Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
News Articles
"...The difference for these two is that they’re not just best friends – they’re co-parenting together in a blended family that breaks every stereotype about moms and stepmom..."
"...Ludwig learned personally how hard divorce or separation can be on couples and their children. He says dads aren't treated fairly in court. "If a couple gets divorced or separated, that child needs access to that father, each parent adds value to a child in a different way," Ludwig explained..."
By Lexology, 04/25/2022
"...Ludwig learned personally how hard divorce or separation can be on couples and their children. He says dads aren't treated fairly in court. "If a couple gets divorced or separated, that child needs access to that father, each parent adds value to a child in a different way," Ludwig explained..."
"... Unfortunately, the rights of grandparents are often overlooked. Despite being intimately involved in their grandchildren's lives and upbringing and often providing care, grandparents may be refused access to their grandchildren..."
By Ray Hanania - Suburban Chicagoland, 05/05/2022
"...Dad, who was never married to the boy’s mother, has raised his son since birth, and the boy has been living exclusively with Dad for most of his life. The mother hadn’t seen the child for several years, according to court documents, because of an order of protection based on allegations that the mother abused the child..."
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Family Reunion helps to assure that healthy families are the foundation of communities and society. 
Educational Videos
Family Reunion has 7 educational videos on a variety of family related issues. Check them out on our website.
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