St. Christopher's

Weekly Newsletter

December 1, 2022

Join us for Worship on Sunday

8 A.M. Indoor is a spoken Eucharist with no singing.

10:30 A.M. Indoor and Interactive service on Facebook with music, followed by coffee hour.  

1:30 P.M. Iglesia de Cristo Rey, Holy Eucharist

Welcome Iglesia de Cristo Rey – Sunday afternoons at 1:30 p.m.

We welcome our sister parish Iglesias de Cristo Rey into our midst. All are welcome to attend their service which is held in Spanish. 

Living Nativity!

This Saturday, December 3 from 11:30 – 1:30 p.m.

Come One and All to enjoy a living Nativity scene. Invite family and friends to pet camels and sheep, listen to the story and enjoy music by our own musicians. This is our chance to invite our community into the story of Jesus’ birth. Want to be part of the fun? Email John Quinn

Feeding Children and Families - Crestwood Elementary Adopt-A-Box Program

Click this link for the List of Food Pantry items for Donations

Crestwood Elementary, our local school, is asking St. Christopher's to donate 25 boxes filled with foods their families need to make it through the long December holiday.


Boxes for filling and lists of the items suggested will be available on November 27th in the Fellowship Hall. The list is also available online if you want to shop and bring the items for boxing at church. Fill your box and return it to Church on 11th for a blessing and delivery to the School for distribution to their families.

Questions can be directed to Hap Connors at

Each year the Vestry asks parishioners to donate funds for the wardens to present to the church staff as a gift in appreciation for their hard work over the past year. 2022 has been an extremely busy year as we have begun coming out of the pandemic and have started old and new traditions of outreach, social gatherings, various groups and worship. Our staff has demonstrated outstanding dedication and given an extraordinary amount of time and energy to keep St. Christopher’s an inviting, vibrant community of faith. We hope this purse helps in a small way to let them know how much we all appreciate what they’ve given to God and to all of us. Please donate either via cash or a check made out to the church and clearly marked: STAFF PURSE. Gifts may be placed in the offertory plates, in the church, dropped off in the church office, given to Mary Johnson for Bill Price, or mailed to the church office (Attention: Mary Johnson, c/o St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, 6320 Hanover Ave., Springfield, VA 22150). 

Money given towards the staff purse is considered a gift and not a donation, and therefore is not eligible to be claimed a charitable deduction under the IRS tax code. Please provide your donations by December 23. Thank you, Mary Johnson and Bill Price. 

Call for Keys

The purpose of this initiative is simply to update our log so that we know who has keys. We are not looking to take keys from those with a need for building/office access, but rather to simply have a better understanding of the distribution of the keys. 


·      If you have a key(s) to the buildings and/or specific offices, would you please stop by the office and sign for your key(s)? 

·      If you have a key and no longer have a need, I ask that you return them. 

Jane Hinson, our new Parish Administrator, will maintain the log and we will endeavor to keep it updated. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at / cell: 571 275-9308. Thank you for your support and cooperation, Bill Price, Junior Warden.

Stewardship Prayer

During this stewardship season, join the community in prayer.

Almighty God, we thank you for all the gifts You have given us: our lives, our loved ones, all that we have and all that we are. Most of all, we thank You for Jesus, your Son and our Redeemer, who came among us to show us the way to eternal life. Jesus was the perfect steward of your gifts, showing that complete trust in You is necessary, and that giving of self is a most important part of following Him. May the offerings of our time, our talents, and our material resources be made in the same spirit of sacrifice that Jesus taught us by His life and death for us. Amen

2023 Fillable Pledge Card

The Vestry thankfully receives all pledges that have come in and gives thanks for those still being prayed over. We hope the Stewardship Prayer is helpful to you.


If you have any questions about stocks or other dividends disbursements coming to the church as your pledge, please ask Rev. Carey or Deb Frear, our Treasurer. 

Christian Formation Opportunities

Connecting the Dots, Sundays in December at 9:15 a.m.

Join Mother Carey in the Education Building auditorium for a conversation about this week's Gospel lesson and a reflection on how it informs our daily life. Come with your newspaper or favorite blog post in hand and let's explore our questions about how we connect what's happening in the world and in our lives to our understanding of God and what God is doing in the world.

Sacred Ground

Starting December 4 after the 10:30 service

Sacred Ground is a video-based program of the Episcopal Church to create circles of conversation about race and faith. We all have different faith journeys and experience race in different ways; sharing them is a way of uniting us all a bit closer in Christ. Sacred Ground is the space where we share our faith journeys and race experiences.

The program is a great opportunity to get to know those “neighbors” you do not know too well yet. Elvira, our student deacon, is in the process of forming a new Circle that will choose what day of the week and what time to have the first meeting later this month. Please email if you are interested in learning more about Sacred Ground and/or join the next Circle.

Resting in Advent - Saturdays in DecemberDecember 10 and 17

3:15-4:00 p.m. Chair Yoga led by Ruth Meagher gives a gentle but meaningful time to center in our bodies.

4:15-5:00 p.m. Contemplative Prayer with Rev. Carey - Come and learn about this ancient prayer practice which takes us into a time of silent meditation in which we rest in God as we open more deeply to God.

Bible study – Starting again in January

Join us in reading and discussing Rachel Held Evans’ A Year of Biblical Womanhood. We will take a break during Advent and resume in January. Our January dates will be January 9 (we will discuss the February chapter) and January 23 (we will discuss the March chapter). A Zoom link will come out as we get closer to those dates.

Grief and the HolidaysSaturday, December 10, 1 to 3pm. 

Elvira, our student deacon, will lead this two-hour session using Grief Share materials to help those for whom grief makes the holidays especially difficult. The holidays are hard for most of us. The loss of a friend, a relative, a spouse and a beloved pet can be either recent or not, but still the holidays trigger emotions that make the holidays hard to go through and eventually enjoy again. This year St. Christopher’s will have a short Saturday workshop to discuss ways to cope with loss and grief during this holiday season. Fellowship Hall


To register, please email Elvira Beracochea at (or Jane Hinson at


Toy Drive – St. Nicholas Is This Saturday!!

We know it is not even Thanksgiving yet but the Feast of St. Nicholas will be here before we know it and we need to prepare. This year we will celebrate with a visit from Bishop Nicholas of Myra at the 10:30 service on Sunday, December 4th. We will be collecting unwrapped toys to donate to our neighbors. There are multiple ways to contribute to this very special and worthy cause that will make many children elated at Christmas. 

   a. Shop yourself - many holiday sales have already begun and you or your kids may find extra joy in shopping to donate to children who need our support. You can bring your toys to the Dec 3rd Nativity event or to church at both services on Dec 4th.

   b. Don't want to shop - no worries; we have a solution for you. You can provide a monetary gift that can be placed in the offertory plates or mailed to the church. All checks should be made out to St. Christopher’s, with Toy Drive written on the memo line. Caroline Foster has agreed to shop for toys with with the monetary donations. Thanks Caroline!!

Questions please email or call - Kayla Evans,,, 703-963-9350 OR Gaye Evans,, 703-963-9024. If emailing put StCs Toy Drive in the subject to avoid the email going to spam. Thank you for your annual support of this charitable ministry - Get Excited!! Kayla & Gaye Evans, co-chairs

Ritorna A Musica’s Holiday Concert – December 10

Directed by St. Christopher’s own Ruth Erbe and featuring “A Dickens’ Christmas Carol” with narrator Chas Henry. This event will be held at Richard Byrd Library at 3:00 p.m.

Holy Hike 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 17 at Alexandria’s Huntley Meadows Park

You asked for it – we’ve scheduled it. Our next St. Christopher’s Holy Hike will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 17 at the fascinating, intriguing Huntley Meadows Park in Alexandria. A “waterfowl-filled oasis” is how describes it. “This freshwater wetland area is the largest park run by the Fairfax County Park Authority. It’s also one of the rarest natural habitats in Fairfax County.” The Park Authority puts it this way: “The park is home to a…vast wetlands bursting with life. Some of the best wildlife watching in the Washington metropolitan area is here.” For our St. Christopher’s hikers, we’ll walk about 1.8 miles, including more than a half-mile on a boardwalk over the wetlands. Bring binoculars. For your convenience, we’ll carpool from St. Christopher’s at 9:30 a.m. Should be fun. See you there! Questions? Contact: Jim Bradshaw at

Get Involved!

