
The Weekly Word at Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church

Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Body of Christ

This Sunday we will ordain and install eight women and men to serve as deacons and elders at Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church (as long as the weather doesn’t interfere – more on that later). This is an opportunity for us to not only give thanks for those who serve in leadership in our congregation, but also to reflect on how we are called to live out our shared calling as the Body of Christ.

Paul uses the analogy of the body to describe how the church is to function to carry out its mission. Our bodies have many different parts that have particular functions and purposes, but those parts are what make up the single body. Paul says, “So it is with Christ – for we have all been baptized into one body – Jews or Greeks, slaves or free” (1 Corinthians 12:13). Even more importantly, Paul reminds us that the church, just like our bodies, are dependent on one another to function to our fullest potential. When we say that one member or group within the church is greater or more important than another, that is denying the value and importance of all the members of Christ’s Body. “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it” (12:26).

Those who are being ordained and installed to service this Sunday are not greater than other members of the church – they are being called to a particular service for a particular time in our church’s life. And their willingness to serve does not mean the rest of us our abdicating our responsibility as fellow members of the body. In fact, the congregation will affirm this on Sunday when you are asked, “Do we agree to pray for them, encourage them, to respect their decisions, and to follow as they guide us?” 

When we start living out the vision Paul sets before us as Christ’s Church, then we will see our differences in a new way – as indications of the great strength of diversity God has blessed us with to serve our God with energy, intelligence, imagination and love.

With a full and grateful heart,


P.S. – Yes, it looks like déjà vu all over again with the weather this weekend. The timing is different than last weekend, but we will be monitoring things closely and will communicate in the same ways as last week if we need to make any changes to our scheduled plans for Sunday. Look for an email from us by 4:00pm on Saturday afternoon for any updates on Sunday's schedule. Stay well and be safe!


Parlor Class - 9:30am

Sunday School – 9:30am

Adult Sunday School Class – 9:30am

Worship Service – 10:30am – Children's Chapel will be available for children ages 4-Second Grade.

@TheTableWorship – 5:00pm – Click HERE for participating on Zoom and click HERE for the @TheTable bulletin for this Sunday.



The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held on January 23, immediately following the conclusion of the Morning Worship Service for the purpose of presenting the approved 2022 Budget to the congregation and voting on Terms of Call for Rev. Frank Mansell. Click HERE for the budget presentation document.


As part of our morning worship service on January 23, we will ordain and install newly-elected elders and deacons to their terms of service at Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church. We are grateful for Martha Barrick and Barbara Tierney (deacons) and Lydia Smith, Lily Fleming, Larry Shelton, Suzanne Smith, Andrew Craven, and Becky Burmester (elders) for their commitment to serve our congregation in this important way!


In addition to the Parlor Class and the Adult Forum Class, we are offering a new adult Sunday school class called the Lectionary Class. This class will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30. Adults are invited to meet with others to read and reflect on the lectionary scriptures upon which that Sunday’s sermon is based. Relaxed conversations about God’s Word and message accompany coffee, juice, and pastries. 


Please click HERE for the Christian Education brochure. 


The Reopening Task Force met on January 6 to discuss the high transmission of Covid-19 cases in our community and how we need to respond as a congregation. We recognize that each person has to make decisions that they feel most comfortable with in terms of her or his safety, and we hope that we can continue to provide the variety of ministry opportunities that meet people where their comfort level is. In light of that, we will be doing the following:

  • We will continue with in-person worship, Sunday school, and other Sunday activities as previously scheduled, with mandatory mask-wearing at all times inside the facility, and physical spacing as much as possible.
  • We will suspend congregational singing starting this Sunday, and rely on small groups, soloists, and instrumentalists to lead our music in the morning service.
  • While cloth masks are good, surgical or N95/KN95 masks are better; we would encourage you to wear those higher quality masks if you have access to them.
  • If you are not comfortable coming in-person for worship, we encourage you to join the @ The Table Service on Sundays at 5:00pm on Zoom, or to watch the recording of the morning service, which can be accessed through the church's website, Facebook, and YouTube pages.
  • All groups are encouraged to do what they feel most comfortable doing in terms of meeting (in-person/virtual/hybrid), and to let the Task Force or church staff know how they can best help them with their needs.
  • We will move forward with the planned Sunday breakfast and Wednesday Night Live supper and program next week, but note the schedule details for WNL, and we would strongly encourage people to sit in family groups and safely space apart from other family groups.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Task Force (Jenny Fleming, Kevin Fischer, Denise Weeks, Beth Ware, Grace Odum, Elizabeth Davis, Anna Raab, Bobbi Cross, Frank Mansell). Thank you for all you're doing to keep one another safe during these challenging times, and we pray for an end to this current surge as quickly as it developed.


