A little rain can't stop Scouts from enjoying the Gaga Pits at week 1 of Creepy Hollow at Cub Adventure Camp!

Scout Safety Moment

Scout Safety Moment: Psychological First Aid

The purpose of psychological first aid is to provide basic care, comfort, and support to anyone experiencing stress. All of us experience stress. Family issues, the death of a loved one, natural disasters, trauma, or even exams, arguments, or breakups can be stressful. Individuals respond differently to stress, depending upon our coping mechanisms. Negative symptoms of stress include physical complaints, behavioral changes, or emotional instability. Results may be devastating when people can’t find ways to cope effectively with what happened.

[Learn More]

Scouting News

We're Hiring!

Interested in a career that helps grow strong families and better communities? Consider coming to work right now for the Heart of Virginia Council as a District Executive or a Camp Ranger. Both jobs are full-time, salaried, with medical, dental, and retirement benefits.

[Join Our Team!]

🚨 Scout Shop Uniforming Sale: Ends October 31st

Get your new year in Scouting kicked off with a fresh new uniform! You'll receive 20% off uniform bottoms with the purchase of a uniform top from July 31st thru October 31st. All the details, including our handy Uniform Flyer (which includes a helpful checklist) can be found on our Scout Shop website.

[Visit the HOVC Scout Shop]

Friends of Scouting Dinner with Keynote Speaker, Kyle Petty

We are thrilled to announce our Keynote Speaker for the 2024 Friends of Scouting Dinner, presented by Lansing Building Products. Kyle Petty will join us on April 11th at the Greater Richmond Convention Center Grand Ballroom. Kyle Petty is an auto racing icon, a champion of philanthropy, and one of the most popular personalities in NASCAR. He is a storied race car driver, a vibrant TV personality, a talented musician, a dedicated philanthropist, a published author, and a motivational speaker.

[Additional FOS Dinner Details]

Richmond Marathon Support at the Virginia War Memorial

This Veterans Day (November 11th), our friends at the Virginia War Memorial have invited us to participate in their support of the Richmond Marathon. Scout Leaders, Scouts, and families are invited to register for 30-minute blocks to pass out water, snacks and encouragement to runners. Plus, your registration includes game time in the Army E-Sports Trailer! Tours of the Virginia War Memorial will be available, as well.

[Register Here!]

🚨 Customer Service Survey Closes October 31st

Have you been to the HOVC Leadership Center lately? Our Customer Service Survey, which is open through October 31st, is an opportunity to tell us how we're doing, what we're doing well, and ways we can improve. Your experience is important to us, and we'd love to hear from you about your visit.

[Take Our Survey]

Congratulations to Ian Pollard with Troop 2886

We would like to congratulate Ian Pollard with Troop 2886 on the completion of the P.R.A.Y. program, God and Church. Ian earned his religious emblem over the summer through Trinity United Methodist Church in Chesterfield. The Religious Emblems programs are developed by the national religious organizations to encourage their members to grow stronger in their faith. The Scouting agencies have approved of these programs and allow the awards to be worn on the official uniforms.

[Learn More]

Nawakwa Scouting Museum

There is a treasure hidden in plain sight at the Heart of Virginia Scout Reservation in Goochland, Virginia. Anyone who has gone to Camp T. Brady Saunders or has camped overnight in Camp Douglas Fleet has driven right by this little gem. Upon entering the Reservation, turn left. The first building you see is the Nawakwa Scouting Museum, operated by the Nawakwa Lodge of the Order of the Arrow (OA).

[Learn More]

Heart of Virginia Council Master Plan

We invite you to visit our Heart of Virginia Council Master Plan page to learn more about where we've spent more than $855,000 to improve our Scout Reservation, and how we intend to continue making improvements in the years to come! These projects cannot be completed without the support of the units who participate in our annual fundraising (Popcorn & Peanuts, and Camp Cards) or our very generous donors! Thank you!

