May 2022
In 2022 we celebrate the 70th year of the Ocean County Soil Conservation District. We remain committed to building and sustaining a conservation legacy by working with our partners and constituents to conserve, protect and restore our soil, water and natural resources by providing technical assistance, implementing restoration projects, and most importantly through education.
In The Field With OCSCD Staff
Tracking Nonpoint Source Pollution
Combating Sediment Pollution in Our Waterways
The Standard for Stabilized Construction Access requires a stone pad to deter tracking and loss of soil. Without stabilized construction access loose sediment on roadways may lead to nonpoint source pollution. Photo: Sean Yeats, Inspector 1, OCSCD.
During spring in NJ rain is abundant! This life-giving rain provides needed water to the many awakening plants in our gardens, on our farms and to our natural lands. However, when precipitation falls over the bare soils of an active construction site this may result in sediment tracking, unless the proper controls are in place. As construction vehicles move on and off the job site, soil sticks to the massive truck tires and is easily tracked out onto roadways. Once on the impervious asphalt surface, the soil is easily washed into the local storm sewer infrastructure and in some cases into our surface waters. To combat this threat of nonpoint source pollution to our waterways and minimize the havoc it can wreak on our infrastructure, the District technical staff enforce the Standard for Stabilized Construction Access of the New Jersey Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Standards. As per the Standard, the purpose of a stabilized construction access is to reduce the tracking or flowing of sediment onto paved roadways. In addition, oils, greases, and diesel fuels can become mixed with sediment during construction and may also migrate into the offsite drainage system where they may enter directly into a waterway. By preventing or minimizing the tracking of sediments onto paved areas, a significant reduction in construction related hydrocarbon pollution is achieved.
Design Criteria:
Stone used as a stabilized construction access transition shall be clean, crushed, and angular. The stone size shall be a minimum of 1 to 2 ½ inches and laid 6 inches thick. The stone must be no less than the full width of the entrance to the site and shall be a minimum of 50 feet long. For sites with fine grained soils and/or steeper slopes the stone entrance shall be a minimum of 100 feet long. Equally important to proper installation based on the design criteria is maintenance of the stone. The entrance shall be maintained in a condition which will prevent tracking or flowing of sediment onto roadways. This may require periodic top dressing with additional stone or additional length to the entrance as conditions demand. All sediment spilled, dropped, washed, or tracked onto roadways (public or private) or onto other impervious surfaces must be removed immediately. Where accumulation of dust/sediment is inadequately cleaned or removed by conventional methods, a power broom or street sweeper will be required to clean paved or impervious surfaces. Staff at the Ocean County Soil Conservation District require construction sites with certified plans to install and maintain stabilized construction access while the site is under construction, minimizing the amount of soil leaving the site through tracking and flowing. This effort helps to maintain our environment, natural resources and infrastructure. Photo showing proper stone pad installation for stabilized construction access, courtesy: Ocean County Soil Conservation District archives.
Education Programs & Resources
Jersey-Friendly Yards 2022 Webinar Series
Back to Basics: 8 Steps to a Jersey-Friendly Yard!
This year’s webinar series reminds us that a Jersey-Friendly Yard doesn’t have to be a monumental task. Start small and start with the basics. Each program in this series ties-to one of the 8 Steps to a Jersey-Friendly Yard. Join us as we incorporate these basic components into our landscaping practices, resulting in a beautiful and healthy Jersey-friendly Yard!
May 10 - Step 4: Fertilize Less - Rely More on Nature
Learn the basic principles of how to rely less on fertilizer and more on nature. We will discuss how to manage soil and optimize plant growth in your yard using an organic, holistic approach. By building on a foundation of biologically active soil with proper plant selection, you can grow healthy plants and reduce dependency on fertilizers. Presenter: Chris Adams, Owner, Eastbound LLC Pre-registration required.
Jersey-Friendly Yards was developed by the Barnegat Bay Partnership (BBP), with funding from NJDEP. The Jersey-Friendly Yards website provides comprehensive resources and tools about landscaping for a healthy yard and healthy environment in New Jersey. The Ocean County Soil Conservation District and Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County are partnering with the BBP to offer educational programs about how you can make your yard more Jersey-Friendly!
Schedule a Jersey-Friendly Yards Program for Your Group
Calling all Green Teams, Environmental Commissions and Garden Clubs! Is your "Green Group" interested in hosting a Jersey-Friendly Yards webinar for your constituents? Jersey-Friendly Yards partners will provide a free 1 hour webinar discussing the importance of landscaping for a healthy environment. We'll start by introducing the tools and resources on the Jersey-Friendly Yards website, explain how to get your soil tested, introduce water conservation practices, suggest appropriate native plants, and offer ways to attract and support pollinators and wildlife. Contact Karen Walzer and Becky Laboy to schedule a program.
Gardening Tips
Ecological Value of Ferns
Ferns are often overlooked as staple garden plants. However, the lacey texture and lush green color of ferns not only add beauty and interest to a garden, they add ecological value, as well. The article What's Missing? Ferns for Your Garden written by Leslie Duthie, as featured on the Ecological Landscape Alliance website, explains the beauty and balance of ferns. (Photo by Becky Laboy, Education Outreach Specialist, OCSCD)
Visit our website:
OCSCD's monthly newsletter is edited by Becky Laboy, M.Ed., Education Outreach Specialist. For information about education programs, events and projects pertaining to soil, water, native gardening and natural resource conservation, please contact Becky at For technical questions regarding soil disturbance and regulations pertaining to the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Act, please call (609) 971-7002.