See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
November 18, 2021
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace
in worship and in ways to connect and serve.
Pastor's Message
Generosity: What does mean to be generous?

Jeana and Emma are sisters. I met them when Jeana was 4 and Emma was 2 years old. From a young age, Jeana had an entrepreneurial spirit. She was ready to run her own daycare at 6 years old. She took charge and had a commanding presence. Every year, these two sisters would set up a lemonade stand on the busy bike trail by their house. Greeting neighbors and serving refreshments they only took donations. It didn't matter who had money or not, they gave people something to drink. Usually, however, they received many donations and the following Sunday they would proudly walk into the church- Pastor Joanna- this money is to help others. I would take their zip lock bag of money and put it with our funds to serve others.

Jesus invites us to look beyond our needs. Love God, and love the neighbor. These are the great commandments. As you give thanks this November, counting your blessings and feasting on dinner, consider how God is inviting you to be an example of generosity for others. I am grateful for all of those young and old who have been examples to me.

This is a busy and important weekend in our life together at Grace. It is our stewardship weekend. We are inviting you to bring your commitment cards, praying about how you might share your resources with our church at Grace. It is also our special congregational meeting when we will be voting on tithing on the sale of our land and also moving forward in the capital appeal. I hope you will join me in prayer:

God of blessings, we are thankful that you have united us as your people and invited us to share your love in the world. Guide us this weekend as we make decisions about the future of our church. Open our eyes, our ears, our hearts, and our lives to your love. Help us to follow your generous and life-giving Spirit. Amen
Pastor Joanna Mitchell
Congregational Meeting
Nov. 20th & 21st
After All Worship Services

There will be meetings the weekend of Nov. 20th & 21st to discuss and vote on Tithing the sale of the Nightingale Property, which architect plan we will go forward with, and to move forward with a Stewardship Drive to raise the money needed for the architect plan that is chosen. Please plan on staying after worship for this important meeting.

Confirmed members and people who have transferred their membership to Grace Lutheran will be invited to vote on the following:

Do you vote in favor of sharing 10% (tithing) on the money received from the sale of our Nightingale Property?
I approve. I disapprove.

Pending the approval of tithing on the money received from the sale of the property, I support sharing:

Pick one:
10% of the full amount $97,000
10% of our profits $73,000. ($970,000 (proceeds) - $240,000 (original price) = $73,000).

I am in favor of moving forward with the Building Project and beginning a Capital Appeal.
Yes No.

We invite you to pray about this upcoming vote that we might follow the will and the guidance of God as we move into the future.
Thanksgiving Worship
and Pie Social
Tuesday, November 23rd
-Saturdays at 5pm Contemporary
-Sundays at 8:45am Traditional
-Sundays at 10:30am Contemporary
We do not require masks but it is strongly encouraged for unvaccinated people at in-person worship. If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, please feel free to do so. We do ask if you are not feeling well or ill please stay home. We will continue to live stream worship services for those who do not feel comfortable coming to worship or those who are out of the area.

Fellowship is after worship on Sundays. Goodies and coffee are available in the Narthex after worship.
Wednesday Night at Grace
will not be happening on
Wed., Nov. 24th due to Thanksgiving Worship on Tues., Nov. 23rd.
Holiday Worship

Here is an updated list of the added Holiday Worship Services for this season.
December 24th 2:00pm Christmas Eve Worship
December 24th 3:30pm Christmas Eve Worship
December 24th 7:00pm Christmas Eve Worship
December 24th 9:00pm Christmas Eve Worship
December 25th 10:00am Christmas Day Worship (No 5pm Service)
December 26th 9:00am Sunday Worship (No 8:45 or 10:30am Services)
January 1st No 5pm Worship
Ministries News
Escape for Pie!
Nov. 20th from 12-4:30pm

All high school students (and friends) are invited to join us for an Escape Room Adventure and followed by PIE! Cost: $25 for the escape room plus bring money for pie.  We will meet at church to carpool to the escape room (adults will be driving) and the go for pie at Baker’s Square by church. Please eat lunch before you arrive. Sign up on Realm! 
Family Table Drive Up Meal
Sunday, Nov. 21st

Help is needed for the Family Table Drive Thru meal on Sunday, November 21st.

If you can help, please contact Lynda Wilde or 612-418-6444. Or simply click on the link below.

What a joy and privilege to provide a meal for those in need! Grace will be serving another Family Table “take-out” meal on November 21st. There are plenty of opportunities for you to help, whether it’s making food, or donating bottled water! We also need assistance packing meals and bringing the meals out to our guests in the parking lot. If you can help, please sign up!
Advent Wreath Making & Potluck
Sunday, Nov. 28th at 5pm

Come one, come all for a wonderful evening potluck, fellowship and advent wreath making. No experience necessary. Please bring yourselves, a scissors or plant snipper and a dish to pass. Sunday November 28, 2021 at 5 pm. The cost is $20 per kit. There is a limit of 30 kits. You can also register for an at home kit (without boughs) to create as a family. Please register on Realm. Please contact Mandi DeGrote with questions
Wild Mountain Ski Day
December 3rd at 9am
Final Registration is Nov. 22nd!!!

