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Oct. 12, 2023

Weekly Update

A Message from Principal Simpson


Dear Parents,


This has been a busy, short week! Our sixth graders had a wonderful time at outdoor ed—as evidenced by all the pictures on our public Facebook page! It was nice seeing so many people for conferences on Tuesday. I hope to see everyone else at the conferences tonight.


Last week, we had our site visit as part of our charter renewal process. (Pictured here is Mr. Gomez, me and Mr. Zaccaria on the day of the site visit.) I am excited to report that we received a perfect score! This reflects the hard work of our students, staff, and community. My favorite comment from the reviewer was about our virtues, "Virtues were displayed prominently, but more significantly, students exhibited the virtues. It is not merely wall art." That’s high praise!


Speaking of virtues, our virtue for October is Humility. The definition that we use for Humility is: Be mindful of others before yourself. Treat them as you want to be treated. Think about how you can help others before being asked. Let others speak when it is their turn. 


I’m proud to report this virtue was displayed by our middle school sports athletes this fall. They showed good sportsmanship and treated other teams with respect. They were gracious winners, and when they lost, they were seen congratulating the other team on a game well played. Great job to our boys soccer, girls volleyball and cross country teams!


Another important part of the site visit were the student interviews. The reviewer reported, "Students lauded the teachers for the passion they have for student learning. Several mentioned that teachers place student learning and understanding as one of their highest priorities. The sense is that teachers take the attitude that it is their (teachers) responsibility to ensure that students learn." We know our teachers work so hard each day, and seeing our students recognize those efforts is truly rewarding. Another way to acknowledge our excellent staff is by recognizing them through an Apple Award nomination. Please take some time this week to nominate staff member or two who made a difference for your child(ren) over the years at BFA.


Before we head out on break, I also want to highlight our attendance policy. Attendance at school is crucial to ensuring each student reaches their full potential. If there’s a student who has been absent more than 15 percent of the school year to date, that puts them in the category of being considered chronically absent by federal guidelines. Families with a student in this category will be contacted by either Mr. Gomez or Mr. Zaccaria this week. We will continue to contact families throughout the year if their student reaches the chronically absent status. We understand that students get sick, and we want them to stay home while they are not feeling well; however, we ask that other absences, such as trips, appointments, and outings, are carefully considered before scheduling. 


Have a wonderful and safe fall break. As a reminder, teachers and staff will not be responding to emails over the break, as this is also their time to recharge and prepare for the next few weeks of classes. I can't wait to hear about everyone's adventures! 


Mrs. Simpson 

Volunteer Recognition

BFA loves its volunteers, and we want to show our appreciation for all of your work. A volunteer will be chosen as the Volunteer of the Month, and will get exclusive use of the dedicated, reserved Volunteer of the Month spot in the parking lot for their respective month. 

Thanks to all our volunteers for your continued support of BFA!

Congratulations Tejal Weaver!

For the month of October, Tejal Weaver has been selected as the BFA PTO Volunteer of the Month. She is being recognized for the time she spent volunteering at the seventh grade outdoor ed trip. She is an excellent example of outstanding volunteerism! Thank you, Tejal.

Tejal is a nurse at Children’s Hospital Colorado-South Campus in the Emergency Department and Inpatient Unit. She and her husband, Matt, have three children: Kaleb (a junior at Mountain Vista High School), Maya (seventh grade), and Kian (third grade). They have had been at BFA since the doors first opened in 2011. 

When asked what she loves about BFA, she said: “There are so many things we love about BFA that it’s hard to choose just a few. From the amazing teachers who have touched our children’s lives in so many positive ways, to all the support team who keep BFA extraordinary. We all have choices, and we continue to choose BFA!!!!”           


Congratulations, Tejal. And, thank you again for your help with the Outdoor Ed trip and all the volunteer work you've done throughout the years!

If you know someone who should be considered for volunteer of the month for outstanding volunteerism, please email Janelle Nichols, PTO resident.

Get to Know our Sponsors

We're Grateful to these PLATINUM BFA PTO Sponsors!

In the upcoming Principal Newsletters, the PTO plans to recognize all of our 2023-24 BFA PTO Sponsors. We are incredibly grateful for their support and excited to give each one a spotlight.


This week, we’re highlighting our sponsors in the PLATINUM category; we’re very thankful for their exceptional support and hope you’ll take a few minutes out of your day to learn about these businesses.


Visit our BFA PTO YouTube channel and our online directory, DirectorySpot, to learn more about our sponsors.     



Blue Sky Pediatric Dentistry provides specialized dentistry for children and adolescents in a warm, caring and child-friendly environment. As a pediatric dentist, Dr. Jennifer Thompson had two years of additional training after dental school to prepare her for the unique dental needs of each child they serve. They focus on preventive care to help each child grow a healthy smile that will last a lifetime. Their office serves infants, children, teens and children with special health care needs in Highlands Ranch, and the surrounding South Denver communities.


