2022 In Review: Message to the Membership

As 2022 draws to a close, it is a good time to reflect on our accomplishments and celebrate the successes of the past year. CASA is pleased to share a summary of our key activities and accomplishments, and we truly appreciate the support of our membership and the entire clean water community. Read more here.

Erin Brockovich to Speak at CASA Winter Conference

We are very pleased to announce that Erin Brockovich, renowned consumer advocate and environmental activist, will be the Keynote Speaker at our 2023 Winter Conference in Palm Springs this January! Erin Brockovich is living proof that an ordinary person can change the world. As a Southern California law clerk, she spearheaded a successful lawsuit against a major company on behalf of hundreds of people who had unknowingly been exposed to toxic waste. Her efforts inspired the Oscar-winning feature film that bears her name, and led her to a successful career as an environmental activist and public speaker. Join us in Palm Springs January 25 – 27 as we hear from Erin Brockovich on important topics, including PFAS.


Have questions about registering? Please contact Cheryl MacKelvie or register here to join us in Palm Springs January 25 - 27, 2023! 

Citizens Academy 101 Webinar

Looking for new ways to engage with your ratepayers? Has your agency considered implementing a Citizens Academy? Join us for a chance to hear from those with first-hand experience developing and running these interactive programs. Citizen Academies are a great way to help engage customers and develop greater public awareness about the incredible activities wastewater agencies engage in every day. Register today for a free webinar hosted by CASA next Wednesday, December 14, from 11:00am to 12:00pm. Hear from OC San, Napa San and Central San as they share lessons learned, planning tips, materials, budget and all the tools you need to build a successful program.


Please contact Alyssa Downs with any questions.

CASA Washington DC Policy Forum Registration Now Open!

Registration is now open for the Washington DC Policy Forum. Hosted at the Willard InterContinental Washington, D.C., the event will feature an excellent program with renowned speakers from Congressional staff, reporters, and national water associations providing their perspective on the infrastructure package and other exciting developments of importance to California’s clean water professionals. This year, we have set aside time for agencies to make their own appointments for Congressional visits, with the assistance of our federal advocates Eric and Sarah Sapirstein. Join us in our nation’s capital to strengthen our advocacy and promote our collective federal agenda on February 27 - 28, 2023. We hope to see you there!

State Legislative Update

Looking Ahead: 2023 Legislative Session

On Monday, December 5th the Legislature convened its organizing meeting for the upcoming 2023-24 legislative session. More than 40 Assembly Members-elect and Senators-elect were administered their oaths of office and officially sworn into their legislative terms. The two houses adopted resolutions to establish rules and procedures for the upcoming session and also elected their leaders. Notably, in the Assembly, a Resolution was adopted outlining the transition of leadership from Speaker Anthony Rendon to Speaker-elect Robert Rivas on June 30, 2023. Assembly Member James Gallagher was re-elected as Assembly Minority Leader.


CASA is preparing for the start of the new legislative session as well! Tomorrow, December 9, CASA’s State Legislative Committee will meet for our annual planning session where we will discuss priority legislation and topics of interest in the upcoming legislative session. Legislative Committee meetings are open to all CASA members. For more information about the meeting please contact Spencer Saks

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Federal Update

EPA Releases Supplemental Guidance For PFAS Monitoring 

On December 5, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) released supplemental guidance to states for how to use the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit to address PFAS pollution in wastewater. The purpose of this guidance is to provide information to permit writers on how to use existing authorities to reduce PFAS discharges in NPDES permits while the Agency finalizes its Effluent Limitation Guidelines for PFAS. 

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Regulatory Update

State Water Board Adopts Updated SSS WDR

On December 6, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted the new Sanitary Sewer System Waste Discharge Requirements Order (SSS WDR). The feedback with the final version of the Order has been very positive, and over the last two years, our members have provided countless hours and expertise to ensure the final requirements were practicable and implementable. 

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Sign up for CASA’s Regulatory Updates

CASA’s Regulatory Workgroup regularly puts together a comprehensive e-newsletter to share all regulatory updates on key issues and workgroup initiatives with the CASA membership. If you are interested in receiving these regulatory updates, please contact Jared Voskuhl. The latest edition is available here.

Member News

Welcome New CASA Member!


East Valley Water District                                    

In Memoriam

We are saddened to inform the CASA membership of the passing of Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Board Director, Phil Williams. “Phil Williams was a servant leader, our colleague, and most importantly, our friend,” said President of the EVMWD Board of Directors, Darcy Burke. “His institutional knowledge was vast as well as his expertise; Phil knew a lot on just about every topic. He cared deeply for his family, community, and the District. While we mourn the passing of our friend and colleague, our thoughts, and prayers are with his wife, Tammy, his children, grandchildren, and all who loved him.” CASA extends their deepest condolences and sympathy to Phil’s family, friends, and all those whose lives he touched, especially within the CASA and Riverside communities. See the press release posted by EVMWD here.

Professional Development Opportunity

2023 Water & Wastewater Leadership Center Applications Now Being Accepted!

With the belief that exceptional leadership is essential to the continued success of the water sector, the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, the American Water Works Association, the National Association of Clean Water Agencies and the Water Environment Federation – in collaboration with the National Association of Water Companies – are pleased to continue their partnership to ensure that the Leadership Center arms utility executives with the management and leadership skills they need to excel. Celebrating over two decades of executive education designed specifically for water and wastewater professionals, the 2023 Water & Wastewater Leadership Center (WWLC) will convene at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill March 12-23, 2023. As always, the Center offers exceptional coursework taught by an unequaled UNC faculty, all tailored specifically for the water sector.


Applications are now being accepted for the class of 2023 – and must be received by December 9, 2022.

Upcoming Events

Wastewater Funding Fair

The Central Coast Water Board will be hosting a virtual wastewater funding fair in coordination with the Division of Financial Assistance (DFA) on December 13th, from 1:00 PM-2:30 PM. DFA provides grants and/or low interest loans for water quality projects through the state’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The event will cover information on various funding opportunities. Funding opportunities are available for planning, design and construction for a variety of projects, including, but not limited to: treatment facility upgrades/repairs, collection system upgrades/repairs, consolidation, and connecting parcels on septic systems to existing collection systems. Learn more here.

Wastewater Surveillance Office Hours with CASA and CDPH

For those interested in wastewater-based surveillance for SARS-CoV-2, its variants, MPox and other pathogens, the California Department of Public Health holds monthly office hours to provide updates and answer questions. They have invited CASA’s Greg Kester to join them for their December session (December 21 from 11:00 – 12:00) and are targeting the wastewater sector for engagement. If you would like to join the office hours or have any questions, please reach out to Greg Kester.

Careers and Opportunities
Visit CASA's Job Board.
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CASA represents more than 125 local public agencies engaged in the collection, treatment and recycling of Wastewater and biosolids to protect public health and the environment. Our mission is to provide trusted information and advocacy on behalf of California clean water agencies, and to be a leader in sustainability and utilization of renewable resources.
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