July, 2021
Hall of Fame Reunion Day
We can't wait to see you all this Sunday! 
The Legends Game - Food - Entertainment - Drinks
The weather forecast looks superb and we our forecasting an excellent crowd due to the fact we have been blessed to garner so much publicity this week and over 150 Inductees and Organizers have committed to attend….the largest group of inductees ever! Led by 103 year old Don Savage who will throw out the first pitch.
Here is the summary of the day's events:
• Museum opens at noon 
Inductees Registration 
If you want to play you must sign in
The first 300 adults will get a free HOF keychain from Total Promotions.
Inductees, we would like to give them name tags so we all know who is who.
Items for sale 25th Anniversary hat, T-Shirt, discounted bricks, pins. And “The Greatest Game on Dirt” book. 
·      1:30 Ceremony and Music by John Vincent
·      2:00 Group Photo
Inductees and HOF recognized team managers
on field 2.
·      2:15 - 4:00 Legends Game
Equipment Drive by Play It Again Sports Forest Park - All proceeds donated to the 16 Inch Softball Hall of Fame.

We are excited to partner with Play It Again Sports - Forest Park. They will be onsite from 11am-2pm collecting all of your quality used fitness and sports equipment. Please bring those items to their tent. All proceeds from that equipment drive will be donated to the 16 Inch Softball Hall of Fame. Play It Again sports is located at 7443 Madison in Forest Park. You can find them online at