Waterville UMC Ambassador

A season of waiting and wonder.

Christmas is a season of many things, depending on whom you ask. A season to cultivate joy, peace and new understanding of God’s faithfulness in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Christmas, or Advent is considered a season of waiting and wondering.

During Advent, we eagerly anticipate the coming of Christ. However, we are not waiting for Jesus to be born—that event happened over two thousand years ago. While we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus that has occurred, we also use the season of Advent to anticipate The Second Coming. When Jesus comes again, the Kingdom of God will appear in its fullness. When our material universe will be transformed.

At this time, waiting in lines, becomes part of our normal. I find it quite amusing to watch others as they wait. Some are tapping their foots or keep looking at their iWatch or iPhone. Some become quite rude and offensive, especially to the checkout persons (pray for them at this time please.) Very few people talk to each other, and you can see the impatience and irritability heightening. Yet, there is also the waiting of excitement! Like children waiting to see Santa, or people in line to watch their favorite musician or show. They are excited, pleasant, joyful and even talk to each other. This is the kind of waiting we are called to at Advent. 

We live in an instant gratification world, so stopping to slow down, breath and take everything in can be difficult. However, finding such time becomes even more important as we focus on the true meaning of Christmas. It’s a time to cultivate a new understanding of God’s faithfulness in the midst of our current situations.

The Christmas/Advent season can be overloaded with many things and yes, lots of waiting. May this season of busyness, financial strain, stress and even loneliness, be filled instead of joyful anticipation. A time filled with family, rekindling relationships and a new, deeper reunion with God as we wait! An increased time of prayer, sitting in His presence and practicing an increased attitude of gratitude. If you are facing discouragement, stress, or other challenges, remember the many years the Israelites waited for God’s provision, and how their hope was not in vain. Today, we know God did fulfill his promise when Jesus came into the world, and we know God is still among us in the form of the Holy Spirit.

In this incredible season of gifts, surprises, glittering trees and twinkling lights, may you be reminded, even stop, breath and take in the best Light of this world, Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:8 reads, “For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!” Christ came into the world as a baby, but now he lives in the world through us by the power of the Holy Spirit.

May the season of joy, peace and love embrace you as you wait and wonder. A happy and blessed Christmas to you all. 

Pastor Teresa
With the holidays fast approaching SPRC wanted to send a reminder to remember our staff this holiday season. If you wish to give a monetary gift, please mail to the church office or place in one of the church offering boxes and label as Staff Holiday Gift. 
Prayer Focus for our 5th Street property as it has not had any interest. We are asking everyone to focus praying
2 Chronicles 7:14-15 at either 7:14 a.m. or 7:14 p.m.
Ephesians 3:20-21 at either 3:20 a.m. or 3:20 p.m.
As we seek God's wisdom with the direction for the 5th Street property.

Join us on December 18th for our Children's Program with a cookie reception/fellowship to follow!
Shout from the rooftops!
Promotion of WUMC outreach events in the local news, on Facebook and on the Pray Park sign is best if information is sent as soon as possible to with the subject line WUMC Communications. In all the excitement of planning an event, put communications on the checklist and we’ll do our best! Thank you.
Election Day Luncheon
Our 20+ helpers and boy scouts helped make our Election Day Lunch a great success!
We served over 75 visitors!
It's a WRAP! Operation Christmas Child National Collection Week is over for 2022.

Here's some facts:
  • WUMC put together a total of 263 Shoeboxes! (Our largest packing year to date)
  • At the AW Area Collection Site we gathered 1858 Shoeboxes! (502 boxes over our largest collection week ever!)
  • 1858 Shoeboxes were packed into 123 Cartons and transported to our regional site at Emmanuel Baptist in a 24' x 8' trailer.
  • 24 Volunteers donated 116.5 hours of time to accomplish this process.
  • WUMC has packed a total of 3521 Gospel Opportunities since we began packing shoeboxes in 1997.
  • The AW Area Collection Site at WUMC has collected a total of 12,141 Gospel Opportunities since the inception of our site in 2012.

Thank you to each and every one of you that donated your time to assist, pack shoeboxes, or donate money to Samaritan's Purse. We especially appreciate Waterville BodyWorks for once again helping to get all of those cartons into their trailer and transporting them to our regional drop off. You all have been a part of reaching out to 12,141 children so they can hear the message of the Love of Christ. What a beautiful way to BE THE CHURCH!
November 13
OCC National Collection Week
November 14 - 21
Bishop Gregory V. Palmer called a Special Session of the West Ohio Conference on Saturday, November 19 to vote on congregations choosing to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church. Conference members affirmed requests from 80 churches, representing about 8% of the total churches in West Ohio, that will disaffiliate effective 12/31/2022. As the representative from Waterville UMC, I attended the virtual conference.  Four churches from our Maumee Watershed District, once they meet all the requirements, will disaffiliate. They are Gibsonburg, Liberty Chapel, Perrysburg Grace, and Church of the Cross.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Respectfully submitted,
Cherl Matla
Missions Committee Focus for DECEMBER 2022

The organization hosts one, large, warm apparel distribution day every winter, where, with dignity, children can select a coat with the help of a volunteer in a warm, indoor setting. We also provide items of warm apparel to children throughout the winter with a simple phone call.

All children served receive a brand-new coat, hat, and gloves to keep them warm. The act of providing face-to-face service markedly differentiates Susie’s Coats for Kids as an outstanding resource for families.

To date, Susie’s Coats for Kids has collected and distributed over 30,000 warm apparel items thanks to the generosity of family, friends, and the community of Northwest Ohio.

Please support our mission!
Donate Coats
They accept new winter coats (infant and child sizes), hats, and gloves.

Donate Money
Donations will be collected in the Mission Jar and given to Susie's Coats at the end of the month.

Amazon Wish List
Purchase directly through their wish list on Amazon here:


Nov 6: 125
Nov 13: 125
Nov 20: 142
Nov 27: 135
December Card Ministry Liaison is
Amy Hankins
Please reach out to her at

if you know of someone who needs encouraging words through a card.

Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.
Happy Birthday!

(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
Luke Kirby December 1
Karen Caldwell December 3
Lily Croy December 4
Douglas Box December 7
Ann Dalton December 10
James Page December 10
JoAnn Lucas December 15
Lawrence Deardurff III December 16
Natalie Przybylski December 16
Joel Sobecki December 16
Penny Greenlese December 17
Neil Westfall December 19
Kevin Abbey December 20
Charlotte Pritchett December 23
Anne M. Stevens December 27
Rachel Studer December 28
Benjamin Varner December 28
Independent Bible Study and Activities
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Teresa Wenrick at 937-726-3758 or .

Office hours are generally Tuesday through Friday 9 AM to Noon, but may vary. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645 if you need to visit the office.
Praises to the Lord!
10:30 AM

Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:
  • In Sanctuary
  • Live Stream via You Tube at
  • Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |