Your PIT/HIC Materials are ready!
January 2022
2022 PIT/HIC Training and Materials for HMIS
Required information for HMIS participating ES, TH, RRH, or PSH projects
All NC Balance of State, Durham, and Orange CoC Agency Admins must attend or review the 2022 HMIS Point in Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) Training before PIT night. If you are not an Agency Administrator, you are still encouraged to view the optional training!

2022 PIT/HIC HMIS Training & Materials
Thursday, January 20th Training

Additional Support Materials

These Materials are been posted to both the Training& Knowledge page and Data Center News Archive if you were not able to attend live. Stay tuned for How to Run guidance - we're working on some updates to make it easier on you.

HMIS Happy Hour for PIT/HIC Questions
Katie and Tonya will host an office hour for questions agencies. Bring your reports and your questions!
Friday, January 28th
9 am - 10 am
Summary of PIT/HIC
Key Dates & Deadlines
Here are the key dates to save for the 2022 PIT/HIC process for HMIS!

Jan 20 @ 1pm - Agency Administrator (AA) Training
Jan 26 night - the PIT night
Jan 27 all day - HMIS reports delivered to AAs
Jan 28 @ 9 am - PIT/HIC HMIS Happy Hour open for questions
Feb 4 end of day - Deadline to confirm all project data to Data Center Helpdesk
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Point in Time and Housing Inventory Count?
HUD requires an annual census of people experiencing homelessness in our CoCs and the corresponding resources that are dedicated to assist people. The 'people' count is called the Point in Time while the 'resources' count is called the Housing Inventory Count. This takes place on the last Wednesday of January (the 26th).

There are three data streams to count both people and resources resources:
  1. Unsheltered persons*
  2. Sheltered and Housed People in Non-HMIS participating projects*
  3. Sheltered and Housed People in HMIS participating projects

Why are we doing this?
PIT and HIC reports are sent to Congress, posted publicly, and essential for future community funding, educating stakeholders, and informing governance.
  • Consequent ail data used by HUD, ESG Office, and other to determine funding levels

What am I required to do?
For HMIS Participating ES, TH, RRH, and PSH, this means your data for Jan 26th must be complete and entered that night. Please plan to allow for fast data entry on clients you're serving that specific night.

*If you have questions about the Unsheltered or non-HMIS PIT Counts, please contact your CoC Lead or check NCCEH's Conducting the Point in Time Count webpage.
  • YES, an unsheltered count is happening.
  • YES, non-HMIS projects still need to report.

How should I prepare?
Plan ahead - run the CoC-APR or ESG-CAPER for your projects now to make sure that age, gender, race, ethnicity, veteran status, relationship to head of household, disabling conditions, homeless history, and DV history should be complete.

We will need your help to review and submit reports in the week after January 26th and will send more specific procedures in January. Steel yourself for a data flurry!
New to HMIS or missed a meeting?
Make sure to check out our News Archive page for links to past email updates and user meetings slides or recordings.

Any other questions?
If you have questions about data collection from clients, reporting, or anything else HMIS related, please reach out to us at Helpdesk!

We look forward to seeing you today at 1 pm!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |