**Tuesday, December 6: Picture Retake Day
**Tuesday, December 6: Restaurant Night at Mici's
**Wednesday, December 7, 4:15pm: PAC Meeting
**Wednesday, December 7, 6pm: PTA Meeting
**Thursday, December 8, 6pm: 4/5 Winter Performance
**Tuesday, December 13: Restaurant Night at Chipotle
**Tuesday, December 13, 5pm: VAC Meeting
**Thursday, December 15, 6pm: 3rd Grade Winter Performance
**December 19 - January 4: No School
(The Stedman Calendar can always be viewed HERE)
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Note From Asst. Principal Lopez
Stedman Families,
If you missed the announcement from Principal Atkins last week, I am currently in the middle of my Principal Experience as a part of my Principal prep program through Learn to Lead. It has been a terrific first week getting to lead the charge with our incredible Stedman Team. Principal Atkins is currently enjoying his time at the National Alliance of Black School Educators conference in Washington, DC. He misses each of you and looks forward to re-joining us on December 12th!
I know you received emails and texts about the Lockdown that took place at Stedman this afternoon. I am proud of our community practicing everything they learned from the start of the year as we engaged in our Lockdown protocols. It was determined that our discreet emergency duress button had been unintentionally pressed and there was no danger present. Nevertheless, we know that these experiences can be traumatizing for students and staff alike. If you would like to discuss any concerns you have about your child's experience with the lockdown, please never hesitate to reach out to our Social Worker, Heather Showman (heather_showman1@dpsk12.net). She did a check on students in every classroom after the event and works individually with any students who may need extra support.
We have a lot to look forward to this month before we head to Winter Break. I'm especially excited to see our 3rd through 5th graders in their musical performances in the coming weeks!
The next PTA meeting is this coming Wednesday at 6pm. I hope you are able to join us. The meeting is open to everyone and childcare is provided. It's a great way to connect with community and support our students and school at large.
Please continue reading through the newsletter today, as we have a lot of updates and resources to share with you. Thank you for being a part of this community,
Adrienne Lopez
Asst. Principal
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Nota del asistente Director López
Familias de Stedman,
Si se perdió el anuncio del director Atkins la semana pasada, actualmente estoy en medio de mi experiencia como director como parte de mi programa de preparación para directores a través de Learn to Lead. Ha sido una excelente primera semana para liderar la carga con nuestro increíble equipo Stedman. El director Atkins actualmente disfruta de su tiempo en la conferencia de la Alianza Nacional de Educadores Escolares Negros en Washington, DC. ¡Él extraña a cada uno de ustedes y espera volver a unirse a nosotros el 12 de diciembre!
Sé que recibió correos electrónicos y mensajes de texto sobre el cierre que tuvo lugar en Stedman esta tarde. Estoy orgulloso de que nuestra comunidad practique todo lo que aprendieron desde el comienzo del año mientras participamos en nuestros protocolos de confinamiento. Se determinó que nuestro discreto botón de coacción de emergencia había sido presionado sin querer y no había peligro presente. Sin embargo, sabemos que estas experiencias pueden ser traumáticas tanto para los estudiantes como para el personal. Si desea hablar sobre cualquier inquietud que tenga sobre la experiencia de su hijo con el encierro, no dude en comunicarse con nuestra trabajadora social, Heather Showman (heather_showman1@dpsk12.net). Hizo un control de los estudiantes en cada salón de clases después del evento y trabaja individualmente con cualquier estudiante que pueda necesitar apoyo adicional.
Tenemos mucho que esperar este mes antes de dirigirnos a las vacaciones de invierno. ¡Estoy especialmente emocionado de ver a nuestros alumnos de 3.º a 5.º grado en sus actuaciones musicales en las próximas semanas!
La próxima reunión de la PTA es el próximo miércoles a las 6:00 p. m. Espero que puedas unirte a nosotros. La reunión está abierta a todos y se proporciona cuidado de niños. Es una excelente manera de conectarse con la comunidad y apoyar a nuestros estudiantes y la escuela en general.
Continúe leyendo el boletín de hoy, ya que tenemos muchas actualizaciones y recursos para compartir con usted. Gracias por ser parte de esta comunidad.
Adrienne Lopez
Asistente Principal
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We're back at it with the weekly Stedman News video! This is a special place where we will highlight what some of our students are working on, hear some student-led interviews, catch up on important news from Principal Atkins and more. We look forward to a fun year of showcasing our amazing community.
