Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
“...Although to date, HB 508 has not progressed beyond the initial stages of the legislative process, the bill has already seen some level of bipartisan support, thus signaling that a possible substantial change in Ohio child custody laws might be on the horizon..."
By Brad McElhinny - WV MetroNews, 02/24/2022
"...The state Senate has passed a bill establishing a presumption of equal custody in divorce cases. The “Best Interests of Child Protection Act of 2022” passed by a 25-9 vote. The bill now goes to the House of Delegates, which has passed bills with the same concept over the past few years..."
By Bernise Carolino - Canadian Lawyer, 03/01/2022
"...A judge acted properly by moving forward with a joint custody arrangement because the matter involved a young child and because the mother’s lack of attendance led to a previous trial’s postponement, an appellate court said..."
By Jann Blackstone - The Lewiston Tribune, 03/02/2022
"...Although to date, HB 508 has not progressed beyond the initial stages of the legislative process, the bill has already seen some level of bipartisan support, thus signaling that a possible substantial change in Ohio child custody laws might be on the horizon..."
By Peter Schorsch - Florida Politics, 02/25/2022
"...Today, the Florida House passed a bill with profound meaning for Florida children and grandparents who become estranged from one another after a tragedy..."
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