St. Christopher's will host between 20-40 homeless guests overnight from Sunday, January 8 through Sunday, January 15, 2023. Each night we will provide our guests a nourishing dinner, and a warm, safe place to rest. Each morning, our guests will receive a hot breakfast before departing for the day. Volunteers are needed to bring meals and help onsite.

Sign up available now online.

Hypothermia Week

January 8-15, 2023

Sign up available now, both online and in Fellowship Hall on Sundays.

Click here to St. Christopher's Episcopal Church 2022-2023 Hypothermia Prevention Program Sign-Up Genius

A New Twist on Leaf Appreciation

From your vestry grounds commissioner, Bill Price: A landscaping company will remove the leaves from our campus on Monday, December 12th. This is made possible through the much-appreciated generosity of the pre-school and a parishioner. And this is a wonderful gift to all of us!

Job Openings for Ushers

Please prayerfully consider becoming an usher at the 1030 service and for special functions. You will get to interact some with parishioners while still participating in the service yourself. Guidelines/instructions are available and your efforts will be greatly appreciated! Contact Gaye Evans at 703-963-9024 or

Join the Greeters Team

Greeters Ministry is looking for those who would like to be a friendly face. This ministry is not hard to do. Greet those as they arrive and give them a bulletin. New visitors need to be especially made welcome and answer their questions. Introduce them to anyone who may be there. Great for families to do together. Please call or email Virginia Clark if this ministry would be a fit for you.  703-451-4054 or 202-768-1851

Welcome to Jane!

Please welcome Jane Hinson to the St. Christopher’s staff! As our new part time Parish Administrator, Jane will be in the Church office Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The office will be staffed on Fridays from 9 a.m. to noon by parish volunteers.  

Welcome Iglesia de Cristo Rey Sunday afternoons at 1:30 p.m.

We welcome our sister parish Iglesia de Cristo Rey into our midst. All are welcome to attend their service which is held in Spanish. 

Please note Mother Carey’s Contact Information:

Email at “ ” Pastoral Care: In case of illness, a death in the family, or other pastoral emergencies, call Mother Carey at 540-220-4593. For other pastoral needs or to visit with Mother Carey, call the church office at 703-451-1089 and leave a message.

Newsletter Article Submission

With the shift in the publication schedule, items to be included in the newsletter are now due on Tuesday. If you have any questions, please email office administrator  at

Thank you


1.  Mail in checks to St. Christopher’s at 6320 Hanover Ave, Springfield VA 22150

2.  Set up electronic bill pay through your bank. You only need the Church's name and address.

3.   Set up a bank-to-bank transfer. Contact the St. C’s Treasurer if you want to do this.

4.   Via PayPal - Donate with PayPal Giving Fund. This is a no fee service, but donations will be delayed getting to the church for up to 45 days.

Thank you for your generosity and keeping up with your pledge. If you have other questions, please email Debbie Frear at Thank you.

This Week at St. Christopher’s


Monday, December 5

Mother Carey’s Sabbath


Tuesday, December 6


Wednesday, December 7

9:30 a.m.  Morning Prayer to be followed by conversation. All are welcomed!

7:00 p.m. G.A. Anonymous

7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal


Thursday, December 8


Friday, December 9


Saturday, December 10

1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Grief and the Holidays

3:15-4:00 p.m. Chair Yoga

4:15-5:00 p.m. Contemplative Prayer

8:30 p.m. A.A.


Sunday, December 11 - The Second Sunday in Advent

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II/ Indoor and Virtual Service

11:45 a.m. Fellowship & Refreshments

1:30 p.m. Iglesia de Cristo Rey Service

Upcoming Christmas Services

Christmas Eve – 7 p.m. Music, 7:30 p.m. Holy Festival Eucharist

Christmas Day – 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Carols

The Vestry

Mary Johnson, Sr. Warden

Bill Price, Jr Warden and Grounds

Richard Sellers, Buildings

Carroll Hill, Stewardship

John Quinn, Outreach

Deb Kim, Communications

Meredith Carlton, Innovation in Connection and Membership

Niki Purkoski, Register

Margaret Kirk, Parish Life

Gail Ritchie, Christian Formation

The Finance Team

Debbie Frear, Treasurer

Tamara Shepherd, Bookkeeper

Alice Mary Hymel, Asst. Treasurer

Marifran Bustion, Pledge Monitor

Sign-up for Flower & Candle Dedication Here
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