October 12, 2023

Our Mission: Power a Clean Future Ohio is building momentum now for a clean, prosperous future by equipping local leaders for equitable, community-driven carbon reductions in Ohio.

PCFO Welcomes 47th Community, Newburgh Heights

Under the leadership of Mayor Gigi Traore, Newburgh Heights is taking proactive steps to tackle climate change head-on, becoming the 47th community to join Power A Clean Future Ohio (PCFO). Nestled in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, the Village passed Resolution 23-18 on September 19, with plans to develop a comprehensive roadmap that outlines the specific measures and strategies necessary to achieve a 50 percent reduction below the 2010 levels in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. This initiative is developed in collaboration with the community, ensuring that local input plays a crucial role in shaping the future of Newburgh Heights.

“Given the Village's location near industrial valley; it is past time we intently work to address the need to improve our air quality and public health,” said Mayor Traore. “I look forward to working with PCFO and identifying ways to move Newburgh Heights forward.”

Newburgh Heights is resolutely committed to navigating this path in collaboration with PCFO policies, designed to yield carbon emission reductions, cost savings, and an overall enhancement of residents' quality of life. This improvement framework will be diligently incorporated into the Village's near-term plans, with a strong focus on prioritizing cost-effective measures that address energy needs while maintaining fiscal responsibility. This balance will help minimize the impact on taxpayer dollars and individual expenses while advancing towards a cleaner and more sustainable community.

“Joining Power A Clean Future Ohio equips communities with tools and resources that allows them to take action on climate change and invest in clean energy in ways that are achievable, measurable, equitable, and economical,” said Joe Flarida, Executive Director of Power a Clean Future Ohio. 

Read more here.

PCFO Participates in Cleveland Roundtable with DOE

PCFO staff were invited to attend the Department of Energy’s Economic and Diversity Roundtable with Director Shalanda Baker on September 28th. DOE’s Office of Economic Impact and Diversity (ED) advises the Secretary on the impact of energy policies, regulations, and DOE programs on minority communities, minority institutions, and specific segments of the U.S. population.

Organized by The City of Cleveland’s Office of Sustainability & Climate Justice and the Cleveland Environmental Advocacy Coalition (CEAC), conversation topics included the current state of energy in Cleveland, ideal outcomes for bringing clean and green technologies to our community, current projects Cleveland is working on, and what additional support would be needed from DOE to achieve Cleveland’s energy goals. PCFO staff were joined by BC Block Club, Black Environmental Leaders, Cleveland Owns, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, Citizens Utility Board of Ohio, Environmental Health Watch, and City of Cleveland staff.

Dayton Cuts Major Source of City Emissions

The City of Dayton is making significant cuts to its emissions, while also generating substantial revenue by selling its entirety of biogas produced at its wastewater treatment facility. This innovative move is expected to bring in around $16 million over the next two decades, all while reducing emissions from city facilities by an impressive half. The revenue, estimated at about $800,000 per year, will be allocated to the city's sanitary sewer fund. This switch is streamlined through Pinnacle Gas Producers, whose respective facility just south of Dayton, will transport, clean and sell the gas at no cost to the city.

Dayton intends to switch to cheaper natural gas for heating purposes. This project is making Dayton one of the few Midwestern cities exploring biogas sustainability initiatives, offering both financial benefits and environmental improvements. The city plans to share this concept with other wastewater facilities across the country to help them reduce carbon emissions cost-effectively.

Read more about Dayton’s latest sustainability switch, by visiting Dayton Daily News.

Solar Development in Athens Community

Groundbreaking developments happened earlier this year as Athens, Ohio, partnered with Kokosing Solar to install solar panels at the city’s local pool. The construction, which concluded prior to the pool’s seasonal opening in late May, produces the electricity necessary to power the facility. Mayor Steve Patterson is encouraged by the investment and urges other municipalities to explore the benefits of solar in their respective communities. The city also expanded its solar implementation to their local community center and wastewater treatment plant, totaling over 2.1 megawatts in electricity.

Sustainable Business Growth in Warren County

C.M. Paula, a holding company in Warren County, recently completed an impressive expansion of its headquarters located in Mason by a substantial 60%. This significant development came at a cost of $3.7 million and has added approximately 36,000 square feet of workspace. As a result, C.M. Paula is poised to create 22 new full-time job positions, with an expected increase of $1.6 million in payroll over the next five years.

In a bid to promote sustainability and reduce its carbon footprint, the company installed 550 solar panels on the roof of the building. This initiative makes C.M. Paula the first fully solar-powered business in Mason, setting an admirable example for the local community.

C.M. Paula CEO, George White, emphasized the company's commitment to excellence in its efforts to operate efficiently and sustainably. White expressed pride in leading the way towards sustainability in the Mason community, all while fostering robust business growth. To support C.M. Paula's future solar and energy-efficient ventures within the business community, the City of Mason introduced a Property Assessment Clean Energy Program.

To learn more about the building expansion, you can read the full article here.

Investing in America Agenda Provides $30 Million in Clean Energy Funding

The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of State and Community Energy Programs has awarded $30 million in clean energy funding to 28 state, local, and tribal governments as part of President Biden's Investing in America agenda. This funding, made available through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program, is aimed at improving energy efficiency and advancing clean energy and infrastructure upgrades in various public and private spaces. These upgrades include hospitals, homes, manufactured housing parks, and government buildings.

Through this award, Ohio was funded $3,130,030 for a new competitive program for local governments called Brightening Ohio Communities (BOC). The program will support energy-efficient community streetlight retrofits in lower-income communities across Ohio. Ohio also plans to provide technical assistance to support local governments through their grant application process.


Read the full announcement from the Biden-Harris Administration here.


Federal Funding: Find it here!

Visit the PCFO IGAP Webinar page to review notes from the BIL Guidebook Introduction, Electric Vehicles, Public Transportation, and Clean Energy and Power webinars. These notes include information on the federal departments’ goals, funding opportunities, and available links to program pages.

If you are interested in applying or need PCFO’s support please contact Cassandra Clevenger, IGAP Coordinator, at cassandra@poweracleanfuture.org with any questions.

National Clean Investment Fund

Created under the Inflation Reduction Act, the National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF) is one of three Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) programs. The NCIF competition will fund grants to 2–3 national nonprofit clean financing institutions that will provide accessible, affordable financing for clean technology projects across the country.

Application deadline: October 12, 2023

NOAA Climate Resilience Regional Challenge

Created under the Inflation Reduction Act, the NOAA Climate Resilience Regional Challenge aims to catalyze equitable adaptation through regional scale collaboration and implementation of adaptation actions that will reduce future damage from weather and climate impacts.

Application deadline: February 13, 2024

Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) Elements Cohort

Created under the Inflation Reduction Act, the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) provides owners of HUD-assisted multifamily housing with resources to reduce carbon emissions, make utility efficiency improvements, incorporate renewable energy sources, and make properties more resilient against the effects of climate hazards. The GRRP Elements Cohort provides funding for owners to include climate resilience and utility efficiency measures in projects that are already in the process of recapitalization transactions. 

Application deadline: March 28, 2024

Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) Leading Edge Cohort

Created under the Inflation Reduction Act, the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) provides owners of HUD-assisted multifamily housing with resources to reduce carbon emissions, make utility efficiency improvements, incorporate renewable energy sources, and make properties more resilient against the effects of climate hazards. The GRRP Leading Edge cohort provides funding to owners with ambitious plans involving carbon reduction, renewable energy generation, use of building materials with lower embodied carbon, and resilience goals through achieving an advanced green certification.

Application deadline: April 30, 2024

Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) Comprehensive Cohort

Created under the Inflation Reduction Act, the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) provides owners of HUD-assisted multifamily housing with resources to reduce carbon emissions, make utility efficiency improvements, incorporate renewable energy sources, and make properties more resilient against the effects of climate hazards. The GRRP Comprehensive cohort provides funding to properties with a high need for investment in utility efficiency and climate resilience. 

Application deadline: May 30, 2024

Upcoming Events

NOACA Annual Summit & Luncheon

Friday, October 20 | 12-2 p.m. ET

The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) will hold its 2023 Annual Meeting and Luncheon on Oct. 20, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM at the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland, located at 300 Lakeside Ave East, Cleveland, Ohio. Registration is required for this event.

MORPC Sustainability Summit

Thursday, October 26 | 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

This is MORPC’s signature environmental conference, bringing hundreds of community leaders together to explore and share sustainable ideas and solutions, and to celebrate individuals and collaborative sustainability efforts with the Regional Sustainability Awards. The Summit will feature two plenary sessions and breakout sessions that will focus on MORPC’s sustainability programs. Register here.

Interested in getting started? Join today!

PCFO is an expansive, diverse coalition engaging with cities and local overnments across the state of Ohio to build a clean future for our communities. Power A Clean Future Ohio is empowering local leaders with tools and resources to create carbon reduction plans and implement them in ways that are achievable, measurable, equitable and economical. 


Our coalition of expert organizations wants to share our technical expertise and resources with your community. If your community wants to work on plans to reduce emissions, attract business investment, implement equitable clean energy policy, and reduce costs – contact us today to set up a meeting!


If your business or organization would like to support PCFO, we invite you to join the campaign as a PCFO Partner. Contact us for more details.

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