October 7, 2021
Please note: For the most up to date information please click on the Susan Lindgren website. (Language Translations available)
Your Proud Principal
Clarence Pollock
SLP Read$ is Here!
PTO School Fundraiser
for Susan Lindgren Students
SLP Read$ Fall Reading Challenge is coming next week!
Our major PTO fundraiser is happening soon! Students can join the Fall Reading Challenge by filling out a bingo card that shows fun ways to read. Whether reading on their own, being read to by a parent, sibling, or friend, reading outside, out loud, or in their pajamas, the goal is for all students to read 20 minutes a day, and have fun doing it!

Fun Mr. Pollock challenges will be shared to add to the reading excitement and donation collection!
We are asking for donations of $100 per student, however any amount, more or less, is welcome. This money is used to fund the Schoolyard Garden, field trips and in-house learning experiences, yearbooks for every student, teacher appreciation, and more. Our school-wide goal is to raise $30,000. Please be sure to ask friends and family to make a contribution which can be done with cash, check or online and is tax-deductible. 
The SLP Read$ Fall Reading Challenge will be happening Monday, October 11 through Wednesday, October 20. Be on the lookout for bingo cards and donation envelopes coming home next Monday! 
Clarence Pollock, Susan Lindgren Principal

Arsenio Richardson, Susan Lindgren Elementary Support Supervisor

Jane Watts, Susan Lindgren Administrative Assistant to the Principal
952-928-6698 ~
Hispanic Heritage Month
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15.
St. Louis Park Public Schools stakeholders are invited to celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day on Monday, October 11. This virtual event will feature Michael Charette, a member of the Red Cliff band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians. Charette, also known by the name Baapi Waagosh, meaning "Laughing Fox" in the Anishinaabe language, will share stories and play traditional Native American flute music.

Click here to join the Zoom anytime between 6:00-7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 11.
Susan Lindgren Key Dates for Families
  • Monday, October 11 to Wednesday, October 20 SLP Read$ Fundraiser

  • Thursday, October 21 and Friday, October 22- No School K-12 MEA

  • November Family Connect Meetings
  • Thursday, November 4th from 2:30 - 7:30 PM
  • Friday, November 5th from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • (No School for Students on Friday, November 5th)

  • Monday, October 18th at 4:00 PM November Family Connect Meetings sign Up links will be sent out to families.
Upcoming Youth Enrichment Programs with YEP
Upcoming Youth Enrichment Programs with YEP

Thursdays, Oct. 14-Nov. 11, 2:20-3:30 pm 

MEA Camps

Oct. 21 & 22, 9 am-Noon, SLP Middle School 

October 21, 9 am-4 pm, SLP Middle School 

At-Home Learning During Quarantine Plan- Grades K-5
STEP Important Announcements
Reminder: Face Coverings are Required on Buses
and in Schools & Centers
Keep School Open: Stay home if you are sick
Families are also reminded to keep students home when they are sick, including if they have any COVID-related symptoms such as a fever, difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell, muscle pain, chills, cough, runny nose/congestion, sore throat, headache or fatigue.
PTO News
PTO News
Thank you to everyone who attended last week's PTO meeting. We heard an overview about PTO, updates about the garden and our major fundraiser SLP Read$, as well as important school information from Principal Pollock. If you missed the meeting, check out the Zoom recording or view the minutes
Save the date! Join us for our next meeting on Tuesday November 16, when we will hear from Michelle Edwins, Restorative Practices Coordinator for SLP Schools, and hear updates from each grade-level teacher leader. All parents, guardians, and Susan Lindgren stakeholders are welcome to attend.
SLP Read$ Fall Reading Challenge is coming next week!
Our major PTO fundraiser is happening soon! Students can join the Fall Reading Challenge by filling out a bingo card that shows fun ways to read. Whether reading on their own, being read to by a parent, sibling, or friend, reading outside, out loud, or in their pajamas, the goal is for all students to read 20 minutes a day, and have fun doing it! 
We are asking for donations of $100 per student, however any amount, more or less, is welcome. This money is used to fund the Schoolyard Garden, field trips and in-house learning experiences, yearbooks for every student, teacher appreciation, and more. Our school-wide goal is to raise $30,000. Please be sure to ask friends and family to make a contribution which can be done with cash, check or online and is tax-deductible.
Be on the lookout for bingo cards and donation envelopes coming home next Monday! 

Get in touch with me at if you have questions or would like to volunteer. Also, please join our email list and check out our Facebook page to stay connected and get PTO updates. Special note to new Kindergarten families: We do not get your email address from school and you are not automatically added to the PTO email list. You need to subscribe yourself. Please do so! We look forward to getting to know you!

See you at school!
PTO President
District School Calendar
District School Calendar 2021-2022
There is no school on Friday, October 1.
It is a staff development day for staff.
Familias Latinas
Familias Latinas de nuestras escuelas, ahora ya tenemos una página de Facebook con información totalmente en español! Les invitamos a visitar y a darnos un me gusta.