Based in the Rocky Mountain region, Moody Insurance has served the businesses and communities of Colorado for 50 years. Their team of experienced professionals provide specialized risk management solutions, insurance, bonding, employee benefits, and personal lines, so you have the coverage and support you need.

BFA News

No School

No School

Tomorrow, Oct. 13, is a comp day for teachers so there is no school. Next week, Oct. 16 - 20 is Fall Break. We hope you have a chance to enjoy time with friends and family during this break!

Important Changes to User Name for EngagED Parent Portal


We have been notified by the school district that the login process for parents to access the EngagED Parent portal has changed. The EngagED Parent Portal is the tool BFA families use to access Express Check-In each summer. NOTE FOR EIGHTH GRADE FAMILIES: You'll need this new login to Open Enroll to a DCSD high school other than your child's address-assigned "feeder."

Beginning now, parents will need to add “” to their current user names when logging into EngagED. For example, when you log into EngagED, if your current user name is absmith, that will be changed to Your password will remain the same. 

You should practice logging in NOW with the new user name. If you need to change your password or manage your account, you can do so on the DCSD website here. If you run into difficulty logging in to EngagED after the login process changes, don’t hesitate to reach out to the DCSD IT by clicking here, or calling 303-387-0001.


We realize this adds another step to the login process, but it's important to continuously enhance security. DCSD IT thanks you for your patience and understanding.

Advanced/Gifted Screening

DCSD is committed to implementing equitable practices to increase access to advanced/

gifted learning opportunities. Based on state and national recommendations and requirements, we implement Universal Screening for students in second grade (February) and fifth grade--the student's final year of elementary school (November).


5th/6th Grade Universal Screen

As part of this process, ALL students in fifth grade not identified for gifted programming will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. on Nov. 7, 8 and 9. This assessment indicates the level and pattern of cognitive development of a student in comparison to grade and age mates. These general reasoning abilities, which start developing at birth and continue through early adulthood, are influenced by experiences gained both in and out of school.  


If your child is already identified for gifted programming, they will not participate in this universal screen testing. Your Gifted Education Facilitator will contact you directly with information about this process. 


Gifted Identification Referral Testing 

  • If your child is in grades 3, 4, or 6 and you believe they need evaluation for Gifted Identification and Services, you may refer your child for testing by initiating the Gifted Identification Process.  
  • NOTE:  Requesting this assessment automatically initiates the process to evaluate for Gifted Identification. 
  • Please request CogAT testing for your child by completing the Referral for Gifted Identification linked here: BFA DCSD Gifted Identification Referral Form.
  • Upon receipt of this form the Gifted Education Facilitator will connect with you to discuss next steps in the gifted identification process.
Untitled Design

Spirit Week, Oct. 23 - 27

Let's have some FUN when we get back from Fall Break by participating in SPIRIT WEEK from Oct. 23 - 27. See below for the theme for each day:


  • Monday, Oct. 23: Midnight Monday - come to school in your cozy pajamas.
  • Tuesday, Oct. 24: Twinning Tuesday - come to school twinning, tripleting, quadrupling, etc. with your friends.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 25: Western Wednesday - celebrate Colorado’s rich history of the Wild West and come dressed as Annie Oakley or Doc Holiday, or come dressed in your best rodeo attire!
  • Thursday, Oct. 26: Throw Back (to the 80s) Thursday - dress like it’s the 1980s; big hair is welcome and encouraged!
  • Friday, Oct. 27: Freaky Friday - come to school dressed as one of our wonderful BFA teachers or staff members.


Any student that doesn’t want to participate should come to school in their BFA uniform. 

veterans day celebration

Please Participate in Veterans Day Celebration

We are proud to honor our Veterans and current service members each year at our Veterans Day celebration. If you have a special Veteran or service member you would like to invite, please read the invitation for more information and RSVP.


Veterans Video - Deadline: Friday, Oct. 13

During our ceremonies we play a tribute video that features YOUR family, friends and loved ones. If you have photos or videos of veterans or current service members you would like included in the video, please complete this form. Videos must be no longer than 30 seconds.The deadline to submit is Friday, Oct. 13. 


Veterans Wall of Honor Forms - Deadline: Friday, Oct. 13

We love decorating the halls of BFA with patriotic decorations, art, flags and Wall of Honor displays to show our respect for those who have or are currently serving our country. We invite BFA families to complete a Wall of Honor form for loved ones who are veterans or active duty service members. Forms can be downloaded and printed here. Please return all forms by Friday, Oct. 13. Please do not use original pictures, as they will not be returned.

Thank You Volunteers and BFA Community!

Franklin Fest was a great success again this year, with more than 800 people attending the event! This event is an excellent example of the BFA community coming together to create an amazing afternoon for our families. There were incredible cakes at the cakewalk, inflatables, face painting, balloon artists, delicious appetizers from Urban Village Grill, pizza, and the crowd favorite--dunk tank!


Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers for helping to set up, clean up, and run the event. We couldn't have done it without you! Special thanks to our amazing PTO members: Ewelina Chrzanowski, Kim Hernandez, and Cassie Roberts for planning and executing the event, as well as Sage Felux and the Baking Committee for all of their amazing cakes!


Also, a huge thank you to our sponsors who helped make this event possible:

  • Joe Dawson, Greer Law, and Destiny Dance - sponsored face painters
  • Urban Village Grill - provided the amazing appetizers
  • The Osborn family with Yard Signs - provided the Franklin Fest yard sign

Lost and Found Donated After Today

Want to know where BFA kids vacation? All you have to do is look through Lost and Found! This is your final day to locate your missing items in BFA’s Lost and Found. All items will be donated TOMORROW, Oct. 12.


Directory Now Available

The 2023-24 BFA online directory, DirectorySpot is ready! To access the directory, you will need to download the free DirectorySpot app available through the App Store and Google Play. You should have received an email from DirectorySpot with your one-time password, which will allow you to log-on.

If you have questions, please contact Alissa Motazedi, PTO vice-president.


Final Chance for Fall Break BASE Camp

The BFA BASE program will offer a Fall Break Camp from Oct. 16-20 to help our parents during break. It will be similar to our summer camp, with lots of fun and activities.  

There is still space available, so please sign up! You must register through MySchoolBucks for the entire week. Registration closes TODAY, Oct. 12.

Blood Drive

Have Heart, Give Blood!

Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. The Community Events Committee (CEC) is organizing BFA's third annual blood drive from 9:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 23, in the BFA parking lot. (Look for the bloodmobile!)


To schedule an appointment, visit and use blood drive code 10485 or simply scan the QR code below. Please select the time you are interested in donating at BFA, and follow the prompts to secure your appointment.


If you cannot attend the blood drive at BFA, you can always schedule an appointment at a Vitalant blood donor center, then provide our code (10485) and BFA will receive credit.


Unfortunately, walk-ins CANNOT be accepted. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions please contact Amy Marks.

Original works

Almost Time for Original Works!

If you’re looking for unique, personalized gifts for the upcoming holiday season, we have the answer for you—Original Works! Original Works puts your student’s artwork on fun (and oftentimes useful) items for you or a loved one. Purchasing Original Works gifts is a win-win, you get a one-of-a-kind item featuring your child's art, and 33 percent of each order goes back to BFA's art program! More details to follow soon, but if you want to see the products offered this November by Original Works, check out their website.

Final Day for Book Fair


The Book Fair will be open until 3 p.m. and again from 4 – 8 p.m. today, Oct. 12.


No unattended children/students are allowed in the Dana Library while parents attend conferences--even if parents are volunteering. This will be strictly enforced.


Remember, National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) will offer Parent-Teacher conference babysitting services for children who are no longer in diapers in the Makerspace. This is intended to help parents attend conferences and/or buy a gift at the book fair--parents may not drop off children and then leave the building. 

Celebrate Halloween at Trunk or Treat!


BFA’s third annual Trunk or Treat is taking place on Tuesday, Oct. 31! It's going to be a FANTASTIC day for ALL preschool through eighth grade BFA students. Thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer and donate treats. We are still in need of treat donations to make sure all of the students get treats at each trunk. (Between the PTO’s contributions and all of your donations, we are collecting over 25,000 treats for the students.) Please see the sign-up and consider donating some treats. All donations can be dropped off in the BFA front office from Monday, Oct. 23 through Friday, Oct. 27.  

New this year: Anyone who donates candy/snacks gets their name entered in a Halloween/Fall Raffle, so please put your name on your treats when you drop them off. It’s a small thank you for your continued support!  

Throughout the day, classes will be invited to step outside and participate in the Trunk or Treat. ALL parents are invited to come and watch your children at Trunk or Treat! Please see the schedule for when your child's class will be participating.

All of our volunteer spots for decorated cars/candy distribution are currently full, but please keep checking back HERE for openings as there is always some turnover. If you have any questions, please reach out to Erin Wiley.


Blue Island Oyster Bar Spirit Night

The next PTO spirit night will be from 5-8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at Blue Island Oyster Bar & Seafood in Lone Tree (10008 Commons St). They will be donating 20 percent back to the BFA PTO.


