Aspen Ridge October Parent Newsletter
Informed Parents
Make for GREAT Partners
Stronger Connection + Stronger Purpose = Stronger Together
We are working hard to provide opportunities for strong connections this year. We are a school built by our community, working together to build up our community. What better way to do this than through connection?
We've spent the first few months of school connecting with our students, with our families, with our local businesses, and with our town. Thank you to everyone who is working to ensure those connections are positive, that Aspen Ridge is represented well, and that we are a shining example of what strong schools are made of. If you are new to Aspen Ridge, I hope it has been evident that we work hard to protect one another, we work hard to protect our students and staff, we work hard to promote our school, and we work hard to collaboratively build confidence and academic success in our students. If you ever happen to hear negativity or false information about Aspen Ridge, I hope you feel empowered to take the opportunity to spread positivity and share the positive rumors. We are in charge of our own narrative. It is imperative that each of us feels this ownership in accountability.
We have some great opportunities to connect in the near future - Fall Fest, Book Fair, Erie Uplink Hat & Glove Drive, and more. I hope that as you join us for these events you'll free to reach out and connect with new families and staff as you do so. If you're really looking to connect and get involved, we are always looking for great substitutes. Read all the way to the end of the newsletter to find out how you can apply and join our team.
Additionally, Aspen Ridge is a member of the Colorado League of Charter Schools. As a member, the League provides us with critical advice and support throughout the school year, especially when it comes to protecting our interests and promoting our needs at the State Capitol. They also provide information about charter schools as well as training opportunities for our families and our staff through their ACT Advocacy Network.
This year the League is working hard to add more like-minded supporters to the network. The three schools that sign up the most supporters will win a $1,000 cash prize. In addition, 12 families from across the state will each win a $250 gift card. Sign up to win prizes and to ensure Aspen Ridge has the resources and support we need to serve your child and the rest of our students well. Click HERE to sign up and earn a chance to win for both YOU and ARPS!
A well known African proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
Thanks for connecting and sticking together for our students, our school, and our legacy!
Charla Salmeron, Head of School
Upcoming Events for Your Calendar
10/1 - You "count" at Aspen Ridge! (Official Count Day)
10/6 - Early Release, 12:15pm
10/7 - Middle School Band / Blues Rock Band Performance, 6:00pm
10/8 to 10/13 - Scholastic Fall Book Fair
10/9 to 10/13 - Erie UpLink Hat & Glove Drive
10/14 - Parent Conferences, No School for Students
10/15 to 10/18 - Fall Break | No School
10/19 - First Day of Second Quarter
10/23 - Boo on Briggs
10/26 - Papa John's | Restaurant Night
11/3 - Early Release, 12:15pm
11/11 - 4th/5th Grade Music Performance
11/22 to 11/26 - Thanksgiving Break
Hello, Owl Families!
Happy fall! We have had a fantastic month of learning, and our Owls are making tremendous progress and growth each day. October is full of fun and excitement, including community events, Parent-Teacher Conferences, and the return of Fall Clubs!
The first virtual awards ceremony will be held on Wednesday, October 6th. Our Owls have been practicing SOAR expectations at school while focusing on living the Everything is Possible Mindset, and teachers will have the opportunity to recognize students that have been working hard to go above and beyond throughout the month of September. All are welcome to join us virtually by accessing the Zoom link on the Aspen Ridge calendar. During the assembly, we will introduce the Passion First Mindset. Click HERE to learn more!
At Aspen Ridge we believe in helping students to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Each student receives a Personalized Education Plan (PEP) that outlines reading, math, and behavior goals that teachers and students will work on throughout the school year. This plan is updated three times per year after each benchmark assessment period (Fall, Winter, and Spring) and will be communicated with families during conferences.
Teachers are preparing plans and are excited to share your student’s progress with you during the upcoming fall conferences on Thursday, October 14th. Conferences are a great time to build community while focusing on student success. The conference scheduler will be located on the Aspen Ridge webpage and will open on Monday, October 4th, for grades K-8. You can access the online scheduler instructions by clicking HERE. Classroom teachers will send out additional information for you to indicate whether you would like to meet in person or virtually. (Preschool families, please be on the lookout for conference communication coming directly from the teachers.)
Community is the foundation for success. Thank you for choosing to be a part of ours!
Rachel Miller, Principal
P.S. Fall Clubs are returning to Aspen Ridge! Be on the lookout for additional communication including club descriptions and information on how to sign up your student no later than October 8th!
ARPS Fall Scholastic Book Fair
It's almost time for our Fall Scholastic Book Fair! The Book Fair will start Saturday, October 9th, during Fall Fest. We are looking for parent volunteers to help throughout the week. If you're interested in volunteering, click HERE. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Dieterich at
Angie Reddy
Preschool 3's
Owl of the Month
Angie has been at Aspen Ridge for five years and helps lead our youngest Owls. She shares her passion for teaching preschool by creating ways to combine academic and social learning in her classroom.
Angie is always smiling and approaches every situation with a positive attitude. She overcomes challenges with grace and is truly committed to providing the best learning opportunities for her students. Thank you, Angie, for sharing your love of teaching with the Aspen Ridge community.
We are thrilled to welcome Caraway Orthodontics has one of our newest sponsors!
Dr. Caraway and his team have been long supporters of Aspen Ridge and we are excited to officially welcome him and one of his Owls to the Aspen Ridge family.
Want to learn more about Dr. Caraway and his amazing team? Click here.
We can't wait to welcome our entire ARPS community for our 10th Annual Fall Fest! We hope you'll join us on Saturday, October 9th, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm.
You should have received a flyer with information about how to purchase Fall Fest game tickets and meal tickets. Tickets are sold in packs of 10 for $5. The class with the most pre-sale tickets (purchased by Tuesday, October 5th) will earn an extra recess! Game tickets and meal tickets can also be purchased at the event.
Drop off a decorated pumpkin based on a favorite children's book anytime during the week of October 4th to 8th to have it on display in our Pumpkins on Parade. Each participant will receive a dress down pass! Plus, don't forget to wear your spookiest, funniest, cutest, or most original costume for our costume contest!
We are thrilled to partner with Erie UpLink this year to give back to our community! Fall Fest will kick off our Hat & Glove Drive, and if you bring at least one NEW hat or NEW pair of gloves/mittens you will receive 10 FREE game tickets. (Limit ten free tickets per student.)
For more information on Fall Fest and how to purchase tickets, click HERE.
Owl's Nest 2.0
Click HERE to read through the handbook, fill out required paperwork, and sign up for Owl's Nest using Sign-Up Genius. All required links and paperwork can be found there. Enrollment will be limited to 30 students per day and students must be signed up and paid for through Sign-Up Genius in order to attend on any given day. Please return the completed and required paperwork to Mrs. Salmeron (
As always, please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you for your patience and support as we plan for success.
First Annual Middle School Science Expo
Volunteer Presenters Needed
On Friday, January 28, 2022, Aspen Ridge will host our first Middle School Science Exposition! It will be held from 1:30pm to 3:00pm with three half-hour workshops for our Middle School students (6th through 8th grade). We are hoping to find up to 12 community experts in science-related fields to come to our school and present an engaging, hands-on demonstration that would be repeated three times for groups of 12 to 15 students. In addition to the hands-on demonstration, we would like each presenter to speak briefly about their career in science and what types of jobs are available in their field of expertise. Our Middle School teachers will be on hand to supervise each workshop and facilitate a short evaluation where students will summarize what they learned. We are anticipating each half-hour workshop to consist of a 20-minute presentation, 5-minute student evaluation/summary, and 5-minute rotation time.
We are excited to work with members of our community on this exciting science event. Please let us know if you or someone you know would be interested in being a volunteer presenter. Feel free to contact Cathy Hellbaum at with suggestions or questions you may have!