Dear Families of the MS 104 Community:

Happy Monday! I hope this message finds everyone doing well. Over the weekend, we had two important days of observance. First, Saturday marked Veteran's Day which celebrates, recognizes, and pays tribute to all of the people that have proudly and bravely served our country. I personally extend my sincere appreciation and gratitude for all veterans who have sacrificed so much in service of our country.

The weekend also marked the celebration of Diwali. I hope all of our community members that observed Diwali were able to do so in the company of family, friends, and loved ones.

Finally, I continue to hope for a return to peace in the Middle East. I am saddened by the present state of affairs not only abroad, but right here in our own city. There have been reports of a rise acts of violence and hate rooted in Antisemetism and Islamophobia in recent weeks. I continue to remind our entire community that during times like these we must come together to support one another, take care of one another, and appreciate one another as best we can. I remain committed to creating and fostering an environment that is inclusive of people of all backgrounds and identities. All students deserve a community that values them and creates a sense of comfort while in school. This is job one every day, and it is certainly a priority for me during these times. I thank you all for your continued partnership, collaboration, and support.

The following information will be addressed in this message:

  • Adults Only 70's Dance This Friday, 11/17
  • Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Picture Day
  • Celebrations of Student Success

Wishing everyone a great week!


Rocco Macri, Principal

Adults Only 70s Dance This Friday Night!!!

Our Adults Only 70s Dance is this Friday, November 17th! The party will be held here at the school and doors to Studio 104 open at 6:30 PM. Its sure to be a groovy time!

Tickets are $30, and all proceeds go to our PTA. To purchase tickets, click here. Feel free to invite your friends to join us on the dance floor!

Looking forward to a fun time this Friday!

Parent Teacher Conference Thursday and Friday

As previously communicated, Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on the following dates:

Thursday, November 16th- 4:30-7:30 PM

Friday, November 17th- 12:20 PM to 2:40 PM (*this is a HALF DAY for students. All students will be dismissed at 11:30 AM)

Please be reminded that Parent Teacher Conferences will be VIRTUAL as per the DOE labor agreement with the UFT.

To register for conferences, click here.

If time slots are no longer available for a specific house or teacher, please email them directly to arrange an alternative time to meet.

On the left hand side of the form, you will find the links needed to register for the conferences. House teams are listed as one link, while math and elective teachers have individual links. Please be sure that you are aware of your child's teachers names when registering and searching for the appropriate Zoom links.

On the right hand side, you will find the Zoom links for the conferences to be used at the time of your meetings. Please note that these links will be added to the sheet as the dates for parent teacher conferences approach.

Picture Day is Coming!!!

Our eighth grade picture day is this Thursday, November 16th. All eighth grade students will be photographed with caps and gowns.

Picture day for our sixth and seventh grade students is Thursday, November 30th. All students will take a photo with their classmates. Any student that would like to have their picture taken individually will do so.

Students do not need to bring payment or an order form on the day their pictures are being taken. An online code will for ordering will be provided in the coming weeks.

Celebrations of Student Success

We know how hard our students work each and every day to be successful inside and outside of the classroom. Our staff is committed to recognizing our students success in a few different ways.

Lions of the Month: Each month, every house team will select two students and every elective teacher one student to be their Lions of the Month! Lions of the Month are those students that exemplify behaviors and actions that create a school environment that is happy, safe, inclusive, supportive, and respectful. Selected students will be celebrated by having their photo taken and displayed on our Lions of the Month bulletin on the first floor. There will be a celebration for Lions of the Month midyear. Details will be shared in the coming weeks.

Honor Roll: We are excited to reinstitute our Honor Roll, which acknowledges the strong academic performance of our student body. In order to make the Honor Roll, students must have an overall average of 95% or above, with no grade in any class being less than a 90%. Honor Roll celebrations will be held after marking periods one and two. More details on the celebrations will be provided as the dates approach.

Our Annual Fund is our primary source of fundraising. Your support will be more crucial than ever this year as our school faces unprecedented budget cuts and increased student need. Please give what you can.
Contact Us:

For school related inquiries, please email

For PTA related inquiries, please email