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December mixer at Parktown Pizza Company next week
Indian pizza, masala wings and craft beers
Featuring Indian Pizza, Masala Wings and over 50 Craft Beers. Parktown Pizza Company is proud to be locally owned and operated. Available for pick-up, delivery, catering and dining. Follow Parktown Pizza on Instagram and Facebook. Visit them online at parktownpizza.com.
Networking mixers are a benefit of chamber membership, and are free for chamber members to attend.
Gift Pleasanton Community eGift Card
Keep local dollars in Pleasanton
The Gift Pleasanton Community eGift Card: Uniting Companies, Consumers & Local Merchants to Grow Business in Our Community. As a valued business in the City of Pleasanton, you are invited to participate in Gift Pleasanton, Pleasanton’s citywide eGift Card program.
Community eGift Cards are a simple way for people and companies to “give back” and drive more business into our local stores. Custom-branded for Pleasanton, they are digital gift cards valid at any participating merchants, including restaurants, salons and spas, boutiques, sports and entertainment, hotels, etc. They are a quick and easy way to keep spending local, strengthen our local businesses, and revitalize our community. There is no special technology or administration required to participate, as long as you accept Mastercard and can key in the transaction like a phone order. There is no fee to participate.
Drink beer for a good cause
Just in time for the season of giving, Visit Tri-Valley is challenging Tri-Valley residents and visitors alike to take part in the “Spread Cheer with Beer” campaign by stopping in to any five participating locations along the Tri-Valley Beer Trail from now until January 1, 2023, sampling the best breweries, alehouses, and taprooms in the Tri-Valley. Proceeds will help raise funds for the Livermore Valley Craft Beer Foundation, and participants will earn a limited-edition 64 oz. growler along the way.
Need a career transition?
Workshop presented by tru Strength Realization
Get your career on track. Find meaning and achieve more.
tru Strength Realization is a self-discovery journey that can help you create a pathway to higher career satisfaction and success. Join Michael Rom of tru Strength Realization for this two-part, free workshop.
- Develop a roadmap on how to be more satisfied in your career
- Learn how to replicate your life's greatest achievements
- Discover how to bring out the best in you and your teams
Saturday, December 10, 2022
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Lunch provided
At the Pleasanton Chamber
Hear from President of OMRON
The Chamber relies on Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision as its local public policy agenda, committing volunteer and staff time to work toward its fulfillment as a catalyst, convener and champion for all things Pleasanton.
Every second Wednesday of the month at 12:00 noon, the Pleasanton Chamber brings stakeholders together to focus community resources, time and talent to achieve greater understanding of issues, obstacles and opportunities related to Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision.
December's 2025 Forum meeting will take place on December 14 at 12 noon and feature Olivier Welker, President of OMRON discussing OMRON's recent history, current status, and plans for the near future.
Congratulations to these new members that have recently joined the Chamber
Expert certified professional ergonomist
"We put years of experience into action during the COVID-19 crisis by assisting employers and individuals working at home with both in-person and virtual ergonomic services. The end result is reduced worker discomfort, increased productivity, and a safe work environment."
Ergobility is an independent ergonomic consultant serving individuals and businesses with onsite and virtual ergonomic consultations.
New location? Anniversary? Let us help
Ribbon cuttings increase the visibility of a grand opening, new location, ground breaking or special anniversary. The chamber brings the giant scissors and the red ribbon, invites our ambassadors and publicizes the event in various publications. To schedule a ribbon cutting, email Dawn.
Business Connection newsletter
Read it and see what's new
Take a look at our bi-monthly publication that is inserted into the Pleasanton Weekly, and reaches 11,000 in the community. Our print newsletter officially came out as an insert in the Pleasanton Weekly on November 4 and we have it online for your viewing as well. View PDF here - View online here - Flip through here.
Upcoming mixers at a glance
Networking opportunities for you and your business
Networking mixers provide the perfect opportunity for business-to-business networking to establish new relationships and business contacts. Mixers are held the second Wednesday of each month and are hosted by various Chamber members at their business. They take place from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Attendees are invited to get a first-hand view of the hosts' facilities, products and services. Networking mixers are a benefit of Chamber membership and are free for members to attend.
If you are interested in hosting a future networking mixer, please contact Susie Weiss at susie@pleasanton.org. We are looking for mixer hosts for October and December of 2023.
Pleasanton Young Professionals
Economic Development and Government Relations
Learn more about this committee