New Beginnings Journey
Church Updates, Missions, Youth/Family events

May 4, 2022
Updated Church Council Members List!
Please do NOT turn off the lights in the bathrooms! They are on automatic timers that will shut them off after 10 minutes. If you turn them off, they will not automatically turn on for the next person to enter.
Volunteers needed!! 
We have a perfect opportunity to share your time and service by helping with the clean-up of the old church building. 
The project has 3 phases:
(1) sort good / trash,
(2) prepare items and help with the Community Garage Sale. We will be open to sell on June 4
(3) final clean-up. 
If you are able to help, there is a sign-up sheet in the narthex or contact Tom Wiggins, Jim Page or Cherl Matla (Garage Sale). 
Additional information, including dates and times will be available soon. 


Mark your calendar:
May 22, 2022 at 7 pm.

We will be hosting a Benefit Concert for Ukraine with members from the Bowling Green State University CMA participants.

Char Pritchett is looking for volunteers to bake cookies, bring water, and assist as greeters. There is a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Table.

More information is in the May Ambassador.
Mission Jar Update:

The Mission Jar will be left out each week for the convenience of members. The fourth Sunday will still emphasis our monthly mission.

May's Mission will focus on feeding children during the summer months.
Time to sign up to Volunteer at Freedom School at
Monroe Street United Methodist Church

Freedom School returns again this year, June 13 through July 22, Volunteers are needed as in past years.
Click here to sign up and thank you again for your help! 

Pam Cook has volunteered June 21 and June 22 to read with a child and sit with them at lunch. Arrival time is 11:40 a.m.-12:45 p.m. for lunch.

If you would like to carpool, sign up at the link above and contact
Pam Cook, 419-340-2631 for additional information.

APRIL: T-shirts, Pants/Shorts, Dresses/Skirts, Hats, Scarves/gloves/mittens, socks, shoes, flip flops, bandanas, sunglasses, rain ponchos, shoelaces, silly dress up 
MAY: Jump Ropes, Balls (Soccer, tennis, beach, kick…), Very Small Frisbees, Small kites,
Sidewalk Chalk, Sand Toys & Shovels, Garden/Work gloves, Garden Shovels, Flashlights w/ Batteries
How Can I Help?

1) Make checks to WUMC with a memo line of "Ukraine" Funds will then go to the UMCOR Advance account.

2) Use your credit card via the link below to donate to the UMCOR Advance account. Please let us know so we can tally how generous WUMC is in helping the Ukrainians!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Click here to financially support UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery Advance #982450 for Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine. Please also prayerfully support the ten UMC churches in Ukraine, click here to learn more. Our brothers and sisters need our help! 

Thank you and God bless.

Rev. Scot Ocke
District Superintendent

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Email Us / 419.878.3645 / 7115 Waterville Monclova, Waterville, OH 43566