nature, and to suffer death upon the cross, giving us the example of his great humility: Mercifully grant that we may walk in the way of his suffering, and also share in his resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

 Find more Morning Psalm and prayers please visit

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St. James' Mill Creek
2106 St. James Church Road
Wilmington, DE 19808
