We are excited to announce our Anatomy of the Hand Diagnostic Guide in Hand Surgery Source is now live on the Hand Surgery Resource website! This new diagnostic guide highlights the anatomy of the hand and upper extremity and reviews the anatomy of the upper extremity with multiple system-based sections like the one covering major nerves, the brachial plexus, and the cervical roots.

Highlights of the guide include:
  • Images and content describing the muscles of the hand and forearm
  • Details of the major arteries and veins in the upper extremity
  • Detailed descriptions of the extrinsic and intrinsic tendons of the finger along with a diagram of the flexor pulley system
  • Hand sections with information on the fascial structures (retention ligaments), the wrist, joint cartilage, and potential spaces of the hand
  • Video dissection library with eight videos including two volar forearm dissections, three palm dissections, two finger dissections and one dissection highlighting the thenar and hypothenar compartments of the hand

To access the Anatomy of the Hand Diagnostic Guide, visit the Hand Surgery Resource website and log in or register for an account if you're a new user, and cilck on the link for the guide as shown below: