IPUL Logo with Engage Educate Bridge Lead

IPUL's E-News for December 16, 2022

Here are the highlights of our upcoming events and recent activity online. Not everything is included due to timeliness.

If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.

Questions And Answers With You in 2022
Idaho Parents Unlimited
Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

For Question 49 we asked: 

What are some of your holiday Traditions? 


- My sister and I would go on a date with our grandfather which ended in visiting Santa, then stopping to get loads of Christmas Candy. We did this for 37 years.

- Drive around and look at Christmas lights.

- Decorating sugar cookies with all the kids/cousins.


Making my Grandma Hopie's caramels and mailing them to cousins, family, and friends who delight in them every year.


My favorite, favorite holiday tradition is making a Christmas Eve fort for my kids to sleep in. We have PVC pipes to make a frame, blankets upon blankets to make the cover and then my daughter adds Christmas lights for decoration. My kids all sleep (well they try to sleep) in the fort on Christmas Eve, and then all come upstairs together in the morning to see what Santa left for them. I just love that even at 17, 15, 13 and 8 they all still look forward to this tradition!


Our family gathers together the entire day of Christmas Eve and spends quality family time making DOZENS of tamales for us to enjoy on Christmas Day with Posole! I am so glad I am able to share this tradition with my children as they get older.


- Getting hot cocoa and watching a lightshow set to music in our neighborhood.

- Christmas eve at Grandma and Grandpas.

- Eating Pizza on Christmas Eve.


Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter: /IPULIdaho


December Youth Corner

DEC. 2022 | Vol. 12

Youth Corner

International Sharps Injury Prevention Awareness Month

Types of sharps:

- Needles

- Syringes

- Lancets

- Infusion Sets

Ways to prevent future injuries:

- Never recap sharp objects

- Properly dispose of sharps

- Eliminating unnecessary use of sharps

- Using retractable needles

National Tie Month

National Tie Month is celebrated in December to honor a part of a formal outfit.

*Watch for Fred Riggers Disability Awareness Day coming in February where we will tie it all together!

Cake Mix Cookies

- 1 (15.25-ounce) box cake mix

- ½ cup vegetable oil

- 2 large eggs

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with a silicone mat or parchment paper and set aside.

2. In a large bowl, stir the cake mix, oil, and eggs until combined. If you have time, refrigerate the dough 15 to 20 minutes (it will make it a little easier to work with, since it is sticky).

3. Using a medium scoop or spoon, scoop the dough onto the baking sheet. Top with additional toppings, if desired. Bake 9 to 11 minutes, or until the cookies are set. You don’t want them to brown.

Holidays in December:

- Hanukkah

- Christmas

- Kwanzaa

Dic. 2022 | Vol. 12

Rincón Juvenil

Mes Internacional de Concientización Sobre la Prevención de Lesiones Cortopunzantes

Tipos de objetos punzantes:

- Agujas

- Jeringas

- Lancetas

- Juegos de Infusión

Maneras de prevenir futuras lesiones:

- Nunca vuelva a tapar objetos afilados

- Deseche correctamente los objetos punzocortantes

- Eliminación del uso innecesario de objetos punzocortantes

- Uso de agujas retráctiles

Mes Nacional de la Corbata

El Mes Nacional de la Corbata se celebra en diciembre para honrar una parte de un atuendo formal.

*¡Esté atento al Día de Concientización sobre la Discapacidad de Fred Riggers que se realizará en febrero, donde lo uniremos todo!

Mezcla de Pastel de Galleta

- 1 caja (15.25 onzas) de mezcla para pastel

- ½ taza de aceite vegetal

- 2 huevos grandes

1. Precaliente el horno a 350°F. Cubra una bandeja para hornear con una estera de silicona o papel pergamino y reserve.

2. En un tazón grande, revuelva la mezcla para pastel, el aceite y los huevos hasta que se mezclen. Si tiene tiempo, refrigere la masa de 15 a 20 minutos (hará que sea un poco más fácil trabajar con ella, ya que es pegajosa).

3. Con una cuchara o cuchara mediana, coloque la masa en la bandeja para hornear. Cubra con coberturas adicionales, si lo desea. Hornea de 9 a 11 minutos, o hasta que las galletas estén cuajadas. No quieres que se doren.

Dias Festivos en Diciembre

- Jánuca

- Navidad

- Kwanzaa

January Lunch and Learn

Idaho Parents Unlimited

Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

Lunch and Learn

Navigating the Idaho Medicaid Katie Beckett application and process with the IPUL team.

January 12, 2023 from 12:15-12:30 PM MST

Live on Facebook!


Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter: /IPULIdaho


2023 Parent Leadership Development Institute Applications are OPEN

Idaho Parents Unlimited

Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

April 24 - 28th, 2023

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Parent Leadership Development Institute 2023

All expenses (lodging, travel, and meals) to attend PLDI are covered by Idaho Parents Unlimited.

- Do you live in regions 1 & 2?

- Do you want to influence change or policies affecting services for children with disabilities?

- Can you see yourself, as a parent, sharing your story to a professional group?

Participants will be asked to:

- Attend the 4.5 day, in person, overnight institute

- Participate in bi-monthly follow up calls and activities

- Establish mentors and set goals

Application deadline: February 1st, 2023. Candidates will be contacted following submission of their application to schedule an interview. Selections will be notified via email by February 14th, 2023.


"For the past 15 years, IPUL has been supporting parents in becoming strong leaders in their communities through its Parent Leadership Development Institute"

*If you need to know what region you live in please contact our office. 

Contact us:

Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter: /IPULIdaho


What Is IPUL Doing in December?

December calendar updated

What is IPUL doing? December 2022

12/01/22 - PLDI 2023 Application Opens *Regions 1 & 2 only*

MW 12/13/22 - Dispute Resolution Services for SPED in Idaho

12/24/22 - 01/02/23 - Closed for the Holidays!

UPDATED to show that we are closed from December 24 - January 02


MW- Monthly Webinar

LL- Lunch & Learn (Facebook Live)

PLDI - Parent Leadership Development Institute

January 2023's Workshop

Positive Behavior Strategies (PBIS & FBA)

Idaho Parents Unlimited

Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

Monthly Workshop

Positive Behavior Strategies (PBIS & FBA)

Learn how to understand different behaviors and aquire some tools on how to support your child in all areas.

- Understanding behaviors and Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA)

- Supporting your child’s behavior at school, home and in the community

- Strategies and tools you can use for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

January 10, 2022 12:30-1:30 pm MST via Zoom

Registration required:

Contact us:

Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter: /IPULIdaho


Contact Idaho Parents Unlimited!

The best method to reach us for assistance is through our website: . You can also shoot us a question using the abbreviated version of that form at the bottom of every page on our website, although we may need to get more information from you.

We monitor our intake phone line (208-342-5884) during the workday, and will try to respond to any request there within 24 hours. We use an automated intake phone system, so you will be leaving a message. (Please be sure the number you are leaving us can accept text or voice messages.)

For questions that are not about something in our scope of work, you can still leave a phone message as above, send the question to the form on our website, or shoot us an email at

We keep our website updated with new news and events, and maintain a presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
IPUL's programs are funded in part through grants and contracts with the following:
logos for F2F Family Voices and Ideas that Work
Programs and services offered by Idaho Parents Unlimited are supported in part by the U.S. Department of Education (H328M200033) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Affordable Care Act Family to Family Health Information Center (H84MC12896), opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions of either department, endorsement is not assumed