¡Regresamos con el video semanal de Stedman News! Este es un lugar especial donde destacaremos en qué están trabajando algunos de nuestros estudiantes, escucharemos algunas entrevistas dirigidas por estudiantes, nos pondremos al día con noticias importantes del director Atkins y más. Esperamos tener un año divertido mostrando nuestra increíble comunidad.
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The Stedman Basketball team had their first game at John Amesse yesterday and got a great victory with some excellent teamwork! Every player scored and we are proud of the way they worked together!
¡El equipo de Stedman Basketball tuvo su primer partido ayer en John Amesse y obtuvo una gran victoria con un excelente trabajo en equipo! ¡Todos los jugadores anotaron y estamos orgullosos de la forma en que trabajaron juntos!
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Dear Stedman Families,
Please help us shower our amazing staff with love this holiday season! If you're able, donate gift cards in small amounts (around $10 each) for gifting to everyone who works at Stedman. Cards to restaurants & coffee shops, local & minority-owned businesses, and Stedman supporters work especially well. Bring your donations to the office by December 14th, and we'll make sure your support reaches everyone who works at the school.
Thank you, and Happy Holidays!
-Your Stedman PTA
Estimadas familias de Stedman,
¡Ayúdenos a colmar de amor a nuestro increíble personal en estas fiestas! Si puede, done tarjetas de regalo en pequeñas cantidades (alrededor de $10 cada una) para regalar a todos los que trabajan en Stedman. Las tarjetas para restaurantes y cafeterías, empresas locales y propiedad de minorías y los seguidores de Stedman funcionan especialmente bien. Traiga sus donaciones a la oficina antes del 14 de diciembre y nos aseguraremos de que su apoyo llegue a todos los que trabajan en la escuela.
¡Gracias y felices fiestas!
-Su PTA de Stedman
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Butter Braids! **Last Weekend to Sell!** | |
Support Stedman Elementary PTA by Selling Butter Braids!
This weekend is your last chance to sell Butter Braids to support Stedman Elementary PTA!
Money and orders are due Monday December 5th at the latest!
Please be sure to return them to your teacher or the front office. Butter braids will be available to pick up at the end of school on December 13th.
Please make sure you are able to pick up your student as well as the Butter Braids and deliver to everyone who ordered from you.
Butter Braids can be at room temperature for 3-4 hours maximum.
There are two ways you can earn money for our school by selling Butter Braids: Online OR In-person!
We have GREAT prizes for the top three sellers!!
Click HERE to set up your online account and share with family and friends! Fill out your name, email address and select your teacher...and then share!
Fill out the Butter Braid order form sent home with students on 11/17, collect cash or checks at the time of sale (all checks made to Stedman Elementary PTA) and return the order form and payment to your teacher or front office by Monday, 12/5.
All Butter Braids will be ready for pick up on Tuesday, 12/13 after school. Please make sure you are able to pick up your student as well as the Butter Braids and deliver to everyone who ordered from you. Butter Braids can be at room temperature for 3-4 hours maximum.
Este año tenemos 2 formas de ganar dinero para nuestra escuela vendiendo Butter Braids: ¡En línea O en persona!
¡Tenemos GRANDES premios para los tres mejores vendedores!
¡Haga clic AQUÍ para crear su propio sitio web Butter Braid para compartir con familiares y amigos! Complete su nombre y correo electrónico y seleccione su maestro...luego comparta!
Llene el formulario de pedido de Butter Braid enviado a casa con los estudiantes el 17 de noviembre, cobre efectivo o cheques en el momento de la venta (todos los cheques hechos a Stedman Elementary PTA) y devuelva el formulario de pedido y el pago a su maestro oa la oficina principal antes del 5 de diciembre.
Todas las trenzas de mantequilla se entregarán a los estudiantes el 13 de diciembre. Por favor asegúrese de poder recoger a su estudiante así como las trenzas de mantequilla y entregarlas a todos los que le ordenaron. Butter Braids puede estar a temperatura ambiente durante 3-4 horas máximo.
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Update from PHNEE
Park Hill Neighbors for Equity in Education invites you to a special EdEquity Corner to discuss declining enrollment. Given the extraordinary circumstances around the recent vote of the school board not to close any schools, we have decided to host an EdEquity Corner on December 14 about where the district should go from here.
Prior to the board vote on the closure recommendations, we submitted this letter to the entire board outlining broad policy issues we believe have led to the problem of small schools and that we hope will be reconsidered.. We have since had responses from members expressing their interest in discussing these matters further.
PLEASE JOIN US on December 14 at 7:00 for this free, virtual event. We will discuss how to best advocate for our Park Hill schools and all schools as the district continues to grapple with declining enrollment. Register here! To read the December PHNEE newsletter, click here.
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Message from Discovery Link: Winter Enrichments
Hello Stedman Families!
Our Winter Enrichment Session is just around the corner and we are happy to share the 2023 Winter Brochure with all of you! Registration will be from November 21st at 6am until December 8th at 10pm. Please ensure you are updating your student’s profile with all important information, phone numbers and grade level.
We will be declining any registrations that do not include a parent email and phone number. Additionally, you may not “hold” as spots, we will be rejecting those as well.
If you have any questions, please email enrichment_extendedlearning@dpsk12.org. When you email, please provide your school, student’s name, and all relevant information.
Thank you all,
-Michael Ellam
¡Hola familias de Stedman!
¡Nuestra sesión de enriquecimiento de invierno está a la vuelta de la esquina y nos complace compartir el folleto de invierno de 2023 con todos ustedes! La inscripción será desde el 21 de noviembre a las 6 am hasta el 8 de diciembre a las 10 pm. Asegúrese de actualizar el perfil de su estudiante con toda la información importante, números de teléfono y nivel de grado.
Rechazaremos cualquier registro que no incluya el correo electrónico y el número de teléfono de los padres. Además, no puede "mantener" como lugares, también los rechazaremos.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo electrónico a enrichment_extendedlearning@dpsk12.org. Cuando envíe un correo electrónico, proporcione su escuela, el nombre del estudiante y toda la información relevante.
Gracias a todos,”
-Michael Ellam
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Denver Santa Claus Shop: Register HERE | |
Our Lost & Found stash is filling up quickly - please be sure to check it regularly if you are missing any of your child(ren)'s items! It is located outside of our gym along the wall with hooks.
Keep an eye out on the playground for days when items are brought outside for claiming!
Nuestro alijo de objetos perdidos y encontrados se está llenando rápidamente. ¡Asegúrese de revisarlo regularmente si falta alguno de los artículos de su(s) hijo(s)! Está ubicado afuera de nuestro gimnasio a lo largo de la pared con ganchos.
¡Esté atento al patio de recreo durante los días en que se sacan artículos para reclamar!
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As we all engage in the journey towards greater inclusion and equity, we will be providing resources each week here in "Inclusion Corner". We hope you find these useful as we continue to learn and grow together.
A medida que todos participamos en el viaje hacia una mayor inclusión y equidad, estaremos brindando recursos cada semana aquí en el "Rincón de la inclusión". Esperamos que los encuentre útiles a medida que continuamos aprendiendo y creciendo juntos.
December 3rd is International Day of Persons with Disabilities
International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is a day that is celebrated every year on 3 December. The day is about promoting the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities at every level of society and development, and to raise awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of political, social, economic, and cultural life.
“Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fueling an accessible and equitable world“.
What is IDPD for?
- Celebration – to recognize and value the diversity of our global community, and to cherish the role we all play, regardless of our abilities;
- Learning – to understand and learn from the experiences of people with living with a disability;
- It is a day for optimism – to look towards the future and the creation of a world where a person is not characterized by their disabilities, but by their abilities;
- Action – where all people, organizations, agencies and charities not only show their support for International Day of People with Disabilities, but take on a commitment to create a world characterized by equal human rights.
Here and here are terrific lists for books featuring characters with disabilities (both physical and academic).
This link has a list of tips for being an ally for people in marginalized groups, which includes those with a disability.
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Middle School Tours
5th Grade Families: It is time to start thinking about Middle School! Round 1 of SchoolChoice opens January 13th. Selections must be made by February 14th. In order to have the best chance to get the school of your choice, you must rank selections by February 14th. Some information on nearby schools:
McAuliffe International
McAuliffe is already collecting sign-ups for their tours, and you can sign up HERE for a day/time.
McAuliffe at McAuliffe at Manual
McAuliffe at Manual will offer regular tours. Sign up on their website.
Denver Green School
DGS offers tours on some Tuesday mornings or Wednesday evenings. Sign up on their website.
Denver Language School
The next Middle School tour is taking place on Friday, November 4th. Please sign up through their website.
Families in Spanish Immersion: The below schools offer Spanish Language Arts, which is an advanced Spanish course that will keep your child on the path to the Seal of Biliteracy:
- Bruce Randolph
- McAuliffe Manual
- Denver Green Northfield
McAuliffe International currently offers theirs before school
- West Middle School
- Bryant Webster
We will send more information home to our 5th Grade Families soon!
Familias de 5to grado: ¡Es hora de comenzar a pensar en la escuela intermedia! La ronda 1 de EscojoMiEscuela comienza el 13 de enero. Las selecciones deben hacerse antes del 14 de febrero. Para tener la mejor oportunidad de obtener la escuela de su elección, debe clasificar las selecciones antes del 14 de febrero. Alguna información sobre escuelas cercanas:
McAuliffe Internacional
McAuliffe ya está recopilando inscripciones para sus recorridos, y puede inscribirse AQUÍ para un día/hora.
McAuliffe en Manual
McAuliffe en Manual ofrecerá recorridos regulares. Regístrese en su sitio web.
Escuela Verde de Denver
DGS ofrece recorridos algunos martes por la mañana o miércoles por la noche. Regístrese en su sitio web.
Escuela de idiomas de Denver
La próxima gira de la escuela intermedia se llevará a cabo el viernes 4 de noviembre. Regístrese a través de su sitio web.
Familias en inmersión en español: las siguientes escuelas ofrecen artes del lenguaje en español, que es un curso avanzado de español que mantendrá a su hijo en el camino hacia el Sello de alfabetización bilingüe:
- Bruce Randolph
- McAuliffe Manual
- Denver Green Northfield
McAuliffe International actualmente ofrece el suyo antes de la escuela
- West Middle School
- Bryant Webster
¡Pronto enviaremos más información a nuestras familias de 5to grado!
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If you or someone you know is interested in sponsoring Stedman, please reach out to pta.stedman@gmail.com.
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If you order from Longmont Dairy, save all your milk caps! Send them to our front office and we are able to turn them in for a donation.
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Do you shop on Amazon? An EASY way to help support our kids and teachers at Stedman is to link your AmazonSmile account to our charity, The Stedman Knights PTA. Click on the above image to be directed to our organizations link. Every purchase you make through smile.amazon.com sends a small portion of the purchase to our school! The money raised goes to supporting our students and the important work being done at Stedman!
Remind your family and friends to link to our school as well!
¿Tienda en Amazon? Una manera fácil de ayudar a mantener a nuestros niños y maestros en Stedman es vincular su cuenta AmazonSmile de nuestra caridad, “Stedman Knights PTA.” Haga clic en la imagen de arriba para dirigirse a nuestras organizaciones enlace. Cada compra que hagas a través smile.amazon.com envía una pequeña porción de la compra a nuestra escuela! El dinero recaudado se destina a apoyar a nuestros estudiantes y la importante labor que se realiza en Stedman!
Recordar su familia y amigos para enlazar a nuestra escuela, también!
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King Soopers
Did you know that you can link your King Soopers account to Stedman and help us raise money without spending any extra dollars? It's so easy!
How To Use the King Soopers/ City Market Community Rewards Program:
Step 2: Sign in to your account (or create a new account with your email and King Soopers card #)
Step 3: Search for Stedman Knights PTA (NPO # -- XK374)
Step 4: Select Enroll
Congrats, you have successfully enrolled in the Community Rewards program and 5% of your purchases will support Stedman Elementary!!
¿Sabía que puede vincular su cuenta de King Soopers a Stedman y ayudarnos a recaudar dinero sin gastar dólares adicionales? ¡Es tan fácil!
Cómo utilizar el programa de recompensas de la comunidad de King Soopers / City Market:
Paso 1: vaya al sitio web: https://www.kingsoopers.com/account/communityrewards/
Paso 2: inicie sesión en su cuenta (o cree una nueva cuenta con su correo electrónico y número de tarjeta King Soopers)
Paso 3: Busque la PTA de Stedman Knights (NPO # - XK374)
Paso 4: seleccione Inscribirse
¡Felicidades, se inscribió con éxito en el programa Community Rewards y el 5% de sus compras apoyarán a la escuela primaria Stedman!
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