Join us on December 3rd for a ski day at Wild Mountain. We will depart from Grace at 9am in order to enjoy a day of skiing.  For a group of 20 or more adult rates for skiing are $30, youth are $26. Rentals are extra. We hope to carpool to the hill and will arrange transportation for high school and middle school students. Elementary school students need a trusted adult to accompany them.  
Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Would you like to share God’s grace in a very tangible and REAL way this Christmas? If so, please consider “adopting” a local family who will be truly blessed by your generosity. Through our Faith & Community Partnership with Sand Creek Elementary School, we will connect families, individuals, or groups from Grace Lutheran with local student families in need.
If you are interested in adopting a local family this Christmas, please contact Jan Margotto at 763-434-4617.   
Turkeys Are Needed to Fill Thanksgiving Baskets for Sand Creek Elementary!!

Turkeys needed for Thanksgiving Baskets for families in need at Sand Creek Elementary. If you are able to donate a 12-14 pound frozen turkey, sign up on the blue sheet or call the Church Office. Turkeys need to be dropped off at Grace no later than Sunday, November 21st. 
The Grace Giving Tree
Offering Grace upon Grace to Families in Need
The Grace Giving Tree (TGGT) assists families in need, who worship at Grace Lutheran, through donations. It is the intent of TGGT is the help relieve the financial strain on families through intentional support, confidentiality, and grace.
If you find you need help during the holidays this year, please contact Annie Fitzl, Kristi Larson, or Pastor Joanna for more information. You may contact Annie directly at Requests should be submitted as soon as possible.
The Grace Giving Trees will be set up with ornaments starting November 20th. Gifts need to be back to Grace, unwrapped, by December 8th. Distribution to families will occur on or before Sunday , December 19, 2021.
Thank you for supporting families within our Grace Family with bringing joy to all this holiday season.
Sand Creek Elementary Kiddos
Need WARM Winter Mittens, Gloves and Hats!

The cold weather will soon be on its way in Minnesota. There are many of the children at Sand Creek Elementary in need of WARM winter mittens, gloves, and hats. Various sizes are needed for boys and girls in grades K-5. If possible, waterproof mittens and gloves are preferred so the kids can play in the snow to their hearts’ content. And please - NO light-weight mittens/gloves, as they just do not work to keep the kiddos warm and dry. 
During the month of November, we will be collecting donations in the narthex in the “Sand Creek” green tote. Let’s see how many we can collect! With the effects of COVID-19 economy still causing issues with the families, there are many in need.
Any questions can be directed to Ann Lange 763-438-5623. Thank you for your loving generosity to the Sand Creek children in need!
Stepping Stone Needs Volunteers!

We are seeking additional 1-2 volunteers for our Stepping Stone Team. This commitment is for very little of your time, but a big impact to feeding the homeless. Once a month on Friday afternoon at 2:30pm, you would pick up food from Pizza Ranch in Andover. You take the food to Stepping Stone in Anoka to their loading dock. Both Pizza Ranch and Stepping Stone will load/unload the food for you so no lifting is normally required of you. The total time is usually about 30-45 minutes of your time. One on one training will be given to volunteers. Please contact Ann Lange or the church office to volunteer. Thank you for considering this community outreach service!
Stepping Stone
Christmas Gift List

Grace will once again be providing Christmas gifts to the residents of Stepping Stone Emergency Housing in Anoka. In the past you have known this outreach as the red Target recycle bags with personal care items, last year we did only gift cards due to COVID-19. This year is again a bit different - we will be providing needs to Stepping Stone’s Santa Shoppe. Click here for a list of items you can choose to shop for. Gift items should be returned to Grace and placed in the tote labeled “Stepping Stone Homeless Santa Shoppe” by the weekend of December 11-12.  
Children's Christmas Program Volunteers
on December 19th

We are looking for volunteers to help with the Children's Christmas Program and to host Fellowship after both worship services. If you would like to help please click on the link below to sigh up.
Noisy Offerings

Until December 15th, Noisy Offerings will support the Fernandez Family to help with the mounting expenses that they are incurring as their daughter, Samantha, awaits a donor kidney and the upcoming kidney transplant. 
Give Electronically
through GraceRealm
Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Grace's Resources
Thank You!

Thank you to Grace for prayers for our nephew, Luke Galland (New York City), who was severely burned in early August, and in a Burn ICU for three months, undergoing numerous operations. After a few days in transitional hospital care, on Nov 9th Luke walked free of the hospital! He will be receiving physical therapy for many months, and he’s in a time of huge adjustment. Continued prayers very appreciated. Thanks be to God for his miraculous progress. In Christ - John & Barb Anderson 🦅⚓️💦
Prayers of the Church

We pray especially for: Ashley Miller-Carlson, Kelly Larson, Nancy Green, Jim Perra, Dave Lexcen, Baby Dylan Salfer, Lu Henning, Jeffrey Kintzler, the Daugherty’s, Jean and Jan Bruss, Christine, Lynda Leonard, Alison Husak, Juleen Klawiter, Jan Galvin, Jason Beckman, Carroll Potter, Clint Trousil, Luke Galland, Margret Olson, John Malecha, Stephanie Fernandez, Samantha Fernandez, Christopher Sluis, Julie Swedberg, LaDonna Lilyquist, Charlotte Montei, Lynn Zirkle, Elsie Weisenberger, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold, Ralph & Colleen Wernimont
December Grace Notes Deadline
Friday, November 19th at 5pm

Due to Thanksgiving Weekend, December Grace Notes Deadline is on November 19th at 5pm. Please send your articles in Word format to Marie at
The church office
will be closed for
Thanksgiving on
November 25th & 26th.