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All Are Welcome

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What's happening this week at St. Paul's

October 15-21, 2023

Upcoming Events & News

Adult Sunday School: At 9:30 each Sunday morning we are having a bible study using the Sunday Lectionary (no preparation is needed). 

Bible Study: A Bible Study following episodes of the film series The Chosen is being held each Tuesday afternoon from 3:00 to 4:30 in Anglican Hall. We are watching and discussing one episode each week. Please feel free to join us.

Choral Evensong: This month’s Choral Evensong will be Sunday, October 22nd at 5pm.

Churchmen’s Club Turkey Cook: Tickets are available to purchase in the office for the Holy Smokers Turkey Cook. Tickets are $50 and pickup will be Saturday, November 18th from 8am-10:30am.

Halloween on Main Street: From Goulies and Ghosties, Long-Leggitie Beasties and Things that go Bump in the Night; good Lord deliver us!” Litany from Cornwall, c.1500. The annual Halloween on Main Street will be on Saturday, October 28th and hundreds of goblins will come by our doors. Please help us feed them by bringing candy. You can leave your donations in the Narthex or the church office. Thank You!

Coffee Hour: After the service, everyone is invited to the Parish House (two lefts at the bottom of the steps) for refreshments and fellowship. We promise you will still be able to beat the Baptists and Methodists to lunch afterwards.

Office Hours: The office is now open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8am-12pm. Katie will not be in the office on Wednesday; thus, hours will vary. Please call before coming to make sure someone is in the office.

Mark your Calendar:

  • Churchmen’s Club Meeting: Tuesday, October 24th at Kirk Warden’s house; time TBA.
  • Care Team Meeting: Sunday, October 29th at 6pm. 

St. Paul’s Prayer List:

Prayer requests will stay on the Parish Prayer List for four weeks with the exception of parishioners with ongoing needs. If you wish a prayer request to remain on the list, please call the office to renew the request.

Intercessions: Peyton Olson, Jamie Bridgers, Ann Rhodes, Jim & Deb Johnson, Patricia Smith, Joan Davidson, Ingeborg Grahn, Jo Cargill-Krug, Matt Stephenson, John & Susan Dempsey, and Nelda Mitchell.

Intercessions for Family & Friends: Jim Wilson, Lucy Harris, Pam Bachman, Jay, Lakyn Chambers, Cindy Sellers Roach, Autumn Celestine, Kitten Lawless, DeAnna McCool, Robin Goertz, Gerry Goertz & Jinny Goertz, Tom & Kathy Celestine, Mary Myers, Mason Evans, Mark & Jennifer, Sandra Hughes, Susan, Ken Ortman, Jody Gayle, Stacey Lindsey, Tara Nance, Laymon Tunstill, the Sweet Family, Glenda, and Walden Exum.

Birthdays & Anniversaries: Hayes Olson (10/16), Jake Vangrouw (10/18), Sally Fittsizer (10/21), Colten & Katherine McSpadden (10/17), and Al & Vicky Crouch (10/19).   

Ministers Serving This Sunday

Eucharistic Minister (8:00): Mike Schmidt

Eucharistic Minister (10:30): Gary Perkey

Lector (10:30): Mike Smith

Acolyte: Karis Ford

Ushers: Pat Mulick & Ardis Gillespie

Technical Support: David Taverner

Coffee Hour: Kristian & Rick Ameigh

Altar Guild: Ellen Massey & Janie Starnes

Community Meal (10/18/2023):  Team Bumpers

This Sunday’s flowers are given by Jon Healey to the glory of God and in honor of my spouse Martha, my sister Linda, and my mother Patty on her 91st birthday.

Worship Online

Postal Address:

P.O. Box 2255 Batesville, AR 72503-2255



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