October 11


Mel and I got to spend a few days in Mexico with friends this past week and I was curious as to what God would put on my heart to write about. Seeking an answer, a couple of days upon arrival, I put my tennis shoes on and went solo for long walk through the neighborhood where we were staying.  (We had walked the beach the day before, but that stretch was long and walking in the sand is an effort that takes time to work up too. Ha)  The neighborhood was filled with streets and cobbled stone sidewalks and tangents to explore.  The home that we were staying in, had an ocean front backdrop surrounded by a rolling terrain that was ripe for a nature walk.  There were lush multi levels of homes, and the structures were engineered to be one tier upon another.  The flowers and landscape  were extraordinary; plush and beautiful, amidst the 95 degree heat driven from the clear and vibrant sunny day.  

Upon exploring, I ran across a quiet beach and watched as the waves hit the rocky shore with powered finesse. That was a story in itself, but for later. The birds were skimming the sand for treasured tidbits, there was one couple planted peacefully under their umbrella with coolers, a single motorcycle parked nearby and unattended, and a couple of surfers waiting for that perfect wave.  

But through it all, there is no escaping the fact that God in all his Glory continues to exemplify his magnificent creation. No matter where any of us are, God’s works are before us, his Spirit is within us and His presence hovers over us.  But it reminded me that we get busy and forget to just stop and appreciate the little things, and absorb God himself and ….thank him for the blessings that are before us, in sight and in heart. 

For the sights are easy if we take time to “wonder” when we see them. The blessings of heart are sometimes camouflaged; because we tend to hold close our thoughts or opinions until we feel safe enough in the presence of others to share them. This trip was a reminder to me, who is often a loner, that getting to know people and taking the time to hear their stories makes you appreciate them all the more.  Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone to grow in God’s grace and be mindful of the way he works through other people to make a difference in yours.  And for four days he did just that! There is a fullness of heart when lives are shared and Christian fellowship is embraced God has His way of placing before us, often even times when we fight it, to make clear that he knows us and knows our hearts and what we need to grow. 

And so it was with this trip.  I was anxious from the beginning…not much of a girls girl, (4 couples) and concerned about the required Covid test before heading back, and getting stuck in Mexico. But what I found was that once I had conquered the battle of self comfort, God was able to fill me with joy and openness to see his outward  blessings instead of focusing on the  inward concerns. 

Blessings of sight and heart;  God sometimes uses his blessings from the outside to be a wistful spray of freshness to help us recognize the blessings he has for us within.  This trip and being with my husband and the precious friends, both new and old, was yet another reminder that living in the present, instead of being anxious about the future, is God directed; for trusting his sovereignty and oversight is far more peaceful than trying to direct and control the outcomes myself.  That “let go and let God” quote resonates in all circumstances... and at all times, in all experiences and all adventures.  

Oh but sometimes my “should be” prayers get hindered by my "could be" fears. Yet God continues to remind me: “He has got it” whatever it is that is before me…and to trust him… not worrying about what is to come but trust HIM on this day that is present.

The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.

May this day be blessed with God’s peace, power and assurance that you are in his sight and loving kindness. Amen 

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!