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Community Updates & Reminders
No Friday Food Truck on September 30th
The Dulles Farms Community guidance on Halloween is consistent with the information posted by Loudoun County.

Each family within our community should evaluate their own situation to determine what is best regarding partaking in festivities during Halloween. As a reminder we recommend that homes that opt NOT to participate in typical Halloween festivities, please keep their porch lights off as a sign they are not partaking.
Friday, November 4th
Join us for Bingo in the VA Manor Clubhouse on Friday 04 November 2022 at 7pm.  Please register each member of your family in an individual slot because we can only accommodate 40 people (kids and adults) inside the clubhouse.  If there are not enough available slots to accommodate your entire family please do not sign up.  We will assign tables by family. If you plan to order a family pack ($20 cash only), please indicate if you want cheese or pepperoni in the "family pack" section of the sign up. A family pack includes a large pizza, 4 drinks and 5 bingo cards for $20.  If you need to cancel, please let us know as soon as possible so we can open your slots to others.  
County Electronics Recycling Event
Loudoun County hosts two electronics recycling collection events, one in the spring and one in the fall. The next event will occur Saturday, October 29, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The event location is the Leesburg Park and Ride commuter parking lot, 19730 Sycolin Road, Leesburg (where Gourley Transit Drive intersects with Sycolin Road). Please CLICK HERE for more information.
November 10, 2022 at 6:30 PM
Mark your calendars for one of the most important Association meetings of the year! The Board is looking forward to seeing you (virtually) at the Annual Meeting where we will be providing a current state of the Association, reporting on various accomplishments made throughout the year, approving the 2020 annual meeting minutes and announcing the election results.  Please select the link below for the Agenda and Instructions for joining this meeting.
Please contact Management at if you have any questions.
Annual Property Inspections
CAMP Management continues to perform property inspections within the community throughout the year. As a reminder, all properties will be inspected for general maintenance including but not limited to; yard maintenance, landscaping, peeling paint, lamp posts, broken mailboxes, dirty siding, tree stake removal, trash/recycling can storage, etc.

Please take the time in the coming days to survey your property for proper maintenance.
Thank you - CAMP Management
Sign Restrictions
No signs may be placed on any lot or common area except real estate and Board approved signs. Real Estate signs must meet County regulations with respect to size, content, and removal. Signs may be placed only in the front yard of the property available. Sign shall be removed promptly following the sale or rental of the property. Owners may install two security signs not to exceed 64 square inches each. Approved locations shall be at the front door, in shrubbery within 12 feet of the front door, or in the rear of the home within 6 feet of the house.

If you have a sign in your front yard such as a graduation sign, political sign, statement sign, etc., we ask that you please remove the sign(s) at this time.
Facility Pass Recycling
Recycling is a necessity in today's world. There are a variety of ways and items in the span of recycling.

It goes without saying that we appreciate those who continue to recycle paper, plastic, cardboard, etc., but the facilities cards that we issue to homeowners can also be recycled.

As we continue to do our part in going-green,
we encourage homeowners who are moving and will no longer be using the facilities passes, to please take time to drop them off at our office which is located at the Westridge Clubhouse, 25185 Chafee Circle. We appreciate your support to the Dulles Farms Community and wish you the best.
No Trespassing Please
Please be respectful of your neighbors and do not litter or leave your unwanted items on their property. Entering another persons property without consent from the Homeowner is trespassing.
For a calendar view of all Committee meetings, social events, clubhouse rentals and holiday closings, please visit our calendar located on the Resident Portal. On Resident Portal, you can also view your account information, pay your assessments, access important Association documents and so much more!  For a full listing of assessment payment options please CLICK HERE.
If you have not yet signed up for Resident Portal, please contact our office at or at 703-542-7555 for info on how to sign up!