[View the HOVC Master Plan]

Planning Your New Year in Scouting

Will Your Unit Earn Free Rank Patches for the Year?

Congratulations to our units who are well on their way to earning FREE RANK PATCHES for the year! Qualifying units sold at least $400 in product (popcorn, peanuts, and/or Camp Cards), hosted a Friends of Scouting Family presentation, and are gearing up to complete their Unit Renewal by December 15th!

[Learn More]

Cub Scout Unit Planning Calendar, 2023 - 2024

Scout Life magazine suggests monthly themes for Cub Scout units to use while planning meetings and outings. Scouts will read stories related to these themes in the magazine, on and in the Scout Life app with suggestions that follow the 12 points of the Scout Law. Get your own FREE Planning Calendar with suggested themes and Scouting dates that will help you plan your monthly meetings with ease.

[Get a FREE Calendar (PDF)]

Cub Scout Recruitment on Facebook

Each Thursday, we're sharing posts dedicated to Cub Scout Recruitment on our Facebook page. Units are encouraged to share these posts to their own Facebook pages (personal and unit-specific) throughout recruitment season!

[Visit HOVC on Facebook]

James River Webelos to Scout Transition Fair

The 2023 James River District Webelos to Scout Transition Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, November 8th at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church located at 4491 Springfield Road, Glen Allen 23060. Please ask your PLC to consider participating in this year's fair.

[Register to Attend]

2024 Unit Renewal

(Recharter) Coming Soon!

Each year, all Scouting units must update their member roster and pay fees for the coming calendar year. This process is called Unit Renewal, or Recharter. We've updated our Charter Renewal page to include 2024 resources and helps to make your recharter a success. Prepare in the coming month by reviewing and updating your roster!

[Charter Renewal Resources]

Pack Volunteer Recruitment

Does your pack need volunteers? Check out this 47-minute video, "Volunteer Recruitment for Cub Scout Packs." It is a training on how to recruit Cub Scout Parents to become volunteers in a Cub Scout Pack. The video outlines an annual strategy to identify and recruit parent volunteers as well as conduct a group recruitment event at a Pack Meeting right after new families join.

[View the Video!]

Youth Protection Violation and Abuse Reporting

Adult leaders and youth members have a responsibility to recognize, respond to, and report Youth Protection violations and abuse. Serious Youth Protection policy violations or behaviors that put a youth's safety at risk must be reported to the Scout Executive. Online reporting is available at Incident Reporting. All persons participating in Scouting programs are mandated reporters of child abuse! Reports must be made to local law enforcement and child protective services.

[Get All the Details]

2023 Den, Pack, and Troop Driven Recruitment Guide

Every fall, the Heart of Virginia Council conducts a Join Scouting Night Campaign to invite new families to join packs, troops, crews, and posts. This fall we will again hold a JSN campaign, primarily utilizing promotions efforts through local schools. However, your den, pack, or troop can hold additional recruiting events that leverage social media and word-of-mouth marketing to invite new families out to one or more of the fun activities that your unit is already doing. Use our helpful guide and planning worksheet to help you hold a successful recruitment event.

[Download Your Guide and Worksheet]

Membership Registration Changes Effective as of August 1st

As of August 1, 2023, all new youth and adult members who join Scouting will be enrolled in a 12-month membership cycle and BSA will cease prorating fees. Both youth and adults will pay the full annual membership fee and will renew their membership on the anniversary date of joining Scouting, and the Heart of Virginia Council Program Fee of $10 will also be charged to joining members through December 31, 2023.

[Membership Registration Changes]

Program Fee Changes as of January 1, 2024

Changes to program fees will take effect beginning January 1, 2024. It's important for all Packs, Troops, Crews and Posts to review the announcement below ahead of their annual program planning.

[Read the Full Announcement]

Annual Health & Medical Forms for ALL Participants

A reminder to all parents and unit leaders that right now is the time to review your existing Annual Health and Medical Records on file for your Scouts AND participating members of their family. The Scouting adventure, camping trips, high-adventure excursions, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being.

[Update Your AHMR]

Fundraising Opportunities

🚨 Buy A Pie to Keep Them Dry: Order by November 1

A Fundraiser for New Tents and Platforms at Heart of Virginia Council Camps!

Your holiday heroes are back; pumpkin, pecan, Boston cream, apple, fruits of the forest, French silk, and cheesecake have returned for our most delicious annual fundraiser. Order your desserts now through November 1st, and we'll have them ready for pick-up on November 17th and 18th at the Leadership Center. Don't forget to take our Pie Poll! Will our New York Style Cheesecake defend its 2022 championship title, or will there be a new winner in 2023?

[Buy a Pie to Keep Them Dry!]

Giving Tuesday: November 28th, 2023

Scouting is a journey that begins with Cub Scouts, where our young members start devoting their time and effort to community service. As they progress through Scouts BSA, their dedication to giving back to society only grows stronger. The countless hours they dedicate to community service are a testament to their sense of duty and commitment to making a positive difference. We take immense pride in nurturing the growth and development of these young individuals, and hope you'll help us further the impact of Scouting in Central Virginia with a Giving Tuesday donation!

Blast Day is Back in 2023!

Sell $2,000 in Popcorn and/or Peanuts in the Product Sale and Scouts can earn their way to the Blast Day Rocket Launch Party! Scouts will receive their very own Alpha Flying Model Rocket to build! The event will be held at Cub Adventure Camp in Maidens, VA on December 9, 2023 (rain date December 16, 2023). This will also be a "Bring a Buddy" event where Scouts can bring a friend to learn more about Scouting and participate in shooting sports and the climbing tower... more details coming soon!

[More Information]

Papa John's Dollars 4 Dough


Put on your spookiest costumes and summon up some eerily delicious, hot, cheesy pizza and appetizers! Use code SCOUTS and 10% of your order will mysteriously return to Council through the Dollars 4 Dough program and for the benefit of Scouts.

[Dollars 4 Dough]

Training Opportunities

November District Roundtables

District Roundtable is a monthly program offered by districts that give leaders hands-on experience and provides a forum for leaders to offer and receive help from their fellow Scouters. Each District offers special supplemental training for volunteers at the beginning of the month.

[Get Roundtable Dates & Details]

🚨 In-Person Den Chief Training: Registration Closes Tonight!

Den Chief Training combines fun and enjoyment with an excellent character-building experience. Participants will learn leadership, organization, and most importantly, how to work with Cub Scouts. This training is for youth who are or want to be a Den Chief to a Cub Scout, Webelos to Arrow of Light Den. It is also for registered adult leaders who want to learn the duties and roles of Den Chiefs and who will be working with Den Chiefs. Training takes place on October 28th at Camp T. Brady Saunders.

[October 28th]

Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training At Winter Camp

The South of the James Training Team is offering Scoutmaster Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training on January 13th during Winter Camp at T. Brady Saunders for registered leaders throughout the Heart of Virginia Council. This training is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters.  The cost is $5 and includes water, light refreshments, and "Trained" patches for leaders who have completed all training requirements for their registered position.

[Get Trained on January 13th, 2024]

Wood Badge: Spring 2024

Wood Badge is the ultimate leadership training program of the BSA. Reflecting the best of nearly a century of Scouting experience and tradition, Wood Badge draws upon current leadership models used to train leaders in organizations throughout the world. Through hands-on activities, learning experiences, and games, leadership models are brought to life. Our next Wood Badge course takes place over two weekends at Cub Adventure Camp. Join us April 12th - 14th and April 27th - 28th, 2024!

[Get Wood Badge Trained!]

Youth Protection Update

A September 1, 2023, the following rule went into effect: All adults staying overnight in connection with a Scouting activity must be currently registered in an adult fee required position as listed or as an adult program participant. Registration as a Merit Badge Counselor does not meet this requirement. There are limited exceptions for Cub Scout overnight Programs.

