“It always seems impossible until it is done.”
Nelson Mandela
From the Black House desk...
January 2022 ~ Happy New Year!
2022 - for those of you who enjoy numerology, we are heading into a 6 which is the embodiment of the heart. It represents the ability to support, nurture, and heal. It is a powerful force of compassion and empathy and its warm light is a beacon of hope. I am particularly grateful for that because I will be needing to remind everyone again and again this coming year that the Woodlawn campus is about to undergo a transformation. And we all know that change, of any magnitude, is tough. As excited as I am about the next year and what is going to happen, I just know it will be uncomfortable, awkward, and some folks will get cranky. The community gardeners are already experiencing the pain of change when I made the decision that there would be no garden in 2022. For safety reasons primarily as well as the opportunity that the construction affords us to extend and enhance the good things that have happened in that space for many years. Parking is going to be redirected, there will be signs everywhere, we are going to be making noise. But oh, how wonderful. We will watch as years (a decade!) of dreams, hopes, goodwill, and incredible generosity becomes an actual building. As we begin the process, and throughout the journey to the ribbon-cutting (I am sure some folks have running bets that we don't build a barn, am I right?), we will need to think about manifesting our best 6. Patience, concern, appreciation....what we go through over the next 18-24 months will ensure a Woodlawn that will be enjoyed for another 100 years. And don't think for even a New York minute that the fundraising is going to stop - do you know any nonprofit that stops when a campaign finishes? And I didn't say we had finished - just that we are close enough now to be having the conversations about when, not if. Very soon we will be announcing new fundraising goals that will support quality programs, the right equipment/resources, and campus enhancements. A bigger community garden, croquet expansion, new trails - watch the wish list grow and wait for the updates. Your involvement is vital to our success. Stay well and safe this year; we need your heart to be a big part of Woodlawn 2022!
Thanks for caring about Woodlawn.
~ Kathy Young
Support a Student at Woodlawn
Help us engage with interns throughout the year; from the Hospitality/Travel & Tourism program at the Votech High School as well as college students for credit or experience. To be able to afford one in the winter and two each summer would be tremendous - for us and for them!
Winter and Summer Internships
High school and college level;
$1,500 - $5,000
Call the office and speak with Kathy (207) 667-8671
Pond Skating is Back!
Richard and Mike have done a lot of work to make the pond safe and as big as possible. With a bit more rain and another good freeze, we will be ready!
A Mi’kmaq Treasure
A small birchbark box with porcupine quill decoration rests on the dressing table in George Nixon Black, Jr.’s bedroom.
Measuring just 3” high and 5” in diameter this stunning container is made from birchbark, pine, spruce root, and porcupine quills. It is attributed to the Mi’kmaq tribe of eastern Maine and Canada.
Quillwork has been part of Mi’kmaq culture since long before Europeans set foot on American soil. Early examples of quillwork may be found on objects such as medicine bags, moccasins, knife sheaths and storage containers. To decorate with quills, first the porcupine’s naturally white quills must be washed, dried, dyed, and flattened to make them pliable. The colored quills are then sewn, or woven, onto the object in unique geometric designs.
In the mid-1800s, responding to the Victorian tastes of Euro-white settlers and the growing tourist market along the northeast coast, the Mi’kmaq expanded their craft to include a wide variety of objects such as calling-card trays, pincushions, frames, and toy canoes for sale to the summer tourist market. Eventually they even decorated chair backs and seats in
It is therefore fitting that in 1992, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts used funds from the bequest of George Nixon Black to purchase an lovely side chair with porcupine quill panels for the museum collection!
2021 Membership & Support Update
Thank you! I was gratified by the support for Woodlawn this year.
Some of you enclosed notes with your gifts:
"...we see a wonderful new direction (i.e. trail work, Family Field Day)
and look forward to helping and participating in making Woodlawn
a gift for us all."
"Thank you for bringing new life into the old museum."
By the numbers as of 12/29:
37 new supporters
76 who have given consecutively more than six years!
33 lapsed members who have donated this year
Nearly $45,000 on a $40,000 goal for our Annual Appeal!
Dogs off Leash - Loving it!
Every Sunday 8:00 - 9:00 am (ish).
We are slower in the cold, not the dogs!
Please RSVP to tell me you are coming! Thanks, director@woodlawnmuseum.org
Woodlawn is Hiring!
The Education & Programs Director is primarily responsible for developing, implementing, and reviewing the Museum’s educational and community programs.
He/she will establish and deliver a year-round education plan that reaches learners across generations, including, K – 12 school field trips to Woodlawn, adult tour groups and workshops, the teacher development workshops, and Downeast Senior College. The position is also responsible for developing a volunteer program and community outreach events.
To apply, please send a cover letter, resume, and three references (two professional/one personal) to: Kathy Young, Executive Director, Woodlawn Museum, Gardens, and Park, PO Box 1478, Ellsworth, ME 04605, Director@woodlawnmuseum.org by Jan 15, 2022
Wish List
- Wood chipper
- Snow blower
- Picnic tables
- Rototiller and other gardening tools - we are getting serious!
- Tulip bulbs and other perennials
Your support of Woodlawn maintains a unique historic home, trails, and programs for the Ellsworth community.
Thank you!
Woodlawn Museum, Gardens & Park
19 Black House Drive, P.O. Box 1478
Ellsworth, Maine 04605
(207) 667-8671