B3 is proud to partner with Operation Hope in Fairfield to support our neighbors in need this holiday season.
Help us spread a little joy and make the holidays a bit brighter by supporting the B3/Operation Hope Gift Card Drive.
If you would like to support the drive, the following store gift cards, in $20 or $25 denominations, are recommended:
Target, Walmart, Stop & Shop, Shop Rite,
Trader Joes, Burlington Coat Factory, TJ Maxx/Marshalls, Amazon, CVS/Walgreens,
Dunkin Donuts, Visa, Gas Cards
Gift cards must be at the B3 office no later than Wednesday, December 1st.
Please put all gift cards in an envelope with your name and team name on the outside.
There is a locking mailbox by the B3 office door to drop off after business hours.