If you have a library and a garden, you have everything you need ~ Cicero
From the Black House desk...
From the Director - July 2, 2021
June was filled with preparations for the summer tour season - Roz Rea oriented our student guides and worked hard to prepare the museum for visitors while Richard worked hard to get the grounds looking terrific. In the office, Lynette is getting ready for our audit.
Around Woodlawn, we have had the happy sounds of kids from The Grand camp and have regularly seen deer feeding in the fields, sometimes with her fawn, turkeys, and a fox. I have met quite a few dogs and walkers as the trails continue to get steady use. The community gardeners have been busy and the croquet court is in constant use - in other words - the place is humming!
I have met so many people and feel quite welcome in Ellsworth. If we haven't had a chance to connect, please give me a call at 667-8671 or email director@woodlawnmuseum.org.
~ Kathy Young
Celebrate Nixon Black's 197th Birthday
Sunday, July 11, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
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In collaboration with:
This is free and open to the public, thanks to the generous support of Bar Harbor Bank & Trust. We will make ice cream, enjoy some cupcakes, and open a story trail.
Children's Librarian Miss Keli will read I am Birch before we cut the ribbon for our story trail. Come help us make Nixon's favorite ice cream (strawberry!) then walk the story trail and read the book.... The story trail will remain at Woodlawn for the rest of the month.
Whenever you come and enjoy the story trail, take a selfie and use a few of these hashtags when you post it to our social media pages - someone will win a copy of the book.
#woodlawnmuseumtrails #ellsworthpubliclibrary #Woodlawnstorytrail #IamBirch
Evening Curator Tours w/Roz Rea
Gather your friends and family to enjoy the curator's tour after hours. Roz Rea, Vice President of the Board and former Curator of Woodlawn (she did her Master's Thesis on George Black!) will take up to six people on four evenings this summer. Bring your questions, if anyone has the answer, it is Roz. Light refreshments after the tour.
5:30 - 7:00 pm; $25/person
Thursday, July 15
Friday, July 23
Tuesday, Aug 3
Thursday, Aug 12
Call 667-8671 to reserve your group soon! These will fill up quickly.
Music on the Porch
Gordon Thomas Ward
Saturday, July 24, 4:30 - 6:00 pm
From Winter Harbor, Gordon is, at heart, a storyteller who paints musical portraits that bring the past to life ~ he performs Americana and Contemporary Folk Rock ~ Join us!
Bring your blanket and/or folding chair and your favorite beverage. There will be light refreshments by donation.
Have some spare time this summer?
The trails, the formal garden, and a few special events are all looking for a few interested people to volunteer.
Frances had many tea sets from which to choose to serve her guests. Rarely seen tea sets at Woodlawn include these lusterware pieces. A Georgian-style silver lusterware teapot, sugar and creamer set are ceramic made to look like silver. In the early to mid 1800s lusterware was quite stylish. In setting pictured above, the silver teapot is paired with black transferware pink luster teacups and saucers.
Frances Black loved a tea party
When Frances Black, second wife of Col. John Black, invited people to tea, what kind of tea did she serve to her guests?
Records of food purchases found in the Black Family Archives provide some hints. In this example from G.W. & C. F. Hale’s Store, both Japan and Oolong teas were purchased in equal quantities. Japan tea was a green tea and Oolong was a black tea.
Dust off your hats - the tea parties are back
What better than dainty treats and sweet tea under an umbrella at Woodlawn on a summer day?
Tea will be served at 3:30 pm; $25/ person; limited to 24 people per day
Make your reservation by calling 667-8671 for the following dates:
July 21 and 28//August 5 and 11
We will be hosting a teddy bear picnic as well - more soon!
Your support of Woodlawn maintains a unique historic home, trails, and programs for the Ellsworth community.
Thank you!
Photo: Lots of wood chips went out on the trails.
Woodlawn Museum, Gardens & Park
19 Black House Drive, P.O. Box 1478
Ellsworth, Maine 04605
(207) 667-8671