A few important details:

  • You must mention that you are there for the BFA fundraiser in order for the school to get credit for your order.
  • Blue Island is recommending that we make reservations to keep the evening running smoothly; reservations can be made by calling 303-379-9108 or clicking here.
  • KIDS (12 and under) EAT FREE ON TUESDAY NIGHTS! Kids meals are free with the purchase of an adult entree (up to 2 kids per parent).
  • Bottles of wine are 50 percent off on Tuesday nights.

We earned $456 from our September spirit night at Modern Market. Thank you to everyone who supported our spirit night. Let's see if we can make the Blue Island Oyster Bar spirit night even better! We appreciate your continued support.

Destination Imagination Informational Kick-off Meeting

Destination Imagination (DI) is a fun, hands-on system of learning that fosters students’ creativity, courage and curiosity through open-ended academic DI challenges in the fields of STEAM, fine arts and service learning.

There will be a BFA DI Kick-Off Meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 25, in the Sanders Science Lab. If you are a new Team Manager (or interested in finding out more about being a Team Manager), want to learn more about DI and how you can volunteer, or have a child interested in participating in DI, please read this letter and attend the meeting. If your child(ren) has not participated in DI before but is interested in doing so, please be sure to bring him/her to the meeting, as the DI South Metro regional director will give an overview of the program and have kids in attendance participate in a fun Instant Challenge.


Want to learn more before deciding? Click here to read answers to DI Frequently Asked Questions!

BFA Middle School

Middle School Dance

The middle school dance is from 6 - 8 p.m. on FRIDAY, Oct. 27, at BFA. This year, we'll offer light snacks, Halloween desserts, water, and soda (not pizza). The dance is free, but parents must register through MySchoolBucks and bring the signed Dance Policy as their ticket to the dance.

Please note that students will not be allowed into the dance without the signed policy form/ticket. There is a NO CELL PHONE rule this year at the dance that is outlined in the policy.

The dance is Halloween themed and costumes are allowed (but students must follow school costume rules).

We need LOTS of help with the dance--everything from donating snacks/treats to helping set up and clean up. Click here to help.

Elementary Halloween Parties


Elementary (K-5) Halloween classroom parties will take place from 1:45-2:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 31. Party volunteers will be limited to a max of four per classroom (three volunteers, plus the party planner). 

As much as we love welcoming our families into the school, we also ask that no additional siblings come with you if you are volunteering in one of our classroom parties. Instead, please make plans to attend the Trunk or Treat if you would like to participate in our Halloween festivities.

If you have any questions about the elementary party coordination, please reach out to 

Amy Marks, PTO room parent coordinator.

PTO Virtues Awareness Message for October

As October begins, we welcome in cooler weather, pumpkin patches and another monthly virtue, Humility. Did you know that Ben Franklin added humility as one of his virtues after a friend told him that it was a trait that he needed to work on? Ben Franklin actually reported later in his life that he was quicker to listen before responding with a harsh word. 


How lovely would it be if our children learned this virtue at a young age. Some ways that we can work on the virtue of Humility with our kids are:

  • Practice listening to each other,
  • Be an example of treating others the way that you want to be treated,
  • Talk as a family about what you’re grateful for, and
  • Accept help when you need it and help others when you see they need help.


As we head into Fall Break and the beginning of the holiday season, we hope that our students will bring home a sense of humility and compassion for others.


Middle School Musical Elective

The second trimester musical elective for students in grades 6-8 is Matilda, Jr. Registration for this class is different than other classes. If you would like to be in the cast of Matilda, please fill out this form. Space in this class is first come, first served for 40 spots. The deadline to fill this form out is Wednesday, Oct. 25. After the deadline, we will let you know who is in the class and register you. Filling out the form does not guarantee you a spot.


Everyone in the class will be in the show (no cuts). Most of this show is learned during elective time. We will have one Saturday rehearsal a month that we hope most people can attend.


Photo Request from Mrs. Bauer

Mrs. Bauer would like pictures of BFA students being active for her bulletin board in the Lightning gym.

If you have a picture you would be willing to share, please email it to Mrs. Bauer. Ideally, she'd like to have pictures by Oct. 13--but can always add a few more pictures to the bulletin board as she receives them.

Thank you!

Upcoming Events


See what's happening this month.


Parent-Teacher Conferences - Oct. 12

Dress of Choice Day - Oct. 12

BFA Board Meeting - Oct. 24


Comp Day - Oct. 13

Fall Break - Oct. 16 - 20

Board Bolts

Nominate Someone Today!

The Board and Principal Simpson recognize that there are BFA students who go above and beyond and achieve excellence in academics, character, effort and/or service. Those students deserve to be recognized and we look forward to doing so during this year’s board meetings. 

If you would like to nominate a student to be recognized as one of our Board BOLTS in October, please use this nomination form.

BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.

Ben Franklin Academy

2270 Plaza Drive

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519


Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239


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