[Read the Full Announcement]

Hazardous Weather Training

Numerous Scouting programs are conducted in the great outdoors, and the Hazardous Weather training module is dedicated to the effective management of weather-related risks for our Scouting community. It offers a comprehensive discussion on the significance of understanding the risks associated with our outdoor classroom, with a particular focus on three critical areas: lightning safety, managing heat and hydration, and preventing hypothermia.

[Take This FREE Training Online]

New at the Scout Shop

🚨 Fall Scout Shop Survey Closes October 31st

Have you visited our Scout Shop lately? We want to know how it went! Our Fall 2023 Scout Shop Survey is open, and we're ready for our feedback. Take our survey anonymously OR provide your name and contact information, and you'll be entered into a drawing for a $20 Scout Shop gift card.

[Take the Survey!]

Patch Sewing Service

The Heart of Virginia Council Scout Shop, located in the Leadership Center at 8090 Villa Park Drive, is offering a Patch Sewing Service to save you some time and frustration (especially if you don’t own a sewing machine and the thought of hand stitching or using Badge Magic on those patches makes you shudder).

[Take Patches Off Your To-Do List]

🚨 Tiger & Lion Rally: Registration Closes October 31st

Registration is OPEN for the Tiger & Lion Rally, a special event at Cub Adventure Camp on November 4th when all-new Tiger & Lion Scouts and their families are invited to camp for the day to have fun and become familiar with Cub Adventure Camp. Registration is only $8 per attendee and includes all activities - including a new Petting Zoo - and a special event patch! Bring a Friend to Fill Your Den and you and your buddy will receive an exclusive swag bag at check-in!

[Tiger & Lion Rally Details]

Changes to Cub Scout Pack Overnight Camping

Effective as of September 1, 2023, Cub Scout packs who are conducting their own overnight camping activities may now camp up to two consecutive nights. This is a change from the earlier policy on pack unit-coordinated camping, which was previously limited to single overnight experiences. The updated policy also applies to Webelos and Arrow of Light dens, who can now conduct campouts for up to two consecutive nights.

[Get the Details!]

Light of Christ or Parvuli Dei:

Catholic Cub Scout Religious Emblems

Cub Scouts and their families are welcomed to participate in this six week facilitator supported faith journey held at St. Michael Catholic Church in Glen Allen, VA to help them earn their religious emblem. Two different emblems programs are offered depending on the Scout’s rank. Parents are active participants in these programs and must register and attend with their Scouts. Classes are scheduled for Sundays from November 5th - December 17th, 4:00 to 4:45pm.

[Earn Your Catholic Religious Emblem]

Weekend Experiences at Cub Adventure Camp

Our Weekend Experience at Cub Adventure Camp is a program designed for you, by you, and to meet the needs of your Pack. Come out for the morning, come out for the afternoon, or come out for both. Pick your program for your Pack and participate in one activity or two. Come out just for the day or make a weekend camping adventure out of your Experience. Cubmasters, book a Weekend Experience now and let us do the hard work on your Fall Family Camping adventure.

[Learn More]

Girl Troop Fantastic Friends Frenzy: December 9th

Bring your Friends to Camp to experience the FUN in Scouting! Participate in Shooting Sports, Climbing Tower, Games, Scout Competitions, and a Campfire Program complete with s'mores! Cost: Free, Your troop just needs to bring one or more girls that are not currently in Scouts.

