Spilled Paint - Grace
January 17, 2022

Spilled Paint - Grace

Just felt like we needed a face lift to our upstairs guest room. So I asked my husband if we could paint it.  Sure , he said and we went to Home depot, picked out a fresh white paint and he began the task …but it was too white… so he said if you want another color you take these gallons back and choose another. That was fair! So I gathered the paint cans, headed to Home Depot, parked near the outside baskets in the parking lot, loaded the 2 cans and pulled the basket to separate it from the others and crash; one paint can flew out of the back of the basket and crashed spilling and splashing the paint all over the parking lot area.  I picked up the can, put it in the basket and wheeled it into the paint department leaving a small trail behind.  

Walked up to the desk and this precious man named Don ( who has been there 20 years) said,  soooo whats’ the problem?  Pretty sure he could see…I had paint all over my hands and a basket with two gallons of paint, one that had obviously spilled…somewhere. I said I have a couple of problems…first I got the wrong color paint and second one of the gallons fell out of the basket in the parking lot and I am afraid I have made quite a mess.  And he just smiled and said “I think we need a “do over”.  Here are some rags to wipe off your hands, I’ll take care of the paint, and now lets find you a color that you like.  (Grey Feather was the winner) and that was that!!!  PURE GRACE! Instead of walking out with a discouraged, I messed up attitude, my slate was cleaned and my heart was full of gratitude and thanksgiving.  Of course I could not express that enough to my new friend.  And we talked all the way to the door, as he carried my new paint cans. 

I tell you this story as it was a reminder to me of what grace looks like when given  and feels like when accepted. And that is what God gives us each new day, “a do over”.

Grace is a ‘gift’ from God that none of us deserve yet God in his love, compassion and forgiveness gives it freely to all those who believe in his son Jesus’ name. It is not a gift that you open once, and use a little while and then put on a shelf. It is an everlasting gift, has no expiration date, it doesn’t run out of steam, and it surpasses anything of value on this earth.  It is not something that we often think about, oh but when it is shown in response to what we really deserve when we mess us, it is a blessing beyond measure. 

Grace is woven throughout the Old Testament but is most familiarly referenced in the New Testament.  The concept of God’s grace – unmerited favor shown to unworthy men and women – has been since the beginning of time. It is a gift that God unconditionally bestows upon all his children even thought none of us deserve it.  

In an article below, Sarah Koontz, of Living Design , shares a few of the Old Testament examples of undeserving souls, like us,  that God showed his grace upon:

God’s grace infuses Noah’s Story.
God’s grace endures in spite of Abraham and Sarah’s unbelief.
God’s grace for Joseph gave him strength to persevere.
Moses doubted God at every turn, yet God graciously guided him.
The Israelites repeatedly rebelled against God, yet He graciously rescued them. 
Rahab bravely asked God to save her (in spite of her past sins) and He did
David lusted, stole, fornicated, lied, and killed—yet God saw his heart and loved him.

Thank God that we are able to begin each day afresh, knowing that God has poured his grace upon us and given us a new start.  Sure we have done our share of things untold, words we regret, actions we wish we could recall, thoughts that have been unkind and deeds done and undone that have caused pain or anger, and our sin.  God does not see our shortcomings and weaknesses as flaws, but as opportunities to help us grow strong and faithful and trust in him.  God sees us through the lens of his righteousness, not shame or sin. 

Christ, who had no sin, came to this Earth, as you already know, and shared his example of how to love others and sacrificed his life on our behalf.  He furthered the pure GRACE of his Father so that we could faithfully live and love God with no restraints of death knowing we have been given eternal life through HIS salvation and grace.  

The grace of God powers our lives as believers. Jesus gave himself to redeem us and to cleanse us and to enable us to live righteously. No matter how hard or determined we are, we can’t do it on our own. It is not in our DNA!  None of us are worthy of God’s grace yet he continues to pour it down upon us in spite of how unperfected we are. 

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:6-9 As the recipients of God’s grace, Christians are to be gracious to others. Grace is given to us to serve others and to exercise our spiritual gifts for the building up of the church.  Grace is actively and continually working in the lives of God’s people. Grace is the ongoing, benevolent act of God working in us, without which we can do nothing (John 15:5). Grace is greater than our sin (Romans 5:20), more abundant than we expect (1 Timothy 1:14), and too wonderful for words (2 Corinthians 9:15).

It was just a simple experience at Home Depot but it left an impression on me on how I need to be more aware of the grace that I give to others. For as God gives his grace so freely to me, who is undeserving I too am called to do the same to those he puts in my path.  

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

All past emails can be found at: Cathyjodeit.com (Contents Page)