
As COVID-19 variants circulate, we encourage everyone at Queens College—faculty, staff, students, and invited guests—to continue voluntary use of face masks, especially when indoors. While we have shared this message before, it bears repeating, especially with the confluence of new COVID variants and the flu season, and in a moment when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have added Queens to a list of counties where community infection levels are high and masking in public indoor spaces is recommended.

We encourage everyone in our community to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and the flu. Updated COVID boosters are now available for those 5 years of age and older (Pfizer) or 6 years and older (Moderna) who received their most recent vaccine dose at least two months ago. Find a COVID-19 vaccine site here (make sure the “COVID-19” tab is selected). The flu vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and older. Find a flu vaccine site here (make sure the “flu” tab is selected).

Queens College has been fortunate to have a very low positivity rate among its community members (1% in the most recent week; 1.6% cumulative total since tracking began on 8/25/21). As we monitor the latest scientific research about COVID-19 and expert guidance, such as from the CDC, we continue to encourage regular testing. Additionally, the CUNY random testing protocol is ongoing. If you are selected for the CUNY random testing program, please get tested within the prescribed 14-day time period at QC’s or any CUNY test site. CUNY testing sites locations and hours can be found at www.cuny.edu/coronavirus/cuny-covid-19-testing-site-locations/. For more information on CUNY’s random testing program, click here.

Anyone who is feeling ill or displaying symptoms of COVID-19 should avoid coming to campus or interacting with members of the QC community. If you or someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19, you must report the test result/exposure using this form. For more information, visit the QC COVID-19 website at https://www.qc.cuny.edu/covid/

Together we can ensure our own safety and health as well as that of the campus community. Thank you for your cooperation.


Frank H. Wu


Jane Guskin

Co-Chair, QC Chapter, PSC-CUNY

Max Thorn

Co-Chair, QC Chapter, PSC-CUNY


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