[Attend the Frenzy]

Winter Camp: Merit Badge Counselors and Volunteers Needed

We are seeking merit badge counselors for 2024 Winter Camp (January 12th-15th at the Heart of Virginia Scout Reservation). You may teach for one day or the whole weekend. We are looking especially for instructors for STEM and nature merit badges. Staff receive a staff hoodie, patch, indoor housing and free meals. We would love for you to join our Winter Camp team. Interested candidates, please contact Vincent Milone via email at

[Winter Camp Site]

James River District Klondike Derby: February 9th - 11th, 2024

The James River District is hosting their annual Klondike Derby in February. This event is open to Cub Scouts, Webelos and AOLs, Scouts BSA, and Venture Crews. Challenges will be program- and age- appropriate. Scouts BSA and Venturers will use orienteering skills to navigate from station to station. A Leader Guide and registration will be available soon. Are you keeping up with other James River happenings? The James River District Facebook page is a great place to stay in-the-know.

[Register Here]

Winterfest 2024 for Venturers and Explorers

2024 Winterfest is an exciting, fun-filled, and competitive event for Explorers and Venturers. This is an action-packed 2-day event, February 9th - 11th, filled with competitions, aquatic and STEM events, shooting sports, climbing, sports tournaments and more! Many events are related to various career fields such as Fire Service, Law Enforcement, and EMS.

[Get the Details & Register]

Changes to the Glenn A. & Melinda W. Adams Eagle Scout Project of the Year Award

The National Eagle Scout Association awards committee has recently UPDATED the Glenn and Melinda Adams Eagle Scout Project of the Year Award nomination form for this year. Completed nomination forms should be submitted to no later than January 31st, 2024.

[Learn More About It!]

Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge: March 23rd

Those who service automobiles must understand each principle, and how these principles interact to provide smooth, efficient performance. Owners of cars also benefit by understanding how their vehicles operate. This enables them to understand why certain periodic maintenance is required to keep their vehicles in tip-top shape. Join in on the Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge Workshop on March 23rd!

[Register Now!]

Weekend Experiences at T. Brady Saunders

Our Weekend Experience at T. Brady Saunders opens parts of camp for weekend use! Weekend primitive camping opportunities are available at S. Douglas Fleet from August through May, based on availability. We offer Troops the opportunity to customize a program specifically tailored for their Scouts. Come out for nature, fishing, shooting, STEM, and more. We even have canoes available for rent!

[Learn More]

Adventures Everyone Can Enjoy

Permanent Orienteering Courses in Virginia

Whether you're working on rank requirements or the Orienteering merit badge, a list of Permanent Orienteering Courses in Virginia is a helpful resource for Scouts and leadership! A two-page list of permanent courses, including instructions, maps, and more will be regularly reviewed and maintained. Keep your eyes peeled for an opportunity to earn your Orienteering Merit Badge in October.

[Show Me the Way!]

Recognition, Memorials and Honors

Eagle's Nest

Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. Only four percent of Boy Scouts achieve this remarkable milestone. [Eagle Scouts]

Memorials and Honors

Tributes and memorials are a way for us to honor, cherish, or remember our Scouting mentors and loved ones. [Honorees]

2024 Eagle Challenge

Brick Program

A great way to honor your Eagle Scout is to sponsor a personally engraved Eagle Brick. The cost is $200 per brick which includes engraving of up to eighteen characters per line (letters, space and punctuation) with a maximum of two lines. 2024 Eagle Challenge Brick orders are due Friday, July 12th, 2024.

[Learn More]

Connect with HOVC

Follow Us on Facebook

Like being in-the-know? Our Facebook page is regularly updated with news and information we feel is most helpful to our Scouting community. Swing by and give us a like and a follow, and don't forget to share the posts that are most meaningful or helpful to you.


Review Us On Google

The HOVC Communications team continues to work hard to provide existing, new, and potential Scouts with the best possible experience! That includes access to great, accurate information… and we think YOU are an important source! We would love to hear from you about your positive experiences with HOVC.

[Leave a Review]

Friday 5 and Courier Newsletters

Get the top news stories of the week and month by subscribing to our Friday 5 and Courier newsletters. We'll keep you updated on the news you need every Friday at noon. Subscribe and view the archives by visiting the link below.

[Friday 5 and Courier]

District Websites
Check out your district for upcoming events and important news!



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Heart of Virginia Council  

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