First name, check out the '22 TWC Employer Award winners nominated by Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas! Plus, get started on December's Linkedin Learning Bites: Let's Talk Communication. Lastly, this month's Tech Talk features ways you can secure your workspace + MS Planner to help you stay organized.



2022 TWC Employer Awards

These local employers were awarded for their efforts and initiatives that have made a positive impact on our workforce and community. Awards were nominated by Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas and recognized by TWC during its 25th Annual Texas Workforce Conference.

πŸ† Ascension Providence of Waco, TX: 2022 Large Employer of the Year Award Winner

πŸ† Caterpillar Logistics of Waco, TX: 2022 HireAbility Employer of the Year Award Winner

πŸ† JAG Aviation of McGregor, TX: 2022 Small Employer of the Year Award Finalist

πŸ† Encompass Health of Waco, TX: 2022 Local Employer of Excellence


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ο»ΏDecember LinkedIn Learning Bites: Let's Talk Communication


πŸ—“οΈ Upcoming Events

Job Readiness Workshops are held every Tuesday and Wednesday to help job seekers get resume ready, gain interview skills, find a job and more.

View Upcoming Workshops

πŸ–₯️  Tech Talk

Secure Your Space

When thinking about securing your workspace from cyber threats, the mind quickly turns to phishing, hacks, and viruses, but there are many security threats in and around the office that can expose you to a host of threats and cybersecurity issues.

To protect your physical workspace from system compromises, unauthorized breaches, and data loss, be sure to follow these office tips.

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Learn about MS Planner

Microsoft Planner, a planning and project management app for Office 365, was designed to help teams stay focused as they shepherd their projects to the finish line.

Learn how to customize Planner notifications; add, move, copy, delete, and filter tasks; view group conversations; collaborate in a OneNote notebook; add a plan to Outlook Calendar; and more.

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The Heart of Texas Workforce Development Board, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer/program and auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY/TDD via RELAY Texas service at 711 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989 / 1-800-735-2988 (voice).
