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Powering Your Life Affordably
Whether you’re cleaning up or winding down, REC is right there with you. And … powering you through each moment for just over $5 a day. Check out ways to save.
Supplier Announces Rate Increase
Due to the higher natural gas prices, REC's power supplier, Old Dominion Electric Cooperative, has implemented a rate increase to cover the higher generation costs. A typical household that uses nearly 1,350 kWh of electricity each month will see an increase of about $2.90 per month.
Yard Sale Signs Get the Boot
Hanging signs on poles can be a hazard to linemen and other utility workers. Not only are they an obstacle, but the nails and staples used to hang them can easily puncture work boots and their protective equipment.

REC Earns Prestigious Award
For the 21st consecutive year, the dedication and commitment of REC’s Vegetation Management team has earned the Tree Line USA award, a prestigious recognition from the National Arbor Day Foundation.

Is Your Name on the List?
Visit REC’s website to view the list of those who are entitled to Unclaimed Capital Credits. If you see your name or have information on how to locate someone on the list, please contact REC at 800-552-3904.

REC's office lobbies are open by appointment or for walk-up visits from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. To schedule an appointment please visit

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
P.O. Box 7388
Fredericksburg, VA 22404

© Rappahannock Electric Cooperative 2021- All Rights Reserved