A Note from Headmaster Philabaum

Dear families,
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, having spent the quality time you had hoped for with your loved ones during fall break.

Today you will receive your student’s first quarter progress reports. All the essential information about accessing these can be found in our past newsletters and is linked again in the rest of this email. Please do feel free to reach out to me or to our Assistant Headmaster, Lisa Picazo, if you have questions about accessing your student evaluations.
I would like to share a few thoughts regarding how we understand grades here in our academy. For many of you this is merely a reminder and something you are well versed in, for others, this may be for your first report card at our academy and it is fitting to welcome you into our philosophy of student evaluations.
We cannot state often enough that our mission is to cultivate the heart and mind of each child in the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. A successful outcome for a quarter is that your child, in some way, has had their heart and mind cultivated – that we have seen growth in them both morally and intellectually. This is something that, upon reflection, seems like it should not be quantified. We do, however, seek to cultivate our scholars not only generally speaking, but in and through a liberal arts education. We seek to harness and hone specific academic skills such as reading and writing, build knowledge of the sciences and history and the arts by committing to memory important facts, dates, and poems, and cultivate a sense of wonder in each of these subject areas. Some of these things are more easily quantifiable than others. Though there is considerable thought given on the part of our instructors in how grades are finally determined, a letter or number only tells so much. It is, in many ways, an artificial symbol. Not arbitrary, but not meaningful without context. We know that each of your children is a unique person, and though our standards and curriculum are universal, each child is on a personal journey and cannot be reduced to a set of numbers or letters.
One way in which we partner with you as parents to aide your children in this journey is through our evaluations and our conferences. Nothing can truly replace the qualitative human expression that comes the written word or a personal conversation. As part of the report card, you will see a narrative that should give greater depth and meaning to the individual scores given to each category. These narratives will be expanded at greater length during the second quarter, and they will be continued in a more concise format during the second semester to highlight areas of growth or change. Our teachers work diligently on these before and during the break to make sure they are capturing the progress of your child in a way that allows you to better see the big picture, rather than sending merely a number or letter that cannot fully reflect the growth of the whole child.
Likewise, our conferences are an opportunity that we cherish as an academy. It is a human partnership between loving parents and loving educators. We each bring with us different and indispensable perspectives. Like any human relationship, meaningful dialogue is essential to come to unity, and a unified partnership is essential to the success of each child. We hope you can benefit from this time by reading the evaluations, coming to the conferences with questions and all of the insights you bring as parents, and that we can partner together to help each of your children reach their full potential at ATE. We also want you to know that though we only have formal conference slots during the first quarter, you are welcome at any time to reach out to us to set a time to invest further in our partnership with you as parents through a personal conversation.
Much more can be said on the subject of grades, but I will simply remind us all that the goal for each child is to develop their given talents and abilities, to learn perseverance and patience and courage, and to not measure themselves against their siblings or peers. Rather, they should learn from their mistakes, strengthen areas that are more difficult for them, and most importantly, celebrate all of their many successes.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions at all. I look forward to a second quarter filled with wonder and with further growth in our partnerships together!
With Devotion,
Stephen Philabaum
Archway Trivium East
Upcoming Events:
October 1-8
No School: Fall Break
Friday, October 8
Quarter 1 Student Evaluations available in Powerschool Parent Portal by 5 PM
October 11-13
No School: Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 11-29
October 18-22
Classroom Observations for Parents - Spalding or Singapore Lesson
Tuesday, October 19
PSO Night at Chipotle Goodyear, 4-8 PM
Click Here for Flyer or use code JGL7WYA in the 'promo' field when checking out online.
Wednesday, October 20
October Teacher Birthday Celebration - 1st/4th Grade Families
Wednesday, October 20
Quarter 2 Young Rembrandts begins meeting after school
Friday, October 22
Coffee with the Headmaster, 8 AM
Sign-ups Now Available for Fall Conferences!
Conferences will be held Monday - Wednesday, October 11-13, the first three days after fall break. Every family will have the opportunity to sign up for a 15-minute slot with each of their child's teachers. 
The first quarter conferences are essential to partnering together early on to aid the success of each of our scholars. During this time, teachers and parents will be able to discuss together the progress of our scholars. Teachers will also be using this time to share qualitative feedback on 1st quarter narratives. Sign-up Genius Slots for conferences can be found below:
Quarter 1 Student Evaluations
Good Afternoon ATE Families,

I hope this email finds you well. Fall Break is on the horizon. Evaluations/grades will be made available to view mid-day, Friday, October 8 in the Powerschool Parent Portal. The office will be closed from October 1 – October 10 and will be unavailable to assist you with technical issues logging into the system. In order to ensure you can access the system, please read the email in its entirety.

New Families to Great Hearts - you will receive a separate email with directions on setting up your account. Please email Lisa Picazo if you have issues with setting up your account, since this will be your first time accessing the evaluation portal. 

Existing Families - this all should be familiar to you. Please log into the website immediately to ensure you have access to see all of your student’s evaluations. When accessing the website please remember it is best to use Google Chrome or Firefox as your browser.
Website to the evaluation portal:

Log into your account with the same username and password from last school year. Click on “Forgot Password” button to assign yourself a new password if you are unable to successfully log in – and note password for future use. Please be patient as it may take up to 24 hours to receive the reset password email.

If you have any questions please contact Lisa Picazo at
PSO Read-a-thon Begins October 11!

Lions, Tigers and Books OH MY! It’s a Jungle out there; let's RUN to the library because Archway Trivium East is reading to survive with our 2021 PSO Sponsored Read-a-thon! This year's Read-a-thon will be held from October 11-October 29. This fun school-wide event encourages every scholar to count and total those reading minutes and collect sponsors; either by flat donation or per minute pledge. See the flyer linked below for more information, including prizes!

Here's How it Works:
• Read October 11-29 and record your minutes on your reading log
• Ask parents, family, friends for sponsor donations (either flat or per minute)
• Calculate total minutes and collect money for donations
• Turn in reading log and all collected cash/checks to the front office Monday, November 1

All read-a-thon sponsor forms and money should be returned to the front office or teacher NO LATER than Wednesday, November 3. Cash and checks payable to ATE PSO are accepted. Read-a-thon funds collected stay 100% at ATE and support all aspects of this great classical education! 

Parent Spalding & Singapore Class Observations - October 18-22

We are excited to welcome parents to our classrooms to observe a Spalding or Singapore Math lesson. Visit the link provided to sign up and secure your spot to observe your child’s class the week of October 18-22, 2021. We ask that each family choose only one subject either Spalding or Singapore so that more may have the opportunity to observe our classes.
On the day of your scheduled observation please arrive 10 minutes early. If you have any questions, please email Academy Giving Manager Tina Swartz at Thank you!

Quarter 2 Young Rembrandts - Register Now!

Registration for Quarter 2 Young Rembrandts is now open! Classes meet after school on Wednesdays from October - December. Follow the link below for more information and to register.

Save the Date! PSO Night at Chipotle - Tuesday, October 19, 4-8 PM

Join us for PSO Night at Chipotle Goodyear on Tuesday, October 19 from 4-8 pm. Present the flyer below when ordering or use the online code GJL7WYA in the promo field during online checkout (carry out only) and a portion of sales will benefit our school.

Order Hot Lunch Today!

My Hot Lunchbox is excited for another great year of delivering school lunch!
Online ordering is now available at: If you are a first-time customer, visit the My Hot Lunchbox website to create your free account. Families with students at multiple Trivium schools should create only ONE account per family.

If you have any questions, view the Parent Lunch FAQ or contact My Hot Lunchbox at (888) 894-8295 or by email at Ordering is easy! Follow the link below to get started or visit the PSO Lunch page on the school website for more information.

The Trivium Lunch Program is entirely managed and distributed by our Parent Service Organization volunteers. This program is open to all students, faculty, and staff at Trivium. 
PSO Updates

October Teacher Birthday Celebration - Wednesday, October 20

Attention 1st grade and 4th grade families: We appreciate your help in contributing to our birthday celebration for our teachers! Any help you can provide is needed and wanted!
Please sign up below. Items will be collected in the drop off line.

Copy Program
We’d love to invite you to join us as part of our Copy Program. We help our teachers out with their copying needs on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Training is available. All volunteers must be cleared through our Raptor System.
If you wish to help, please sign up here. Questions? Contact our Copy Program Chair, America Estrada
Coffee with the Headmaster - Friday, October 22

Current Archway Trivium East parents are invited to join Headmaster Philabaum for an informal conversation over coffee. Coffee conversations are great opportunities to ask questions, share our experiences, and meet other parents. We hope you can join us!

This is for parents-only, please make other arrangements for your children. Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the coffee start time to allow yourself adequate time to park and sign in.

Roosevelt Info Night Video and Enrollment FAQs

In case you missed Roosevelt Info Night on September 21, the video is below. Please refer to the Roosevelt Enrollment FAQ document for additional information. Should you have questions reach out to Headmaster Philabaum (K-5) or Headmaster Cruz (6-8) at

Roosevelt Info Night Video:
Save the Date for Upcoming Roosevelt Events

Great Hearts Roosevelt will be sponsoring several community events in the West Valley to raise awareness about the new campus and allow us to further expand our mission into the area for those families who currently cannot access it. Please see the upcoming events listed below:
Happy Birthday!

Join us in wishing "Happy Birthday" to the following Archway Trivium East faculty and staff with recent/upcoming birthdays!

Melissa McAllister - 5B Lead - October 15
Lynda Dixon - 2C Assistant - October 21
Nancy Villalvazo - KC Assistant - October 23
Tina Swartz - Academy Giving Manager - October 28

Quick Links:

Archway Trivium East Main Office: (623) 866-4718
Attendance Line: (623) 218-6607

Communications Updates

You can find all school-wide communications on our website on the Latest News page.

Visit our Facebook and Instagram pages for other updates.

If you know of parents who are not receiving these communications, please ask them to check their junk/promotions email folders, and then email for assistance. 
Archway Trivium East would love your feedback. Post a review to our Google profile