50+ will delay meeting until the current surge in the omicron variant has abated. Stay well!


BJF meets via zoom on Mondays at noon to 1:30pm. On January 24, Becky Burmester will introduce our study on the book: Decolonizing Wealth: Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance by Edgar Villanueva. In preparation for the group discussion, Becky has asked us to read through page 35. We plan to study this book for the next six weeks until Lent. Each week different members will lead the discussion. All are welcome to join. Click HERE for participating in Monday's meeting via Zoom.


If this past weekend's winter weather puts you in the mood for chili, then we've got the Wednesday Night Live for you! We are bringing the Chili Cook-off back for 2022 after a hiatus in 2021. You know how this works, bring your best pot of chili to enter the competition, we all sample the many yummy recipes, then everyone in attendance will get a chance to vote on their favorite. Winner gets their name on the WBPC Chili Trophy and bragging rights for a year. There will be no program, just fellowship. Please bring donations, food or cash, for the Urban Ministries Food Bags.

We are also in need of volunteers to bring dessert and help with cleanup. Please indicate your willingness to volunteer on the Sign-Up Genius.

Please RSVP if you plan to join us for dinner, and indicate dietary restrictions by Monday, January 24 using the Sign-Up Genius link HERE, emailing the Fellowship Committee at fellowship@wbpresbyterian.org or calling the church office at 919-851-4713.


You are invited to join us for the Installation Service for Rev. Frank Mansell III as pastor of Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church on Sunday, January 30, at 3:00pm. A commission of elders and ministers from New Hope Presbytery will be leading this service, and it is a service of celebration to formalize Frank as Western Boulevard’s permanent pastor. We hope you can be present for this special day in the life of our church!


As we have come back to a full schedule of Sunday morning activities over the last few months, we are reminded again of how many people give their time and talent to provide a welcoming, safe, and positive place for us to be a community together. Teachers and care givers in the nursery, musicians and singers, ushers and greeters, technicians and volunteers – if it weren’t for all of these dedicated disciples, we wouldn’t be able to worship and grow in God’s Word in-person on Sunday mornings.

In addition to these, a key position each Sunday morning is the member of the Welcome and Safety Team. This individual welcomes people as they arrive, coordinates and communicates with the nursery and Children’s Chapel volunteers, monitors the church campus while worship is happening, and is available to respond to emergencies that might happen on Sunday mornings. The Worship Committee is grateful for those who have served in this important way, and will be reaching out to others in the church to assist with this crucial need. It is our hope that the more people who serve on the Welcome and Safety Team, the fewer Sundays throughout the year each person will have to make such a commitment. If you’d like to learn more or have further questions, please feel free to reach out to Frank Mansell (frank@wbpresbyterian.org), David Johnson (david_t_johnson@hotmail.com) or Janet Rakes (janet_rakes@ncsu.edu). Thank you to all who allow us to gather on Sunday mornings to learn, worship, and serve!


Please refer to the January Calendar and February Calendar if you have questions about meetings. If you want to reserve a room, please email admin@wbpresbyterian.org. If you have photos from Church events this year, please share them with us. You may upload your pictures directly to our shared Church album by clicking HERE.


If you have a prayer concern, please contact Frank Mansell (frank@wbpresbyterian.org), Marcia Bennett (sen1969@hotmail.com), or Betty Dean (betdean@nc.rr.com) and request that it be added to the Prayer Chain. Please note that any confidential prayer requests will not be added to the Prayer Chain.  

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