November 2022
4-H Newsletter
Fall into 4-H!
Find your "Spark" with 4-H fun and learning!
Coming soon!
Growing With Code

Join the Spark Club in November to learn more about coding! Cloverbuds should plan to have a supportive adult attend with them. Please register here by Friday, November 4.
Community Service Challenge!

Are you looking for a way to support community members as cold weather approaches? Our community partners at Ibero American Action League are holding a Free Coat Giveaway on Saturday, November 19. If you have a coat to donate, please find the yellow Planet Aid bins near you and drop off there. Additionally, a need for hats, scarfs, and gloves has been identified. Let's share some 4-H love by completing a Monroe County 4-H Fill-a-Bucket challenge! Green 5-gallon buckets will be available for pick up at the CCE-Monroe Office on Saint Paul Blvd between now and November 15th. Encourage your family, friends, and club to keep the community warm as the seasons change. Combine your community service activity as a way to explore clothing and textiles projects, Directions for creating items is in the Leader Section of the newsletter. The 4-H Team can't wait to see all of the warm and cozy items you return to the porch.
Esports for Teens

Register here. Contact Kat Leo for more information.
Volunteer Opportunities!

Monroe County 4-H is seeking teens and adults who would like to offerr opportunities to help youth explore topics that spark their interest. Do you have a hobby or vocation or special interest that you would like to share with youth? These opportunities could be a one time offering, a series of workshops, or a new club! Reach out to Haven to explore possibilities!

Winter Solstice Celebration

Details coming soon!
Leader Activity of the Month
Be creative while helping others stay warm.
Club News and Special Activities
National Horse Roundup

Congratulations to Rose Lanzatella who will be traveling to Louisville, Kentucky as a member of the NYS 4-H Hippology Team. Attendance at this special event is quite an honor and culminates many years of hard work and learning! Thank you for representing, Rose and good luck!
Cobleskill ABC

Nate Nieves Dieppa attended the Cobleskill Agri-Business Career conference in October. The event included visiting area businesses and department on campus. Teens attended a panel discussion on 2 vs. 4-year colleges and experienced campus life at a line dancing event.
GCVM Agricultural Fair

The Posh Ponies 4-H Club and their beautiful bunnies visited the Agricultural Fair at Genesee Country Village and Museum and promoted 4-H!
Trunk or Treat

Posh Ponies 4-H Club members provided only treats at the Center for Disability Rights Accessible trunk or treat event. The first hour of the event was specially designed for youth who have sensory issues and the whole event was planned with inclusion and belonging in mind.
CCE Monroe Annual Meeting

Thank you to the dedicated volunteers and community members who visited the CCE-Monroe Annual Meeting. The 4-H Team was pleased to share the work of the 4-H community with attendees!

Paper Clover Campaign at TSC

Special thanks go to the Carney Family and the Agriculture Club for supporting the Paper Clover campaign. The funds from this event are used for camp scholarships and leadership opportunities. Consider volunteering in the spring at TSC of Joann Fabrics!

  • November 10 Growing with Code
  • November 15 Fill a Bucket Challenge concludes
  • December 19 Winter Solstice Celebration