Continuing Education for Architects & LEED Professionals
Calculate Your Project's Carbon Impact
Over the past five years, Eli Gould has been educating architects about the benefits of specifying wood, as one of the nonprofit market development activities of the Quebec Wood Bureau in the US and internationally. With the new trends in timber, course themes have evolved from “why wood” to “how-to,” such as the current one-hour course called: Mastering Timber: How, When, and at What LOD to Introduce Carbon-Fixing Assemblies into Architectural Design.
In his course, Gould elaborates on the benefits of specifying wood, especially its ability to capture carbon. He describes the value of offsite construction in a labor-constrained market. Gould also explains how engineered-wood products can be used in larger and taller buildings, especially with changes to the 2021 IBC that acknowledge the life safety and fire resistance of mass timber with three new categories.
Gould asks the audience of architects and LEED professionals the question “What is the primary obstacle to using more wood structure in your practice?” The majority responded that “the design process doesn’t seem to allow for specifying wood structure.”
Now, thanks to industry collaboration, software innovation, and artificial intelligence, architects have free tools and resources to incorporate wood structure at the early design stage...
Did You Know
Wood products comprise 47% of the raw material manufactured in the U.S.
Wood products use only 4% of the energy needed for building construction.
Happy Holidays from the ATS Team.
We look forward to a new year of continuing education
including fresh event topics and new courses including:
Net Zero, Retrofit and Restoration, Biophilic Design, and Structural Design Solutions.
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Fire-Rated Products and Fire-Safety Design
February 7
Eastern Time Zone
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Building Envelope
Design Solutions
February 8
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Healthcare Building
Design Solutions
February 9
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Outdoor Living and Landscape
February 14
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Residential Design Solutions
February 15
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Building Green:
Products that Support Sustainable Design
February 16
Central Time Zone
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